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Hello people, I am reporting. My apologies I am not very active. even here is kind abandoned... sorry. I am on my house with my sister, she is sick and with all my family we are caring her. She has fibromyalgia and well, for me is a new desease and I never even know about it.

So I am spending most of my time with her, so I am very distracted on RL. About pictures I have tons of pictures already but I haven´t time for post and share. I hope with the time show my new content, but for now be patient.

Also my bad and my apolith the people comissioned me pictures, I am not working as I want, be patience, and I hope soon I can able to do something.

For now that´s all, see you soon. 



Oh no. I hear about that disease in TV commercials during dinner. There are treatments for it, seems that if it stays with the body less than 2 years its more likely to go away. But its not an easy thing to get rid of. I don't really know what it is other than muscle pain. Hope the family can get the treatments to help.


Thankfully she only has pain on bones, her muscles are ok. She is getting better. :)