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Well, i thought they don’t care about who do they take in to a army but i it looks like i was wrong.

There is some kind of filtration by a psychological test that you make on a military base. It looks like i failed that test. Was answering honestly on tough questions. Would like to share what kind of questions are there but I don’t think i can.

Im back in to my flat that i rent right now. All this stuff took 5 days. They told me to wait for the call and be ready So i can’t  tell what is going to happen next. More questions than answers,

Day 1 - You have to spend a whole day ( 7 hours in my case ) in a queue just to talk for 3 minutes .

Day 2 - You have to go through all the medical inspections they tell you to . Again , the whole day.

Day 3 - You have to go there and do some paper work.

Day 4 - At the end of day 3 they told me that I'm going to be located in a Security Company ( not sure did i wrote that correct ) so i have to come to them with a backpack and be ready to live and serve in a base. But when i came there , they told me that I’m no longer in a Security Company so i have to purchase even more things ( sleeping bag , knife , flashlight etc. ) And come to them next day on a bus at 10 A.M.

Day 5 - So there was a group of 20 people and we had a 7 hour journey to a destination point. There was a lot of things happening but the main thing is a test. And it looks like they were not happy about my results. They sent me back . Another 6-7 hour trip back home…


Bailey Brandse

Are you still alive chelodoy, it’s been a long time since we have heard from you and I’m hoping you are still here with us


Sure thing I’m here and I keep doing art and posting it on patreon and twitter!


Well, I'm happy you're okay. But at the same time I think you'd want to go and defend your home, and it sucks that you can't. Well for now anyway. Regardless it's good to hear from you.


Слава богу, що живий, це найголовніше!


Glad to hear you're still safe

Xavier Ward

are you Ukraine, I hope I don't sound heartless. By the way I hope you end up not having to go.


Even though the situation seems frustrating, I'm happy to hear you're doing OK!


Sorry to hear you didn't get in. Military standards are sometimes a bit arbitrary. Albert Einstein tried to enlist in the Swiss army but was rejected for having flat feet.

Xavier Ward

Ok good to know. I apologize for asking, but I had to.


It more feels like they just don’t want me to be in that specific place . It feels more like they just want to send me some where else but they don’t know yet. Thats what i think.


Damn, that's so sucky! So good to hear that you're alright though

Fen Longpaw

That's actually mildly comforting. My understanding and hope is that that psych test was to determine how resilient your mind and personality would be to the things you'd see, and the things you'd be forced to do in the military, that in my opinion only a few people actually have the mind to handle safely. Basically it's to try to reduce how many soldiers come out the other side with crippling PTSD like what a lot of American veterans show after tour because they were not naturally resilient to the horrors they saw that their recruiter knew they would see. You get a much more effective fighting force if you have fewer soldiers, but they all have minds unbroken by the horrors of war, than sending in more meat to the grinder and half the squad wants to eat the barrel of their own gun after a particularly gruesome event. Hopefully that makes sense? It sounds like you might be too empathetic to not suffer psychological harm serving where they were going to put you at first. This is wild speculation from someone that spends a lot of time knee deep in the psychological field, but didn't have more than a smattering of formal psychological training.

Fen Longpaw

To clarify: it's comforting that they consider the mind in combat effectiveness for where to station you. It also sounds like you might be sent somewhere you can still help while not having to be the spear tip, but instead the shaft that supports it, and is just as important for the successful defense

Saif Ali

Army moment

Brodicius of Americinia

This sounds exactly like when I first went to join the US army. I got rejected for my eyesight the first time, and felt like shut about it I went back again and they said I could join if I agreed to have surgery later on after training. I did and I made it in


Never been happier about someone failing a test to be honest. ^^


I'm really glad to have you back


At least for know your safe