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This post is all about pet protection spells! Do you do any magic with your fur babies? Here is a collection of resources with protection spells for them!

🐱Pet Health/Protection/Anti-Anxiety Spell Bottles by The Tesse Rae 🐶

Note: Make sure to ask your pet if it is okay if you take a small amount of their fur. If they show discomfort in this, use their favorite type of treat or something and you may connect with them.

Pet Health Spell Bottle Ingredients:

- Salt (Purification and to ensure the spell bottle lasts)

- Eggshells (Protection)

- Pine (Banish sickness and bring about good luck)

- Lavender (Healing, love, and calming)

- Cinnamon (Health and good luck)

- Small amount of fur (to tie it to them)

- Green Candle (Luck, recovery, connectedness to nature)

- Brown Thread (Animals, pets, locating lost items)

Anti-Anxiety Pet Spell Bottle Ingredients:

- Salt (Purification and to ensure the spell bottle lasts)

- Lavender (Calming)

- Basil (Peace and protection)

- Mint (healing)

- Cinnamon (Health and good luck)

- Small amount of fur (to tie it to them)

- Green Candle (Luck, recovery, connectedness to nature)

- Brown Thread (Animals, pets, locating lost items)


1. Gather your ingredients. Use all dried herbs to make sure no mold will grow in the bottles. You want these bottles to last and to provide protection for as long as they possibly can. If possible, have your pet in the room or nearby while doing the spell.

2. Cast your circle, invoke the elements or your deities or whatever you want to do.

3. Light your green candle and then begin adding each ingredient (salt first, fur last, otherwise the order doesn’t matter) As you add ingredients continually repeat (either in your head or out loud)

“Healthy eyes and nose and heart

keep her/him safe when we’re apart

Good luck good health and protection

away with illness and affliction

(pet name) please stay always close

and know my love forever shows”

If you are not one for spoken spells or chanting, you may also write this out on paper and burn it before you add the ingredients, and then think of your intent as you add each ingredient

4. When all ingredients have been added, tie the brown thread around the bottle neck and seal the bottle with green wax. Then keep the bottle in a location your pet often uses. You can cut open the lining of a pet bed they sleep in and sew it closed, sew it on to their leash or keep it in the same area you keep their food or treats.

5. Collect any spilled ingredients and thread trimmings and bury them in a nice sunny place.

🦉🦆Pet and Familiars Protection Spell by Urban Spellcraft and Tari Grove Blog🐷🦡

What You’ll Need:

- Sage (White Sage is endangered so I used a sage scented candle as to not further the harm. Garden Sage may be a suitable option as well)

- A sprig of Juniper large enough to lay across a candle (if you pick this fresh, be sure to thank the tree for aiding you)

- A green candle (White also works)

Step One: Gather as many of your animals together in one area as possible. For those not able to be present you can take the blessing to them at a later point.

Step Two: Lay the sprig of Juniper (and the sage if you have it natural) across the candle top near the wick but not smothering it. Light the candle and let the flame reach up and burn away at the juniper.

Step Three: Walk a circle around the area with your candle and chant the following:

Juniper protect them from ills inside and out

From matters of heart to matters of doubt

May their days be long as your branches are tall

And may my love for them protect them from any and all

Burn on, burn bright, let my magic cast its spell

Against every harm let this enchantment repellLet them be happy

Let them be healthy

Let their lives be filled with fun

And now with this fervent wish

Let this spell for them be done

Step Four:  For any animals not present at the circle, this is the time to take a blessing to them. Hold your hand above the candle and let it soak in the energies of the smoke from the burning juniper. Then press your hand (finger if it’s a smaller friend) to the head of the animal and say I protect thee.

Step Five: Let the candle burn itself out naturally and the spell is done.

🐿🦔Animal Protection Spell by Urban Spellcraft and Judika Illes 🐈‍⬛🦊

1. Find or make a candle with the image of the animal.

2. Carve the animals identifying information.

3. Anoint the candle with protection oil and burn.

Protection oil

- Ground cinnamon

- Galangal root

- Ground peppermint leaves

- Dried Rue

- Ground vervain

- Ground vetive

Add ingredients in olive or sunflower oil.

🐶Pet Protection Spell Bottle by Natural Magics🐱

- 1 cup of soil

- 1 cup of salt

- 1 white taper candle

- 1 wine bottle

- 1 stick pin

- 1 bay leaf

- 1 tablespoon of dill seeds

- 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds

- 1 green apatite stone (small)

Pour ½ cup of dirt into the bottle, then ½ cup of salt on top of that (to make layers). Next, add the bay leaf, dill and fennel seeds. Pour the remaining ½ cup of salt on top of this, then pour the remaining ½ cup of dirt on top of the salt. Drop the green apatite stone into the bottle.

Use a stick pin to carve the words “Protect (pet’s name)” in the candle. Fit the candle securely into the top of the bottle. Burn the candle when appropriate or as needed, replace the candle when it has burned itself out.







