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Howdy, esteemed Benefactors --Hulky here with a new entry into our Deities series of releases: The Anarchy. This entry, like the inevitable encroachment of universal heat-death, has been in the pipe for a hot minute; with the climactic ending of Season 3, however, now feels like as good a time as any to take a deeper look at this mercurial Fundamental. 

Initially introduced in the Lore: Pantheons document, The Anarchy has been mentioned and somewhat explored through the lens of a particular arboreal adherent since the start of Rotgrind, though -- true to form -- it had become a sort of living concept and grown alongside Rehua as he continued to learn and change. From Thurston's concepting, I wanted to try and explore the broader concepts at play with a chaotic entity and what it represented. Chaos, of course, remains integral to the deity, but the multivariate interpretations of the word provided an avenue to create a greater, unifying vision for the god that they needed to represent. Entropy was the first and most formative concept among them - the idea that chaos underpinned and was the inevitable shape of everything there is, that discord is the clay from which order is shaped, and the disparate fragments that it will eventually become. Cycles of destruction and creation that are driven by an unseen current permeating the universe, nature (or the natural, unmolested state of the world) and its cyclic qualities prized among all else. A god that delights in all forms of change, but especially change in pursuit of new and greater states than something was before. From here, The Anarchy evolved into something representative not just of change, but of progress. Like the universe itself decrying that growing beyond what we were into something more is the greatest good to strive for.

How do you represent something like this, then? What can you do to visually crystalize these concepts and wed them to a particular sight? Jamie and I pondered this particular knurl of thought-sludge, but ultimately their concepting was what uncovered the pearl amid the muck and helped us settle on something: black holes. Unfathomably tremendous, awesome stellar objects veiled in scarlet shades and surrounded by an accretion of ordered mass marching towards yawning oblivion. We know a whole hell of a lot more about them than we did, but the unknowns make it all the more captivating, especially the notion that black holes may have a sort of dualism to their summary annihilation of whatever crosses their event horizons in the form of "white holes" that disgorge and return what was destroyed elsewhere. I'm no scientist, but that just means I don't HAVE to have the facts. The theories are cool as hell and that's enough to run with when making ink-black blobs of starstuff to represent a chaos god. Go us.

You'll be able to read a lot more on its nature, followers, and its effects on the world of Tyne in the PDF, no sense in prattling on about every lil' aspect because we'll be here for another 15 paragraphs of inspirational exposition! Change is a beautiful thing, especially growth. Whether you've also been on your own journey of personal growth or have the hunger in your heart for it, be the positive change you wish to see in yourself and your world. The cosmos, with its teeming, uncountable eyes above, are watching with gleeful anticipation. c: 

~ HulkyKrow

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May your rolls be 20s and your life always be a critical success!

- The Narrative Declaration Team



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