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Sorry that I haven't been doing much posting since the latest release. Just been super busy keeping the plates from falling off their poles heh. Very happy to show off some teasers for this new scene.

The artist nailed the pose. Once I found the reference, I was like, that is just perfect Kuhno posing. As you can see, it also will have a pregnant variation for if you knock up your lovely blue-haired mercenary.

This scene will be featured as part of Kuhno's Vacation, essentially her ending scene, if you do her Romance Path.

This weekend, I'll try to drop by and share some of Vynore's mega scene content as well.

To all who celebrate, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow. I try to remember that even when I'm feeling down and things seem rough, I still am very fortunately and I'm thankful for a lot of stuff that I get to do, such as bringing you fans and supporters something special and naughty.

Thank you as always for coming by. Have a great day!



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