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Go get em, tiger!




I have a job interview tomorrow and I’m nervous so I went right for this audio.




Thanks! Everyone needs a boost now & again. Some more often than others. 😘


HOW did you know that I have 2 interviews this week?!? This is just what I need!! Thank you Gael!!!!


Im glad this came cause i have a job interview at 6 and im very nervous


Just what I needed now that I decided to let go of my previous job (they were pressing me so much and there were no rewards at all!!!) This is going to be a huge energy booster! ❤️💚


❤💛💛Awesome! I m excited to listen to this 💛Thanks for this G Happy hump day!


Right now I am, due to your hypnotic voice, ready to go for the job as prime minister.. Oh dear.. I better drink some ginger tea with liquorice to calm down 😁😂😁 Have a wonderful evening Good ass Prana 😄❤️😆😆


Loved this G! 😍😍


I have always been extremely nervous for interviews. I get all panicky and try to be chipper, but I end up sounding awkward 😂 I will be hopefully joining the workforce later in the year, this audio was actually really motivating 😊 made me feel a lot calmer about having to endure the interview process again. 💕


Gael, you're the best, calmest cheerleader there is.😉😙❤


Everyone needs a pep talk every now and then, regardless of the circumstances. Your pep talks are the best, G! And excellent advice -- let your negative thoughts take a back seat to who and what you really are. I think we all need to remember that in our lives. Thank you for this reminder!


Hey guys, I’m a new patron. Been listening on tumblr and youtube for ages but recently decided to support him here. 💖 This audio is soooo sweet, Gael. I know for sure it’s gonna help any of your listeners who are nervous about anything at the moment. I don’t have any interviews coming up but the audio still relaxed the hell out of me. 😅


I had a job interview yesterday morning and I was stressing big time, even if it's just for a little job. I'm always very nervous before and during interviews. I'm happy you made this audio, it will be really helpful! 🤗


Nicely said Amy. And it’s so true🙌🏼 I'm not looking for a new job, but every now and then I doubt myself. And G's loving words (which are always on the point) will certainly help to eliminate my self-doubt. He‘s the best😘♥️


I love your encouraging audios!💕💕


Ok..I know this is for encouragement...but DAMN..that voice Gael..all sultry like!!! Interviewer: You are very flushed..are you all right??!! Me: Yea..just was listening to a bit of "encouragement"!!! 😅😅😅😅


Welcome aboard the Gaelandia train, Nat! So glad to have you here with us. We all come here for the sexy Irishman, but many stay for the wonderfully positive and supportive people you will find here. Here's your glass of kool aid -- enjoy yourself, luv!


Good luck, Jessica! I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you!


I'm self-employed, so this isn't necessarily something I have use for, but I will definitely give it a listen anyway. 💕


Okay, are you a mind reader or something? XD I was actually hoping you’d make an audio like this. I think it will be very helpful for anyone who is looking for work 😋 I know it’ll help me for sure. I had a job interview once for working at a pet store and I was so nervous. So nervous that I didn’t get the job 😅 So I think this will be very encouraging when I start looking for work again. Thanks, G 😚


This is also handy advice when it comes to the battlefield known as the dating scene. I went on a series of blind dates in my mid 20s after I first moved to a new city, and these were some of the reasons why I was turned down for second dates:<br><br>- My weight (I was obese at the time)<br>- My ethnicity<br>- The fact that my income was higher than my date’s, since he felt that a woman earning more money than him somehow made him less of a man 🙄<br>- My lack of foot fetish (don’t ask)<br><br>Sometimes two people just don’t mesh well together, much like how a certain workplace might not feel like a good fit for someone. There’s nothing wrong with that, nor is there shame in parting ways. But if someone rejects you romantically, friend-wise, or work-wise, try not to let it get you down. That just means there’s a better opportunity to be had elsewhere 🤓👍<br><br>(Plus you get to mentally say fun things like “Well, you sir can go kiss the fattest part of my biracial, financially secure ass! Err, but not my feet because I’m not into that sort of thing, although it’s totally fine if you are”, or whatever your situation may be)


Motivation für Bewerbungsgespräch. Geht klar🤓


Ooooh Thank you G 🙌👌 I💝 it . Powerfull peptalk ,its gonna support a lot people 🌍 Hugs all 😘


Got to love these kind of audios there awesome thanks Gael ❤️❤️❤️❤️


You are so in my head it's crazy ❤️❤️❤️ I'm actually at a fork in the road with my career and I have a working interview next week to see about a possible promotion. You bet I'll be listening to this.


I've been around here for a while, but this is my first comment! Thanks, Gael!!! This is great! I'm not about to go to an interview, but in about two months I might audition for a solo performance in the choir I'm singing in. As you said, show my true self, I've got nothing to lose. Thanks!


