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Good morning guys, got a new t-shirt! ☺️ A friend made it for me, what do you think? 😜

I'm back to work today, ready to try and finish that music video that's taking me forever, and also work on two new songs I just can't get out of my head. It seems the next album wants to be written along the way this time ☺️
Happy Wednesday! 😘❤️



Roland Massing-Fritz

Esta camiseta te queda perfecta 👍👍👍. ¿Dos canciones nuevas? Demasiado bien !! 🥰🥰🥰. Buen miercoles. Abrazos y besos tiernos 😘 😘 😘

Jesse Delgado

Great tee and I’d love to taste your Koll Roll!👅


Estoy trabajando en ellas estos días, tal vez las comparta cuando termine las primeras demos que me gusten ☺️😘❤️