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Sunwave Hotel v14.15e is here!

This new update includes the full Zatanka Mega Scene and a follow-up scene you can unlock when you complete the Main Quest.

Beyond the Zatanka scenes, this update also includes some more content with Olera and Omi as they try to navigate their lives as daughters of a crime lord.

Lastly, we've spend some time tweaking Perluun's story content. Her 3rd scene has been completely rewritten from the ground up. We're interested to hear what people think of her enchanted content.

Technical Details

This update has 14639 words and 68 new renders.

Looking Ahead

We will add a bit more of Zatanka's story content in December. Vynore is also getting her mega scene too, we just completed the first part of the scene. Kuhno will also get 2 more scenes, and Corsoni's mega scene just needs to be written to be uploaded.

Thank you have a great weekend!

Free Builds are always available for those who want to try out he game. If you like Sunwave Hotel, please consider supporting us here or on Steam.


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