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I finally got a new chapter for you! It's so pleasing to have my brain back. Today we're celebrating Smalls's sixth birthday! Which means my mom is making him an ice cream cake and he has demanded bao (Chinese style dumplings), for his dinner. He's never had them, but he saw them on a show and he keeps demanding that I make them and I have no idea how to do that. So we're ordering out.

What else have I been up to? Teaching, dealing with Curses, and a bunch of other stuff I needed to get done. I'm also watching DC Legends of Tomorrow from the beginning. I'd never watched it because I'm not that into DC, but then Man Friend made me watch an episode in the fourth season that involved a killer unicorn so now I guess I have to watch all of the episodes. (I've been told it's okay for the first two seasons, but really leans into its weird in seasons three and four.) I hope you all are well out there and enjoy this chapter!



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