🌻☀️Spells and Rituals for Litha☀️🌻 (Patreon)
Here is a collection of my favorite resources with some spells and rituals you could do to celebrate the Litha, summer solstice, or whenever you'd like throughout the summer! Are any of these your favorite and do you have any you'd like to add or share?
💗Harmony Jar Spell by Mox Witch💗
This is a spell jar for harmony that uses flowers from Litha and the sun to charge it! It promotes harmony and well-being into your life.
- a small container
- wisteria (for overcoming obstacles)
- sunflower petals (for happiness)
- lavender (for harmony)
- sugar (for preserving love)
- lemongrass essential oil (for peace)
I simply combined my materials in my jar and left in the sun to charge and that’s it! Hope people find this useful and happy Litha to those of you who celebrate it :)
💨 Summer Winds Spell for Patience by Quiet Witchery🌬
What You’ll Need:
The sun (through a window, by going outside, etc)
Gold yarn/string
Dandelion (fluffy)
What To Do:
Get yourself in a ritual headspace. For this spell, I would recommend being outside, given that there’s a large weather/nature connection to it, but if you’re in a dorm or can’t for some other reason, access to the sun through a window should work.
Feel the sun’s rays on your skin. Feel them like they’re liquid, like honey slowing seeping into your bones and warming every part of you. Breathe deeply and taste the air. What does summer smell like? Is there humidity? Does the wind stir, or is it quiet and calm? Let yourself sink into the feeling of summer, and embrace the sounds and smells and feelings that come along with it; accept them and honor them, even the ones that may be unpleasant.
Recognize that the world is cyclic, and that as all things come, all things go, and life moves on. When you feel ready, take out your string and tie it to the stem of your dandelion. In the knot, visualize yourself placing your worries, the things that make you frenzied and stir crazy, the things you can feel are about to happen and the apprehension you feel, the fear that they will; this string represents your impatience.
Hold the dandelion with the string tied on it in front of you, and make use of your feeling of the air. If it’s already windy, you’re in luck; allow the summer breezes to wrap around you and cradle you, feel how patiently they drift around, in no hurry to rush towards fall or winter, content to be what they are– content just to be. (If there’s no wind, feel free to whistle one up or wait until there is.)
When you feel the wind and feel like you understand, saturated with the feeling of patience, ask the wind to take away all the things that keep you from feeling this way normally. Blow the dandelion fluff away, and watch your impatience be carried away.
🌸Litha Spell by Healing Sun Witch🌸
What you need:
- A bowl
- (Sun)water
- A bit of honey
- (Yellow) flowers, buttercups are best!
- Gold glitter
- 3 floating candles
What to do:
- Prepare for the ritual how you normally do (smoke cleanse, shower, cast a circle, whatever gets you in touch with your magic)
- Pour the sunwater into the bowl, enough that the candles and the flowers will float.
- Place the candles into the water, but don’t light them yet.
- Focus for a moment on bees. Think on them, on what they do. They work very hard and protect the hive. Think on those qualities within yourself.
- Pour a bit of honey into the water and say: “Sacred bees, makes of gold. Providers for hearth and home, I ask you for wealth and prosperity”. Now light the first candle.
- Focus for a moment on flowers. Think on them, what they represent. They grow and bloom and spread colour and happiness everywhere. Think on those qualities within yourself.
- Place the flowers into the bowl and say: “Sacred flowers of meadow and forest. You who spread colour and joy, I ask you for luck and happiness.” Now light the second candle.
- Focus for a moment on the Sun. Think on it’s power and radiance. It’s warmth and the feelings of summer. The way it shines and brings feelings of love to all it touches.
- Sprinkle some glitter onto the water and say: “Sacred Sun, wise and ancient. You whose gilded rays reveal beauty. I ask you to fill my heart with love for all that I am.” Now light the third candle.
- Sit for a while and look at the candles. Let their light warm you.
- If you perform this with a group, have one candle per person instead. Place the honey, flowers and glitter in the bowl while reciting the spell and then light your candle.
🕯Litha Candle Spell by Healing Sun Witch🕯
“With an open heart, I embrace the night
May the magick of Litha shine tonight
For this Litha Eve, twilight glows
I welcome transition from which my heart knows
I release all ego to the Sun, Moon, and Earth
My spirit rejuvenated by Nature’s hearth!”
