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  • EPISODE_368_To_Whisper_... - audiogram.mp4
  • EPISODE_368_To_Whisper_... - audiogram.mp4



Friend of the show Libby Watson joins us to talk about: A support group for the hyperintelligent, the sovereign rights of you and your snake, dream-to-dream communication, and the Clipping Report.


Find Libby on Twitch here: twitch.tv/libtron




Finding out what this episode photo was about was so much more satisfying than I could have imagined


oh how I'd love to share my dreams of puttanesca with my dear friends

Russell Evans

As an unwilling brit (Welsh) who was told they were good at reading books in primary school, this episode is triggering af. 10/10, will listen again.


Definitely some attempted murder cover-up trick shots

Jan Meyer

Is it just me or does a lot of "Chip in Head"-stuff seem like Trepanning with extra steps? Also the opposite of double blind is "ultra lucid".


Shifting trend always caused a moment of linguistic confusion when I saw it online because shifting is Irish slang for snogging. As recorded here by this song funded by our public broadcaster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkEimy0xGTk


a wonderful episode from start to finish but i have to praise Ben for taking a fairly generic intro concept and turning it into something beautiful

Stephen Reeves

Dave Hughes’ Lucid Dreams was robbed as an episode title.

Jordan Minehan

"What seems to be the python, Officer?"

Declan Kennedy

listened to this twice already because a) Libby rules, and b) it's incredibly funny Lucy asking if you'd like to see her cunny almost made me slice off my thumb while I was making bolognese, 5/5

Gary McCammon

So who had the Polo over their eye for the intro?

Jan Meyer

I nearly ruined my keyboard. With spilled Soda. Not with something else. This is not a suspiciously specific denial.

Jan Meyer

Amazing how often I said "Fuck You" during the Gifted segment without even realizing it.... I think I might be an empath...


The Avenged Sevenfold doesn't just scream is funny because the singer cant scream, he used to scream so much he fucked up his voice.


"He said puttanesca in his dream" is very "he died with a falafel in his hand"