💰Let's Make a Money Bowl + a Printable!💰 (Patreon)
Let's make a money bowl! This is a bowl you can make to keep money and financial flow coming towards you. What you spend, you get in return. Keep the flow of abundance going. This is really customizable for the ingredients you have and can get access to! In the attachments, you'll find a black and white printable, but I also included the text in this post below. The photo in this post is my own money bowl I made earlier!
- A bowl, mug or other type of container
- Salt or rice (or both!)
- Prosperity herbs (Such as mint, cinnamon, dill, basil, cloves, etc)
- Green candle (white works, too)
- Prosperity crystals (Citrine, pyrite, green aventurine, tiger's eye, malachite, etc)
- Coins and dollars (or one or the other)
- A few bay leaves
- A Sharpie
- Optional:
- Prosperity oil
The Ritual
1.) First cleanse your bowl or other container that you are using. You can use smoke, sound or any other cleansing method you choose.
2.) Next add your salt and rice. Salt is for cleansing and protection. Rice is for abundance and protection. If you only have one available, that's completely fine!
3.) Add in your chosen prosperity herbs and mix them in with your salt and rice clockwise to draw prosperity towards you. (Optional: If you have prosperity oil, add that into the mix)
4.) Add your green candle (this can be a tea light, chime candle or anything else) and add some of the prosperity herbs and oil with it.
5.) Next, get some bay leaves and write the wealth rune, prosperity sigils or the Angel number 888 for abundance, or whatever else you choose with the Sharpie.
6.) Add your chosen prosperity crystals, coins and dollars.
7.) Light your candle. Repeat these money mantras: I attract money easily and effortlessly, I am worthy of financial success, money is abundant to me, I am a money magnet, money is drawn to me, I am attracting money at this very moment
8.) Light this everyday and repeat your affirmations. When you do so, really hold the vibration of your intention about money coming your way. Refresh your bowl the first of the month and keep feeding your money bowl with coins and dollars if you feel called to throughout the month.