Oh heyyy girl! Hold up, you sing??? I’ll be sending out all the vibes and rooting for you to get that solo!! 🙌🏼


I almost didn't listen, as I'm quite happy at work and won't be seeing the interview seat for a while, I hope. I have, however, been dealing with the dissonance between being authentic and then feeling embarrassed and ruminating about it afterward. This was so easy to apply to simple negative self talk, and makes a great pep talk just when I'm struggling with the simple social task of occupying space in the bullpen. Danke. Love it. Unexpected and very helpful.


Guten Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone has a nice Donnerstag!? It´s a really windy, cold night here... something outside is clattering awfully, I have to find it! Sounds like metal... Anyway I have some vintage Fragen for you. They are from a thread from last January. Oh my, wie die Zeit verfliegt - time flies! Your dinner table, what does it look like?... is it sturdy enough to fuck on it? And would you like to fuck on it? Do you know/like your neighbours? Do you believe in any crazy conspiracy theories? Which Kleidungsstück - piece of clothing, worn by a man is an absolute turn off for you? Do you have any kinky turn ons? Hm? ...like listening online to a strangers voice and cuming like crazy to his wicked words and sounds?? Ja? XP And for a change a little Gael related question... which one is your "all-time favourite - can`t stop listening to" audio? ...and why? Danke my dears for your answers (again?). Bis später. XD


Hi, Claudia! Hi, everyone! The snow is still here and the roads have all become black ice, so I'm stuck in the house. Again. This could be a problem come Friday, since I'm suppose to work 😮 Taking this one day at a time... Ah! These fragen do look familiar 😃 What does my dinner table look like? It's an oval shaped wood table. Is it sturdy enough for "sexy fun times"? I'm not really sure. It might be. Would I like to have "sexy fun times" on it? No. It's just for meal times! Do I know/like my neighbors? I don't really <i>know</i> them, except for two or three houses, but yeah, everyone on the street is pretty cool. Do I believe in crazy conspiracy theories? Not really, no. Which piece of clothing, worn by a man, is an absolute turn-off for me? Sandals with socks, hands down. Do I have any kinky turn-ons? Like listening to...Uhh 😰...umm 😯...😶...To answer this question...I don't really know. I'm not...really...I don't really know what's kinky. Which is my "all time favorite - can't stop listening to" Gaelforce audio and why? I'm going to list three of them (because I don't have just one all-time favorite): On Edge: In Your Hands - this audio is basically my fantasy; teasing and edging your man so he begs, and he loves it. Tell Me A Story - it's like sitting down and listening to a friend while you hang out (or boyfriend, in this case 😛) Pillow Fight - three words: Laughter is contagious 😆


As someone who has been jumping between temp jobs and interviews, this is a really helpful and encouraging piece. Thanks Gael!


I need to listen to this before my management meeting on Friday. Just to calm me so the wonderful me will show up. 😜 Go get 'em!


Ok Doc....bwahaha....everything in me wants to ask about the foot fetish!! Only because I had a date go really wierd really quickly (I was barely out of high school...little to no knowledge of kinks! So I laugh and commiserate with ya on that one! ....and no...not asking! 😉


Yay I love this! I’m getting a job interview next Monday for an externship to do my hours for nursing! This was a great audio to help me ease up a bit before then, thank you Gael 💕💕💕


Is anyone else having problems getting to Gael's patreon page? The only way I can get here is by clicking the link in the email announcing this one. When I try clicking on the book mark it comes up blank and the tab says "Patreon is scheduled for maintenance". I don't have problems with any of my other Patreon accounts, just Gaels. Maybe I just need to restart my computer? lol


I haven’t noticed any problems myself, but when it comes to tech-y issues, I complete the following steps:<br><br>1. Close browser, clear history and website data, then open new browser window.<br><br>2. If still not working, restart computer.<br><br>3. If still not working, unplug router and modem for 30 seconds, then plug in and try again.<br><br>4. If still not working, swear loudly and contemplate taking a hammer to my laptop. Think better of it, walk away to get a cup of coffee and try to calm down.<br><br>5. Repeat Steps 1-3 if needed.<br><br>6. If still not working, let out a sigh of defeat at having been bested by technology. Proceed to text or phone a tech-savvy friend for assistance.


I know this is 100% off topic from job interviews, but has Gael ever done a "losing virginities" or like a "waiting for marriage/wedding night" audio? I feel like he has, but if not, I'd certainly listen to it!


I know he did a couple of "first time" audios and a wedding night one, but I think, I THINK the closest he's done to a "waiting for marriage/wedding night" (as in 'did nothing until that night' if that's what you meant) audio would be this one --&gt;<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWR0kQp8mtc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWR0kQp8mtc</a> The wedding night audio (he "kind of" waited) is this one --&gt;<a href="http://gaelforceplayroom.tumblr.com/post/150691108113/everything-about-today-was-so-perfect-and-you" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gaelforceplayroom.tumblr.com/post/150691108113/everything-about-today-was-so-perfect-and-you</a> The 'First Time' audios are here: Gentle --&gt;<a href="http://gaelforceplayroom.tumblr.com/post/137108720038/i-want-this-to-be-perfect-for-you-your-first" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gaelforceplayroom.tumblr.com/post/137108720038/i-want-this-to-be-perfect-for-you-your-first</a> Rough (trigger warning, just in case)--&gt;<a href="http://gaelforceplayroom.tumblr.com/post/157621829603/i-want-to-take-you-tonight-and-make-you-mine-i" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gaelforceplayroom.tumblr.com/post/157621829603/i-want-to-take-you-tonight-and-make-you-mine-i</a> Anyone feel free to correct me about the 'waiting' audios or if I made a mistake/did something wrong!


