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The marvelous June Strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius peaks at 7:52 a.m. EDT on June 14th and it's filled with energy of luck, prosperity and love. Like the juicy, freshly picked wild strawberries, this Full Moon brings some sweetness as spring turns into summer. The Strawberry Moon gets its name for the strawberries that ripen and get harvested during this time of year in North America. This aligns really well with the spiritual meaning of this moon, because the Full Moon is a great time to celebrate your goals and fruits of your labor. Other names for the Strawberry Full Moon are the Honey Moon, Mead Moon, Blooming Moon and Rose Moon. As you harvest your mid-year goals, remember that this moon also wants you to celebrate the growth and progress you have made, too. 

According to Imani Rae, an astrologer and the CEO and founder of Raeon Collective, "the strawberry moon allows room for luck, love, and prosperity, making it the perfect time to manifest your greatest desires. Rae highly recommends whipping out a journal or penning a letter to the universe during this time. "Scripting is writing as if it's already yours," Rae said. "By writing as if you already have something, it helps with your manifestation." This moon also brightens the Sagittarius-ruled houses in your birth chart, bringing a strong sense of awareness to these areas.

Olivia Luchini of Pop Sugar says "It's not surprising that "love" is also a central spiritual meaning of the strawberry moon. According to The Old Farmer's Almanac, the strawberry moon is also called the Honey Moon in Europe. This is likely because June is the traditional month for marriages, and the month is even named after Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage. With that in mind, the strawberry moon might also be a period of reflection on past, present, or future romantic relationships."

During Gemini season, you may have been playing the role of a student by collecting information and knowledge about how to move towards your goals. Now you may feel like you've collected enough information to take a step forward. Chelsea Jackson from Elite Daily says "With Jupiter, the ruler of this lunation currently moving through Aries, it’s time to actively tap into your own personal truths — regardless of who agrees." You can receive guidance from the opinions of other people, but remember it's important to look within, because overall you know what's the best for you. Jackson also mentions how "The Sagittarius-ruled house in your birth chart is also where you harbor the most wisdom — so much so, that you even can teach others a thing or two about these topics. Now is the time to lean into your role as the teacher or guide, and during this full moon, you may find that others are far more interested in listen to your perspectives. Be sure not to doubt yourself now, you are informed enough to speak your mind."

During this lunar phase, your desire for spontaneity and freedom may increase. You could definitely use this Sagittarius energy to go on impulsive adventures. Harness this energy for anything that involves traveling or furthering your education, too. Even though you may not have all of the details organized, trust that your intuition will direct you where to go.

"Now’s a time to broaden our horizons, shift our personal paradigms, and shoot for the stars. Be optimistic when setting intentions now and don’t limit yourself to the low-hanging fruit. However, keep your wits about you — as a tough lunar connection to illusive Neptune could make it difficult to see things clearly. Thankfully, a gentle sextile aspect with responsible Saturn will help keep our feet on the ground, even if our heads, hearts, and spirits are sparkling among the stars" says Chelsea Jackson from Bustle.

She also mentions, "While the full moon won’t be closely connecting with lover planets Venus or Mars, we may still find that this Strawberry Moon energy sparks some summer romance. At the time of the full moon, balanced Venus will be aligning with unpredictable Uranus, bringing unexpected twists to our romantic lives or suddenly shifting our values. Meanwhile, passionate Mars is aligning with wounded-healer comet Chiron, making us touchy about past hurts and extra sensitive to any potential emotional threats. Be aware of this heightened tendency to lash out in defensiveness, but keep an open heart to exciting changes that could rock our relationships and inspire new connections."

How To Work With The Full Strawberry Moon Energy

- Channel this extra optimistic energy into anything that inspires you! Infuse your hobbies, causes and other inspirations with this magical energy.

- Meditate under the light of the Full Strawberry Moon or next to a window. Meditate with some relaxing music or put on some tunes to dance in the moonlight.

- Do a releasing ritual that lets go of heavy energy from the eclipses and retrogrades

- Healing meditation with crystals that focuses on acceptance

- Stay grounded and balanced. Meditate to calm chaotic emotions that may reveal themselves and try yoga to keep grounded and balanced.

- Stay in the moment! Put a pause on any extra work you are doing so you can enjoy the warmth and nature of summer.

- Enjoy some juice strawberries! Go strawberry picking! Drink strawberry tea, wine, juice or a smoothie.

- Think about how you want to celebrate the Summer Solstice that's coming up

- Make moon water then infuse it with the magic of strawberries

- Journal and reflect on your career and goals by asking yourself which direction you want to go in

- Read something new, learn something new, research a topic you want to know more about

- Go on an adventure!

- Work with Honey Calcite! This optimistic stone promotes an increase in confidence, clarity, self-worth and taking action. It also encourages positive relationships and give us courage to overcome challenges. Keep this stone with you, in your work space, your home or wherever you want to restore balance or cleanse.

- Work with pink crystals, like rose quartz, pink opal, rhodonite or rhodochrosite for loving energies

- Research the magickal properties of strawberries and write them in your Grimoire











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