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Hello everyone.

Deandrea already have one scene where you can have fun and I try to make a second for her. This is not final version there will be some detial edit / add.... And yes as you write most on previous post it is from behind... Maybe she need 3rd scene to draw to be complete... hmm who know? what should it be?

Thanks for support...




needs a friend or two just for those hard to reach places


Looks good)

Jonas Wulff Christiansen

fucking her missionary/or in lap style while drinking her milk and grabbing her booty cold be fun... other than that it looks good:D


Huh... I see what I can do... it can be a big chalange for my draw style...


Thanks. I check you site... Your 3d render look good. I think If you improve face details and create more impressive clothes your game would be famous...


Would have been a huge shame to be showing off a sexy female Deathclaw and NOT do naughty things. imo it's the selling point of this game X3


When I first draw her - half year ago I was not sure if CG will be in game... now when it is certain I will try to draw something nasty for her hope you like it :)