Another Report (Patreon)
Hello people. I am preparing new art, I have around 11 pictures ready for publish, but I am going to post it slowly, between the pictures I have already pictures of Bambi with Faline (twitterpated situations), other with Ronno, and other funny situations and I think nobody tried before.
Other thing, I am preparing pictures for april fools, some ideas are from my old sketches (take a look, I´m going give you a hint: Djali´s "boner". =P) and this year will be for Bambi and company more older, and I am going to make a new design fo Bambi: a design between teen and adult (it will be a bambi without the wig on the head and antlers more bigger but not too much), looks interesting and elegant. I hope soon post my designs. Also is coming more art of Faline, and many are very sexy. :)
And well, I am kind of sad because I am not having time for post art, my apologies for it, I hope soon post new art and I hope you like it.
For now that´s all, let me know what do you think and if you have more ideas please let me know. See you soon. :D