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I’ve been interested in researching deities along with the experiences others have had working with them. I thought I’d share a post that I found! This is from The Witches Circle on Amino App about working with Nyx.

🌙 Goddess of Night. Prophetic Psychic. Bringer of Stars and Moon. 🌙


“Many of you may have heard of Nyx and are looking to learn more of her, so like my Hecate post( Working with Hecate) I thought I would share what working with this goddess is like.

I have worked with Nyx for many years now and have a very personal connection with her. Nyx takes you in as her child and the bond you may find with her is one of great power and love but is chaotic and very much linked with darkness and the left hand path (LHP).

Edit: Discussing my relationship with Nyx was nerve wracking as I have a very personal and deep connection with her. All of your kind words and feedback as well as making this a featured post have made me so very happy to share my experiences so thank you all! 🖤”

✨Goddess of Night✨

“Nyx is a Greek goddess and she herself is older than Zeus. She was born from Chaos, the void and with her birth she brought us darkness, night time, the stars and the moon. She rides her chariot throughout the night and sprinkles stars along the sky to bring us our beloved darkness. Her consort Erebus is the personification of Darkness and also appears side by side Nyx in many visions and dreams of her followers and children. It can take many dreams, meditation sessions and rituals for Nyx to contact you, or it can take one. I myself dreamt of Nyx for years as a child before realising who she was and then started my connection and relationship with her.”

✨Sleep and Death✨

“Nyx has several children. Two of her sons are Hypnos (sleep) and Thánatos (death). With the night time come darkness and the unknown. It is said when you die your body returns to Nyx who makes you a star and she spreads your soul with those who have passed to create the stars in the sky. Because she has such a deep connection with sleep she often appears in the dreams of her children and this is how you become aware she has welcomed you into her arms. With her connection to death Nyx can be a darker goddess to work with. Like Hecate many people find it difficult to connect with her due to the darkness she veils herself in. Nyx does bring death and chaos into the world. Nyx is said to be feared and held in awe by Zeus himself. This goddess is not one to step lightly around. If you devote yourself to this goddess it is a lifetime commitment and one you must not take lightly.”

✨Nyx in Witchcraft✨

“So what can Nyx be called for? Nyx can be used in relation to magic during the night, moon magic or magic relating to air, sleep or death. She can help contact the dead and give you more energy and life during the night hours. My connection with Nyx means I often sleep during the day and am awake during the night. I often wake in the middle of the night suddenly and at times this is when I feel her presence with me. If you yourself find you can not sleep at night or prefer sleeping during the day you may have a strong connection to Nyx yourself!”

✨Nyx and The House of Night✨

“The House of Night Novels by P. C and Kirsten Cast are excellent YA novels about vampires and Wicca religion mixed into one! In these novels they worship their goddess of Night, Nyx. In these novels Nyx is represented slightly differently to the Nyx that I know. She comes across as a goddess who is part Nyx, part Wiccan Goddess and part Native American spirit. Due to this I love the books but ask that those who read these books understand that this is not the most true reading of Nyx.”

✨Contacting Nyx✨

“🌌 To contact Nyx, have patience, devotion and spend time staring at the nights sky above you, walk in the darkness and bow to the moon. You can mediate and hold rituals for her, ask for her to come to you in your dreams, leave her offerings and burn purple, black or silver candles for her. If you do not receive contact back and begin to feel no presence or contact please accept she has perhaps not accepted your offerings and give it time before you try again.”

✨Rituals for Nyx✨

“Use a purple candle to represent Nyx and the dark of Night, cast a circle with this candle in the middle feel free to add a personal item of yourself and items that represent stars, moons or representations of Night time and darkness.

Call to her and ask her politely to be in your presence.

Repeat this via speech or chant:

“It is of you I see the Night through, It is of you that I go to sleep every night, safe and sound. It is of you that I began to cherish the Night, and the sleep that came with it. It was of you, oh Goddess of Night, that I was able to rest easy when the darkness swallowed me at the end of the day. It is of you that gave me the sight to see at the darkest of times, when things seemed dim. It is of you that granted the power to blast through the pain and misery. It is of you, my mother Nyx, that I was able to follow the path to success. I thank you, oh Sweet Mother, for all that you grant me. I thank you for all that you give, and for all you say. Nyx, Goddess of Night, Mother to all her children of the darkness, I thank you for all that you do”

Leave an offering at this point, it can be of water with black dye, a painting of herself, something personal you wish to gift to her or dirt from a graveyard.

With this time meditate and focus on why you wish to be with Nyx, tell her of your devotion and love to the night. It’s best to do this ritual between 12-3am when the night is at its fullest. Prove to her you are a child of the night and darkness.

When finished the ritual end and close the circle with these words:

“I thank you Nyx for your wisdom and guidance. For keeping me sane when others drive me to insanity. I ask of you this night, to keep me safe while I sleep. To ward off any nightmares that insist on coming. I also ask of you, sweet mother of the night, to keep those who wish to speak negatively to me from doing so. I thank you Nyx, the goddess of night, for granting me the strength and power to get through my bad days. For helping me along when when I wanted to give up. You are an outstanding goddess and mother to your children. I thank you.”

Close your circle and either leave the candle to burn or blow it out. 🌌”

⚡️Disclaimers: All words are from Kelsey on Amino Apps unless in quotations. The hymn/chant is a general one reused throughout the world and is not my own work. All opinions are my own and this post comes from a personal point of view, feel free to PM me with any questions. ⚡️





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