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Here is a post about one’s experience working with Hecate. I’ve been doing research on deities and thought I’d share with you as well.

”Torchbearer, Keeper of the Keys, Goddess of the Crossroads, Mother of Witches, Psychopomp…”

Hecate (also knows as Hekate).

Mother of Darkness

Some say that she is queen of darkness and mystery and communicating with her can be dangerous and leave you with a sense of fear. This has not been my experience, she is understanding, especially of those who are different and have an interest in the darkness.

Be aware she is linked with dogs, wolves, spiders, snakes, bulls, lions and goats. A lot of animals who bring fear or discomfort. This is another instance of Hecate being represented and choosing those who may be different or involved with darkness.

Hecate embraces and mothers the children of the night and welcomes them into her arms. Yet she does not let them lightly become her children. Hecate does require commitment and devotion, she understands her presence is important to you and it is not the only thing you have commitment or responsibility to. But if you want her power and knowledge you must prove yourself to her.


Hecate is also the saint of crossroads. Making decisions that may result in very different consequences. Hecate can be called upon in times of need at cross roads. If you are in need of guidance in a time of darkness, confusion or feel lost. Hecate can be the goddess to open the pathways to your future and help you make the decision you need.

Contact Hecate:

If you think Hecate is right for you meditation and rituals can help contact and bring her to you. She may also represent herself to you in your dreams. Accept and thank her for her time. She will help you and cherish your devotion, especially if you show her your willingness to thank her for helping you through times of darkness and confusion. Even when I do not need help I contact Hecate and give her offerings. Please let me know what you think and feel of Hecate especially if you have success contacting her 🖤.

Orphic Hymn to Hekate:

“Hekatê of the Path, I invoke Thee, Lovely Lady of the Triple Crossroads,

Celestial, Chthonian, and Marine One, Lady of the Saffron Robe.

Sepulchral One, celebrating the Bakchic Mysteries among the Souls of the Dead,

Daughter of Persês, Lover of Solitude, rejoicing in deer.

Nocturnal One, Lady of the Dogs, invincible Queen.

She of the Cry of the Beast, Ungirt One, having an irresistible Form.

Bullherder, Keeper of the Keys of All the Universe, Mistress,

Guide, Bride, Nurturer of Youths, Mountain Wanderer.

I pray Thee, Maiden, to be present at our hallowed rites of initiation,

Always bestowing Thy graciousness upon the Boukolos.”



All opinions and writing is mine except when in quotation marks. Sources have been listed.





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