February Writing Update (Patreon)
2016-03-01 02:10:55
Even if it was a day longer this year, February ends today.
my word count for the month is : 68,453 words. I am quite proud of that.
Alright, so what did I work on?
I wrote Chapters 38 through 50 of Missing Son, finishing the first draft
of this story. it is 121,273 word long. a lot longer than I expected it
to be.
For the Second draft of The Society I did Chapters 3 to 17
I started working on part two of Dietrich's Loss. since so many readers said there should be more.
I'm about half way through the edits on Wasteful death, although they
are getting tougher and I'm concerned I might have to delay the book.
My Tristan novel was published.
And Demon, the 4th book I'm planing on publishing this year is now before my Beta readers.