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Editor Mel actually got this back to me on Saturday and usually I get it out the same day, but I got sick for the first time in like four years. Mel has also stated that, with the schedule and workload I kept the last month, me getting sick wasn't a total surprise. I agreed. I totally dug that hole. So I spent this weekend doing almost nothing but napping and watching three seasons of Shetland. Now I had to decide which show to watch next.

BTLN is now sliding into the tie up chapters. (Don't worry, that's still like 3-4 chapters at least because I have a lot to tie up.) And then I'm thinking of starting up the follow up to Curses. Not sure how into that everyone is, but the upside of that is that half that book is already written and would just need to be cleaned up, which means you wouldn't have these chunks where I can't post.

Hope everyone is doing well out there. Now I'm back to playing catch up on my Red in Tooth and Claw edits!





Short, but sweet!


That moment between Brannoc and Sam (sniffle...)