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  • BONUS_EPISODE_Hot_Spits... - audiogram.mp4
  • BONUS_EPISODE_Hot_Spits... - audiogram.mp4



Lucy, Theo, Andrew, and Ben bring you: A South Australian competition for extraordinary eggs, a long-forgotten firearm re-discovered, daydreaming of a year of nog, and running and hurling for charity.



Pete Conneely

Before listening, I'm hoping from the description we get a triumphant return of BIG EGG! Egg-citing.


*flailing in my crib* Eggs! Eggs! Oh im starving to death for some eggs!

John Harwood

Can we get a nog remix of the egg theme too? Asking for a friend.

Noah Z

Man, that nog segment gave me the mouth sweats (or hot spit as it’s apparently also called)

Joe Wakefield

Andrew is a southerner at heart so he appreciates the gift of a hot donut you can shove in your mouth


Big egg intro best of all time

Joe Wakefield

The nog run sounds like our local “Krispy Kreme Challenge”. You run 2.5 miles, eat 12 donuts, then run back 2.5 miles.

Mathieu Debic

i’ve been loudly proclaiming “BIG EGG” to my wife for weeks, and now i am vindicated

chortle heartily

y’all really have a finger to the pulse of American women who are excessively interested in seasonal foods and decorations

Pete Conneely

Even better finding out afterwards me saying 'egg-citing' is looked down on by Ben. I have no rEGGrets


Heading on over to the puke fetish subreddit to make sure they all know about the Nog-a-thon


I would listen to a full song length version of the big Egg sting. Please I’m begging you

Declan Kennedy

fall culture is particularly funny in Florida where it's a sign that the trees are going to stay pretty much the same and it's still going to be 15C with 80% humidity soon


The podcasts I listen to are sending me messages again because you guys talk about JFK and MBMBAM’s most recent episode also mentions “assassination” and the “grassy knoll” …


something something Yolko Ono

Matt Farragher

Encouraging people to look up Beer Mile World Championships to see true athleticism


it was a head shot

Sarah Burt

Always entertaining and strange when news from little towns I'm intimately familiar with gets talked about in here


Too bad there’s no omens and portents segment in this ep, I just got back from the Earth show and I can’t hear very well at all


Me looking in the mirror for the rest of my life: "🫵😶 DEI chin."

Bryan Zeck

hey i had eggnog last night before listening to this! I am an american hog

Bryan Zeck

dude that nogathon is bitchmade - the real vompetition is the North Carolina State University Krispy Kreme Challenge: https://www.ncsu.edu/spirit-and-traditions/krispy-kreme-challenge/

Bryan Zeck

i should clarify: 2.5 miles, 12 donuts at the halfway point, 2.5 miles back. there are very few finishers