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If you have been wanting to do a ritual to celebrate Ostara, here are some ideas! These are really great rituals to try and they are simple, too! Do you have any special rituals for Ostara?


Key actions to keep in mind during this time in the Wheel of the Year include openings and new beginnings. Spellwork for improving communication and group interaction are recommended, as well as fertility and abundance. Ostara is a good time to start putting those plans and preparations you made at Imbolc into action. Start working towards physically manifesting your plans now.

Ostara Circle Notes From: Dorothy Morrisons-The Craft

- Use a green altar cloth, pastel colored candles, and decorate with wild flowers or flowers of the eason.

- Use small baskets of appropriately colored eggs to mark the Quarters.

Cast the Circle with the wand . Alternatively, use a flowering branch, Dogwood, cherry, and pussy willow branches all work well.

Ostara Celebration Ideas:

Serve deviled eggs and milk for libation instead of cakes and wine.

Using a white crayon, label boiled eggs with qualities you'd like to add to your personality or life. For example, you might label one with prosperity, another with kindness, and so on. Dye each egg an appropriate color, bless it during ritual, and eat it. Know that the quality's spiritual seeds have been planted within you and will flourish throughout the year.

Plant an uncooked egg at each corner of your property to ensure a fruitful home life. As you put each egg in place, say something like:

Fertile egg of ancient life

Bring joy and laughter-ease all strife-

And with your great fertility

Grant perfect love and harmony

To all who live within these bounds

Be they person, thing, wild life, or hound

Ostara Daffodowndilly Spell

The purpose of this spell is to make wishes concerning all areas of your life.

This is the perfect time of year for planting wishes that will come to fruition in summer and using plant ingredients for magic is a age old custom.

You will need:

- one green candle

- one yellow candle

- matches or lighter

- summer flowering bulbs, one to a wish

- soil or potting soil in a medium sized indoor planter

As part of your Ostara ritual and in a properly cast circle, work as follows.

1. Light the green candle saying: By the shoot

2. Light the yellow candle saying: By the flower I invoke OSTARAs power

3. Take each bulb and separately name it after the wish you seek to achieve.

4. Hold them in your hands and chant your wish into them with the following words: As the nights shrink down and this bulb goes underground, As the days grow long, so the thing I wish grows strong.

5. Bury the bulbs in the soil, or potting soil. Place your hands palms down on the soil and visualize the growth you have wished for coming to pass.

6. Keep the bulbs inside until the threat of frost has passed, then plant outside next to the spring flowering bulbs.

The idea here is to trade on the fertility of the daffodils by empowering summer flowering bulbs and planting them closely by. The summer bulbs will get the general idea from the flowering daffodown dillies and charged with your wishes hurry to grow and flower.

From Hearth and Home Witchery

Ostara Creation Spell

This joyous holiday honors the spring goddess, Ostara, whose name means "movement toward the rising Sun." Just as Imbolc signals the return of light, Ostara signals the awakening of the Earth. Trees are blooming, bulbs are pushing up out of the ground, birds are nesting, and animals are mating. The creative energy is at its strongest during this season. If you haven't decided what you wish to manifest this year, do so now.

To empower your goal, write it on a hard-boiled egg with a wax crayon. The egg is a powerful symbol representing the Universe in embryo. Your goal lives within you in the same way that creation lives within its egg, and like the egg, your goal has everything it needs to manifest. Now, draw two interlocking triangles to form a six-pointed star on your egg. This star symbolizes one of the most important keys in magic: as above, so below. What you can create in your imagination, you can manifest on the physical plane. Dye your egg a deep red to symbolize the goddess and life itself. Using your egg as a focus, work in the days ahead with the interplay of imagination and physical striving to achieve your desire.

By: Lily Gardner

A Spell of Reawakening

The Spring Equinox, called Ostara by many, is a day of perfect balance between night and day, darkness and light, slumber and awakening. Many craft traditions, covens, and solitaries have devised their own rituals for awakening Mother Earth at this time. Many of these can be traced back to England.

One common practice is to walk through a natural area, tap the earth three times with a staff or wand, and make a joyful noise to welcome the Goddess's return. This ritual is performed three times in keeping with the sacred number of many of the Pagan sects from western European countries. Now is not only a good time to awaken Mother Earth, but also to awaken ourselves. We should ask: Are we only going through the motions now? Or are we reawakening our spiritual selves, and seeing anew all the magical possibilities of spring? To awaken your own body, mind, and soul to spring's rebirth, give back to Mother Earth some of the things we've taken from her. Plant a tree, herb garden, or flowers. Feed her animals and birds. As you do any of these things, consecrate your offering by saying:

Mother Earth, Goddess we walk upon,

May my gifts be of value

Even after I'm gone.

Today, while I'm here,

May my offering be,

An act of love

for you from me.

By: Edain McCoy

Ostara Seed Spell

Small plant pot

- Coin

- Seed

- Soil

- Paper

- Ink

Write your goals and ambitions for the following year on the paper. Place the paper at the bottom of the pot, and lay the coin on top of it. Fill the pot with soil. Plant the seed into the soil, and water. Hold the pot between both hands and visualize your dreams/wishes growing as the plant does. Place the pot in a sunny spot, and nuture.

Ostara Ritual

Flowers should be laid on the altar, placed around the circle and spread on the ground. The cauldron can be filled with spring water and flowers, buds and blossoms may be worn as well. Arrange the altar, light the candles and incense, and cast the Circle. Say:

"Great goddess, you have freed yourself

From the icy prison of winter.

Now is the greening, when the fragrance of

Flowers drifts on the breeze.

This is the beginning. Life renews itself

By Your magic, Earth Goddess.

The God stretches and rises,

Tiger in His youth, and bursting with

The promise of summer."

"I walk the earth in friendship, not in dominance.

Mother Goddess and Father god, instill within me

Thorough this plant a warmth for all living things.

Teach me to revere the Earth and all its treasures.

May I never forget."

Ostara Eve Ritual

Light a purple or violet candle and burn patchouli incense . Carry them both through the house, and say: Farewell to wintry spirits and friends; On morrow we greet the spirits of spring. Our blessings to thee as your way we wend; And merry we'll meet next winter again. Blow out the candle and say: Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again.

Ostara Re-dediction Spell

Author: Edain McCoy

Re-dedicate yourself to your deities and renew your commitment to the magical life with this ritual. Invite your deities to your circle by lighting candles in their honor. Anoint yourself four times with the following oils: Sandalwood for purity, rosemary for power, lotus for spirituality, and clove for courage. When you are finished say:

Lord and Lady, as you dwell in me,

Make a fit vessel of me;

Give me strength and wisdom to do

All these thing I've promised to you.


Wigington, Patti. "Celebrating Ostara, the Spring Equinox." Learn Religions, Mar. 4, 2021, learnreligions.com/all-about-ostara-the-spring-equinox-2562471.




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