Write spell onto paper of choice.
While holding the paper, bring the words to life via emotion. Remember, the secret to magick and manifestation is in the emotional vibration. The more you FEEL and VIBRATE as if you already possess your desire, the quicker you will pull that intentional vibration to you. So for a few good moments, or longer if possible, meditate and imagine the emotion and effects your transformation will cause; how wonderful you’ll feel, how many possibilities will open for you and how much lighter you’ll feel and live once you release all that weighs you down. The more imaginative and emotional, the better.
After meditating on that, place the paper powered with your intention into a cauldron or open flame. Revere your intention rise to the skies.
Rest assured that your intention is on its way to “being”. However, keep in mind that the more you self-fulfill your prophecy via emotional vibration, the quicker it’ll arrive. So dive into that successful emotion as often as possible!
🧚♀️Sunkissed Glamour Spell by Healing Sun Witch🧚♀️
Here is a little beauty spell to harness the energy of the sun and make yourself look radiant and sunkissed all the time! You will need:
☀ Water
☀ Citrine (optimism, warmth, radiance)
☀ Dried orange peel (beauty, sun energy)
☀ Rosemary (fire, sunlight, love, beauty)
☀ Orange, yellow or cream fabric and thread/ribbon
1. On the morning of a sunny day, drop your citrine in a little jar of water. Place it in a sunny place from sunrise to sunset, letting the energy of the sun steep into the water and warm it.
2. Take the water inside and look in a mirror. Remove any makeup you have on beforehand. Place some drops of the sun water in your hands, rub them together, and sweep your hands across your face, coating your skin in the sunlight energy. Visualize your skin sparkling and radiating.
3. Take the citrine out of the jar of water and place it in the center of your fabric square. sprinkle the dried orange peel in a circle around it, and then repeat with the rosemary.
4. Whisper into the citrine, “may the sunlight that shines down on me radiate through me.” Gather the corners fo the fabric and tie them closed with the ribbon.
5. Sleep with the sachet under your pillow for one night, then you may sprinkle the herbs in a sunny place the next day and carry the citrine with you. Anoint yourself with the sun water any time you need an extra kiss of beauty.
🌞Protection & Confidence Sun Spell by Sunshine Wix🌞
You’ll need a sunny day and very basic visualization skills. (I myself am terrible at visualization, but this spell uses external sensations to support you. It’s visualization easy mode.) Optionally, a pin or a pendant, especially one that hangs at about collarbone level, can be used as a “cloak clasp”.
Stand in direct sunlight, facing away from the Sun.
Close your eyes and feel the warmth on your back. Focus on its power. This is the source of all life on Earth. With it you can do anything.
Visualize this power as a covering garment. Mine tends to be glittering gold; yours might be red fire, or white light, or a shimmer in all the colors of a sunset. Make it your own.
Draw the cloak over your shoulders to meet in front, and over your head like a hood. Be enveloped in its power. Burn away anything that might do you harm.
If you’re using a “clasp”, put it on now. Imagine pinning the cloak to it, to keep it in place. This provides a tangible reminder of the cloak’s presence, and I find it helps to maintain it and to remake it next time. It’s amazing how much better I feel after a day with my cloak on!
☀️All Day Litha Ritual by Healing Sun Witch☀️
In The Morning 🌻
Wake up and make yourself a nice hot cup of chamomile tea. Find a window or go out on the porch and watch the sun rise from the sky. You may thank the Sun for it’s warm rays and light.
This is also a good time to start forming intentions and goals which you will need later. Or do some Yoga. Once your tea is done eat a nice wholesome breakfast. I myself am opting for some vegan yogurt with mixed berries.
Then you go on to do a shower cleanse. (or bath) I am going to use my lavender body wash to cleanse, my vegan citrus bar soap for energy, and my love and sunshine bath and body works sugar scrub to promote good vibes and tribute to the sun.
At this point you may get dressed in your favorite summer clothing and get ready to start your day. Before I leave the house I am going to do my Litha Tarot Card spread.
During The Afternoon🥧
As you go about your mundane day, focus on the sun and the start to summer, Take a walk in the park, tend to your plants, go swimming in your pool or river or beach.
