TBR of Doom Full Sloth Mode addition. (Patreon)
Last week was honestly the busiest week ever. It looked like this:
Monday: Edit 80 pages, go see Suzie Izzard with my mom (our birthday presents to ourselves)
Tuesday: Edit 120 pages, turn in Red in Tooth in Claw in some sort of fugue state, write trivia questions, and then host trivia night at Hemlock State Brewing.
Wednesday: Catch up on email, house stuff, therapy, and then book event.
Thursday: write, house stuff, get my kid to soccer, and then do a halloween event with an improv group where I read chapters of a RL Stine Fear Street book and they do improv off of what I read.
Friday: move my MIL into a new duplex next door to hers because her landlord sold her place, we have a 4 day window to move everything, and my MIL is a hoarder who has lived in her old place for 18 years.
Sat: Move MIL, soccer game, attend a mystery murder dinner that my friend invited us to months ago.
Sunday: moved MIL, Soccer game, collapse.
Monday: Cried, move MIL, get Smalls a costume, collapse into a chair and watch 3 hours of Fall of the House of Usher.
Tuesday: Line edits for Red in Tooth in Claw land back in my lap, trivia night, collapse.
I tried to get my act together and do stuff yesterday but I could not. I got the grocery order handled, dog food handled, helped Small with his homework, and watched the rest of the Fall of the House of Usher. It's just been all go. Also, I can't tell if I'm getting sick--possibly from the things I breathed in while moving my MIL (hahahaha--I have a dust allergy) or if I'm doing my thing as a human barometer and reacting to the clash of warm and cold front overhead. Could be a combo of the above, honestly.
I'm trying to crawl out of sloth mode though, because my line edits are due in 5 days and I need to finish the Sam chapter I've been slowly putting together.
Because of the wacky schedule, I haven't read much that hasn't been Red in Tooth and Claw, but I still have some viewing and reading recs for you!
Viewing: As I said, I watched the Fall of the House of Usher. I honestly really enjoyed it--there's the over arching story, but also each episode is a reference to a Poe story or poem and it's woven all together. I thought it was expertly done, but FYI it has a good amount of gore and a LOT of animal death. (Seems to be a thing with this team?) It did make me realize that I haven't actually read a lot of Poe's fiction, which I find funny for some reason. I have read a lot of his poetry.
I've been watching the Goosebumps reboot with Smalls. We've both been enjoying it! A little edgier that other adaptations, but still made for kids/teens while entertaining adults. They've managed to keep it goofy while also making some of the goofy elements legitimately creepy. We can't wait for the next episode!
Slotherhouse--this movie knows exactly what it is and goes above and beyond. It also has a suspiciously high budget for a gimmicky movie. But if you think the idea of a killer sloth is funny and don't care if it makes sense, this movie is for you. (Bigs and I both found one of the actors to be very, very annoying, but she's not in it much.)
As is my way when I'm overloaded, I've mostly been rereading when I have managed to sit down. I reread the Hathaways series by Lisa Kleypas (historical romance) and still listening to the Mercy Thompson series. Smalls and I are still reading The Clackity (MG, horror) and enjoying it.
I did manage at some point to read The Shadow of the Dead God by Patrick Samphire (adult, fantasy) on the recommendation of my friend. It's the first book in the Mennik Thorn series. I loved it. It had the voice of an urban fantasy novel--lots of snark, very readable--but a fantasy world setting and the main character is a somewhat inept freelance mage. Kind of had some Dresden Files vibes.
I feel like I'm forgetting one, but as I said, my brain is toast. I'm very much looking forward to things slowing down so I can read the TBR I've been building during my back to back editing madness.
How about you all out there? Read (or watched) anything good?