New possbility and translation
- Two is enough 25
- Add Obee 27
- Add extra character 28
- Add Obee and Extra character 275
So here is another pool. This one is about slave market I already decide that you can assign one of your characters to empty spot.
As you can see, now you can choose Milkgirl or L.A.B. And I am thinking about create some special scene for Obee too or just create new special character to vault with some story and possibility to assign her to work in slave market. So you can decide now if you can assign 2, 3 or 4 characters to blind spot in slave market.
Next update will be all about filling blind spots and mikgirl rework so I already make some scenes for Deandrea - rework milkgirl and her missions and now working on this one.... I want to create a character picture for slave master (In slave city). I know about some blind spots in Hideout so maybe I will patch them too. But if you have other ideas / wishes I am here to listen....
PS: I attach a translation file in this post. If anyone is angry on my bad english and want to help me with proof reading I will be happy...
Thanks for support...