During the afternoon the sun is at its peak energy. Put out some sun water and charge some crystals (That are sun friendly) in your windowsill.
I plan on baking a mixed berry fruit pie to share with my friends and family. I am going to head to my local fruit stand to make this pie.
As my pie bakes,I am going to start my pre-ritual.
I am going to start by decorating my altar with sunflowers and other things that represent summer. I am going to add a bottle of beach sand, Some seashells and sea water,along with sunflowers and some vines that grow just outside my front door. Once my altar is set up I will set intentions using incense.
You Will Need:
An Orange Candle
Oak Shavings
A white Candle
A List of goals and intentions
Something to play music
Crystals that have been charged under the sun
Some form of an offering (optional)
1. Start by Casting Your Circle. (Make sure you have everything you need beforehand so you don’t break the circle once it has been cast.
2. Setup the orange candle so it faces the direction that the sun is in.
3. Put your cauldron in the middle with you and sit comfortably with the music playing to meditate.
4. Meditate with your crystals and use the energy from the sun to charge all your goals for the upcoming summer.
5. In your cauldron, place the note of goals (folded) into the bottom and sprinkle the oak shavings over it. Light the white candle chant, “As the candle burns, my goals will manifest.”
(I am going to leave the candle to burn and “plant” my intentions into some flower seedlings with my goals and intentions placed underneath the flower pot in my windowsill.)
At this time you may close your circle and leave an offering to your deities,the universe, or yourself. Keep in mind that you can skip the morning and afternoon portions of the ritual and just do the ritual section if you’d like, too.
☀️Sun Meditations by Healing Sun Witch☀️
🌞Drawing in Sun Energy Meditation🌞:
This can be done right before any kind of Sun magic or working with Sun deities. It’s also a easy way to recharge your personal energies. If you’re tired and in need of an energy boost during the day use this exercise to recharge your energy levels. It’s also an excellent way to raise energy for any type of healing work
If possible, sit outside in a sunny spot where you will not be disturbed or, if it’s cold outside, stand by a window where the Sun’s light can shine on you. Sit in a comfortable position.
Close your eyes. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. Take 3 deep breaths in-and-out and allow your body to relax.
Turn your hands palm up, raise them to the sky (if that’s comfortable, just resting them on your lap, palms open, works just as well). See the Sun’s energy streaming towards you, and then draw it between your hands until you hold a fiery, golden orb of light.
Slowly lower your hands. As you do, see the Sun’s energy filling your body. See the Sun’s energy filling your head then lower your hands to your chest and see it filling your heart in the core of your being.
Lower your hands again and see the Sun’s energy fill the lower part of your body, going down the soles of your feet. Repeat as many times as you wish.
🌍Grounding Sun Meditation by Healing Sun Witch☀️:
This meditation is my favorite way to ground. The sun and earth work in harmony to bring you balance and strength.
If possible, sit outside in a sunny spot where you will not be disturbed or, if it’s cold outside, stand by a window where the Sun’s light can shine on you. Sit in a comfortable position.
Hold your hands palms up. See a ray of golden light shining on you. Concentrate on the light. Concentrate on emotions being felt and physical sensations. Feel or imagine its warmth on your skin.
Take a deep breath, and as you do, see the sunlight filling you. Take 2 more deep breaths, or until you feel filled with sunlight.
Now place your hands Palm down on the ground to either side of you. Imagine reaching down through the Earth - down, down to the fiery core of the planet.
Take a deep breath and, pulling up the fires that are at the heart of the Earth, take 2 more deep breaths until you are filled with the fires of the Earth.
Place your palms over your heart. See the golden sunlight in the fires at the core of the Earth mix and blend as they fill in circulate through your being.
Say or think:
Fires above, fires below
Within, without I am whole
☀️Endurance Ritual ☀️ (From Hearth & Home Witchery)
1. Write your birth-sign on a small stone in permanent pen
2. In a large flower pot, place the stone at the bottom.
3. Plant a marigold on top, placing seven stones around the plant.
As you work, chant:
"Sing me the song of seasons
Show me the sun's delight
Open my heart for you radiance
Lead me towards the light"
The marigold is the flower of endurance that always turns its face toward the sun, following its path through the sky. This ritual will give you endurance.