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  • EPISODE_369_Everybodys... - audiogram.mp4
  • EPISODE_369_Everybodys... - audiogram.mp4



Theo and Ben bring you: A battle betwixt HOA and free water, the bond betwixt man and Jeep, and the thin line betwixt organ donation and organ harvesting.



Jordan Minehan

Hi tiktok. Today i want to tell you about an important safety tip. A toy duck on your car means you've been targeted for human trafficking. If this happens to you, you should burn your car and call the police IMMEDIATELY. Stay safe out there.


The Guys! A Podcast About Guys episode about Jeeps supports this


Need someone with some clout to get Ben on a Cryptid/Bigfoot Guys episode


"have blimps got more expensive?" out of nowhere hits like a hypnosis induction or zen koan

Noah Z

This is the second time this week that a podcast has told a story that chills me to my core lol


He made jeepers creepers after the pedophile conviction too!

chortle heartily

Hey Ben, as a lesbian/Subaru Forester driver, I’ll give you a dyke pass 👍🏻 you’re welcome at any future Subaru functions

chortle heartily

Yeah the Jeep duckies are “cute” and “innocent” but as a self-appointed Roadway Safety Narc I reject any baubles that obstruct the driver’s field of vision. I’ve seen Jeep duckies as big as actual real ducks, and that’s just an impairment to the driver.


The Jeeple are real and spreading fast in my area. My manager at work is really into Hamilton, so she bought a bunch of ducks that we were made to hand out to Jeeps in the drive-thru. I gave a cop duck to one Jeep girl and she was fully moved to tears. I am working on plans to emigrate.


Duck Tuah, Quack On That Jeep


this episode brought back some fond memories! i was very ill a few years ago and was hospitalized, and at one point i started hallucinating, and i thought that the doctors were trying to steal my organs, but i was too weak to pull my IV out and flee, so i just kinda sat there and went "well fuck, i guess they're gonna take my organs : ( " anyway im like 80% sure i've still got everything in there, but it's nice to know they could have if they wanted to


Also, my husband is the owner of a Jeep Wrangler (we live in Utah, thanks for always keeping me up to date with the weirdest stuff happening in my state! I first heard about the goat meteor and the girl in Provo who fell off the pickup before her wedding from y’all) and he wanted me to explain that in the really rocky and mountainous parts of the US, we do off-roading that’s a little different than sand dune stuff and does require having high ground clearance and something like a Wrangler in size and form. So I think it’s safe to say he was slightly triggered 😂


His Jeep has no ducks at all, so just imagine what that says about us as “Jeepers”

mexicanhalloween .

yeah, I'm just going to call it now, thousands of black people have been "declared braindead" in a similar manner and nobody stopped them

Mathieu Debic

i like to think that i have a pretty high tolerance for weird stuff other people like, but the jeep stuff made me want to [REDACTED] myself

Gary McCammon

My choices of things to think about: 1. Human vivisection organ harvesting 2. The Porcelain Man 3. The U.S. election I'm going with #2.

Ophelia Beatrice de Sica

I'm on SNRI and some other meds. I have 0 fears. I couldn't donate my organs if I wanted to.

Wikifeet Community Moderator

Ever since listening to this episode I've felt my zest for life return, makes me want to get out there and make a difference. Almost like something in me has been activated.