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Waxing Gibbous Magic! There’s generally a lot to focus on performing spells and magic for the full moon or new moon, but let’s talk about the phases that are in between! This post is all about ways you can hone your energy in alignment with this moon phase by Rachel Patterson on Patheos.

Not quite full…but getting there. Waxing means that the visible Moon we see is getting bigger. Gibbous refers to the shape which is larger than the semi-circle that we saw at the first quarter but smaller than a full circle.

Adjustments, stamina, commitment, refining, editing, reevaluate, determination, changes, potential, patience, go with the flow, organization, focus, clarity, goals, persistence, reviewing and openness. Honing, effort, energy, routines, building and re-building.

And that final push of effort…we are heading to the full Moon energy, so this is the last bit of effort to use the waxing energy to move things forward. Add to what you have been working with. Build on the plans, be creative and put the final touches to make things happen.

Write down all the goals and desires you have. Stand outside under the Moon and read the list aloud. Leave the list outside to charge with the Moon energy, or inside on a window sill. Then place the list on your altar.

Meditate sitting under the Moon, outside if you have a safe place, or inside by a window. Just sit quietly and focus on the Moon and the phase she is in. Ask her what guidance she has for you.

Create a mind map of how you would like your life to be and what you need do to achieve it. Take a clean sheet of paper and write your goal in the centre, then just jot down any words or thoughts on the paper, connected with that goal. Don’t think too hard, just let the words hit the paper. You can make sense of it afterwards.

Waxing Gibbous Moon Colours

You must work with the colours that you associate with this Moon phase, but here are my suggestions:


- Red

- Orange

Plants for the Waxing Gibbous Moon

You can work with any plants that you feel drawn to, but these are my suggestions. Also check out the food section for herbs, spices and foods that can also work in incense blends or spell workings:

Cleavers, coltsfoot, cramp bark, elder, elm, pansy, plantain, poppy, primrose, rose, scullcap, tansy, violet, yew.

Waxing Gibbous Moon Foods, Herbs and Spices

Eat foods that give you strength of body, mind and soul. Be open to new tastes and keep experimenting with your menus and recipes. Some of these foods can also be used in incense blends or spell working.

Baking powder/soda, cashew, chillies, cinnamon, coffee, curry, grapefruit, horseradish, lime, orange, paprika, potato, saffron, sesame

Crystals for the Waxing Gibbous Moon

You can work with any crystals that you feel drawn to, but these are my suggestions:

Amber, amethyst, bloodstone, orange calcite, citrine, garnet, goldstone, labradorite, lepidolite, malachite, black obsidian, petrified wood, clear quartz, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, tiger’s eye.

The Waxing Gibbous Moon is a time to make refinements to your goals, and your strategy.

It’s a time to check-in with yourself and see what’s working, and what’s not.

Is your timeline realistic?

What are the major obstacles getting in your way?

What kind of support do you need to keep going?

Where can you find that support?

Cooking for the Waxing Moon

For the waxing moon work with foods and menus that feed your soul, increase your strength and revitalise your spirit, bright, cheerful, spicy exciting foods. Bring magic into your cooking for abundance, healing, love, creativity, manifesting and setting goals and dreams into motion.

Try using recipes on the waxing moon that include meat, fish or chicken, beans, grain and pasta, lots of vegetables and natural yogurts. Fill your recipes with lots of herbs and spices, the good ones that boost your immune system. For afters go for dairy filled desserts or warming crumbles and fruit pies. This is an excellent time to try out new recipes and use ingredients that you haven’t cooked with before, be daring!

Waxing Moon – Broccoli, carrots, corn, garlic, onion, sweet potato, peppers, colourful vegetables, meat, chicken, fish, grains, beans, dairy, fruits, basil, fennel, thyme, ginger, turmeric, honey.

Frog Spell for Transformation

You will need:

- Image or photograph of a frog (you can visualise this, but it helps to have a focal point)

- A white or light coloured candle

- A black or dark coloured candle

- Ground cinnamon

Set your image of the frog in front of you where you can see it properly.

Pop the candles in front of the image, the black on the left and the white to your right.

Get the image of the frog in your mind.

Now light the black candle and say:

Magic of frog from the fairy tale

Change is a journey that will not fail

Transformation with a kiss

Work this magic, it will not miss.

Sprinkle some cinnamon on the candle (carefully). Now snuff out the black candle.

Light the white candle. Repeat the chant, then sprinkle the white candle with cinnamon.

Sit quietly focusing on the image of the frog and visualise the transformation that you want to occur.

When you are ready snuff out the candle.

Dispose of the black candle. You can leave the white candle and the image of the frog on your altar. If you need a reminder or a boost to your journey relight the white candle.







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