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My girl Oni here. Finished this drawing yesterday in a day .

Some good news . I just found out that i have Nicole animation timelapse so i can share it !

Nicole - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gVaw3fMrLRYoaWrlH-ancDpPgAsTY6_Q/view?usp=drivesdk

Oni timelapse - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T34DC-AaNIb_C9hTlA2LbOh1spAEb3DU/view?usp=drivesdk

Character request post tomorrow . It is time for a animation poll guys.




Love the aesthetic of the overgrown temple

Alessandro Coelho

Awesome job man! Loving the shadows and color usage


I love her design, but this piece has a wonderful moody vibe

Lemonade Rat

Excellent work. The lighting and shading looks amazing as I like this scenes darker tone. Its always nice to see Oni, I love her transfixed stare and crouched stance. Your experience with the army was interesting to read, but at least your safe and have some time to yourself.

Parker Trotter

Oni is definitely a favorite of mine ☺


Love it


I absolutley ADORE Oni, hahah~