Friday the 13th: Day of the Goddess (Patreon)
Let’s talk and read a bit more about Friday the 13th and Frigga! Many people have different views on Friday the 13th and here is a little more information on the connection between goddess energy and Friday the 13th.
The English name Friday is derived from Old English and means “day of Frigg,” the Norse goddess of fertility and love, who is often perceived as the same deity as Freya. Freya is the Norse goddess of sex, beauty, love, fertility, and had a chariot pulled by cats!
Author Charles Panati has this to say about Frigga, who was also perceived as Freya, and Friday the 13th:
"The actual origin of the superstition, though, appears also to be a tale in Norse mythology. Friday is named for Frigga, the free-spirited goddess of love and fertility. When Norse and Germanic tribes converted to Christianity, Frigga was banished in shame to a mountaintop and labeled a witch. It was believed that every Friday, the spiteful goddess convened a meeting with eleven other witches, plus the devil – a gathering of thirteen – and plotted ill turns of fate for the coming week. For many centuries in Scandinavia, Friday was known as “Witches’ Sabbath.”
“The Christians also declared Freya, who was also perceived as Frigga, a witch. They said that her cats, once they served her for 7 years, they would turn into witches disguised as black cats. It is also said that she came down to a group of witches who numbered 12 and gave them one of her cats. Since then, witches covens have had 13 members. This is also why Friday the 13th is considered an evil day.”
However, “today some modern witches are reclaiming Friday the 13th. In 2012, urban shaman and ritual expert Donna Hennes wrote for the Huffington Post, “Up until the patriarchal revolution, both Fridays and 13s were held in the very highest esteem. Both the day and the number were associated with the Great Goddesses, and therefore, regarded as the sacred essence of luck and good fortune."
She explained, "Thirteen is certainly the most essentially female number — the average number of menstrual cycles in a year. The approximate number, too, of annual cycles of the moon... Thirteen is the number of blood, fertility, and lunar potency.” She added that in Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, Iceland, and Teutonic cultures, Friday is associated with “ the early Mother Creation Goddesses for whom that day was named,” called Freya, Freia, Freyja, Fir, Frea or Frig.”
So how do you view Friday the 13th? Do you have any spells you want to do? Have some sex, play with cats and celebrate, create & nourish yourself!