Simple Workflow, Complex Outcome (Patreon)
2024-03-01 12:26:39
In this video, I shared a workflow for creating complex patterns or ambient tracks using a simple sampling technique. Here's a summary of the key points:
- Synthesizer Selection: I used the Trident synthesizer for its variety of presets suitable for ambient sounds. However, any synthesizer or sound source, including hardware or sample libraries, can be used, emphasizing the need for tonal sounds.
- Sampling Process: I focused on sampling single notes from the bell and mallet category in Trident but highlighted that any category could be used. The process involves recording each preset note into an audio track, ensuring enough space is left for the note to decay.
- Editing and Slicing Samples: After recording, I sliced the audio into individual samples based on a grid, normalized them, and renamed them for organization.
- Sampler Setup: I loaded the samples into a sampler, distributed them across different velocities, and demonstrated how to play them with varying intensity to trigger different samples.
- Note Generation and Modulation: I created a note grid in Bitwig to automate note generation, using various modules to randomize velocity (thereby selecting different samples) and pitch. Voice stacking and modulation techniques were used to add depth and complexity to the generated patterns.
- Final Touches: I applied effects like reverb and adjusted settings like attack time and velocity sensitivity to refine the sound. The process can be repeated with different sample sets for varied textures.
- Application: This technique is versatile, suitable for creating ambient backdrops, percussion patterns, pads, lead sounds, and even bass lines. It allows for the generation of rich, complex sounds with minimal modulation.
- Workflow Efficiency: While the initial sampling might be time-consuming, it's a one-time effort. Once a library of samples is created, it can be reused in various projects to quickly generate complex and interesting sounds.
I encouraged viewers to share their simple but effective workflows and highlighted the importance of experimenting with different sound sources and settings to achieve unique results.