♡♡♡ THANK you. I just started a new job and every day I show up and try to shake off the feeling that I'm not smart enough, too awkward, and bound to eff things up. Gonna listen to to this daily


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. A happy Freitag to everyone. Any tasty weekend plans? I think I will venture into the city, get some really exotic Zutaten - ingredients and prepare a feast for me and my man. Maybe I´ ll be daring and invite the royals . :) Again I dug up some vintage Fragen for you, I hope you don´ t mind? :) Would you rather... ... be forced to dance every time you heard music or be forced to sing along to any song you heard? ... use a push Rasenmäher - lawn mower with a bar that is far too high or far too low? ... live in a house with see-through walls in a city or in the same see-through house but in the middle of a forest far from civilization? ... eat a box of dry spaghetti noodles or a cup of uncooked Reis - rice? ... find five dollars on the ground or find all of your missing socks? ... have all of your clothes fit perfectly or have the most comfortable pillow, blankets, and sheets in existence? Danke sweet Fraugen... bis dann. XD


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! Ooh, exotic feasting. Mine will...sort of involve that, since the opening session of our new RPG will take place at our GM's house, and she's cooking (corn salsa and tortilla chips for me, since I must needs stuff all the corn I possibly can into my face before the 31st). I've also got to get accustomed to the new operating system on my Mac; I had to upgrade to get rid of some software bugs, but it broke my tablet driver, so I had to reinstall, redo all the preferences for the tablet...boo. There aren't many changes in the way of functionality, but it's those little things that drive ya nuts. And now, this: <b>She can sing, she can dance</b> — Both would get in the way of functioning normally in society, but I think I would take singing. Many songs have long guitar solos or the like, which would mean I'd be able to sneak in some conversation. It would make a convenient excuse for not talking to people in bars, lol. <b>High bar, low bar</b> — I'll take the one that's too low. It would probably be easier to control. <b>People in glass houses</b> — Well, I do rather rely on my internet and access to medical facilities, so I'd have to take the city house. I can always buy window coverings or the like. <b>Pasta Night RAW</b> — I guess I'll take the uncooked rice. If I get short-grain or sushi rice, they won't be so sharp on the way down, and I don't need to abuse my esophagus any more than it already is. <b>Cash or cozy</b> — Actually, I don't lose many socks at all. I think I might have one sock that is missing a mate. So I'll take the cash. <b>Perfect fit or perfect night</b> — I think the pillow, blankets, and sheets might be more useful for me overall. I get by with my clothes fitting well enough.


Dangit, I wish I had seen this yesterday before my performance review!


Guess who has two thumbs and over 1500 Patrons? 😃<br><br><img height="190" src="http://i.imgur.com/RyqMMJf.jpg"><br><br>Also, guess who’s woefully mediocre at best when it comes to editing pictures with Instagram and has no future in graphic design? 🧐 <i>(<u>Hint</u>: it’s me)</i>


❤❤❤🥂🍾🎈🎉 CONGRATULATIONS! WOOP WOOP! *looks around* Where's the cake?


Guten Morgen meine Lieben. Hope everyone has a nice Samstag!? Have you seen the moon? So beautiful! I´ m in a little rush tonight... have to reload Lil´ Seanie. :) So just some quick Fragen, if you like? Ja? Do you read the directions before building something that says use directions? Which eye is your dominant Auge - eye? Do you know how to play guitar? Cookie Teig - dough or baked cookies? Do you spell it grey or gray? Danke for your answers my dear Fraugen... bis dann. XD


Guten Tag, Frau Claudia and the rest of you lucky charmers!<br><br>I’m afraid it’s a bit cloudy here, my dear Frau, so I’m unable to see the moon at the moment. But I’ll trust your word that it’s a lovely sight to behold! 🌝<br><br><b>Reading directions!</b> You betcha! I’ll read them until I have a good understanding of what I’m supposed to do - putting in the effort up front usually saves me a lot of grief and frustration later down the road ☝️🤓<br><br>Except when it comes to trying to decipher the assembly instructions for any piece of furniture from IKEA. In that case, it doesn’t matter how many times I read the damned directions - I inevitably end up with leftover parts that look important, but don’t seem to fit anywhere 🤷🏻‍♀️ <br><br>(Sometimes I wonder if IKEA does that on purpose. You know, to mess with us just for funsies 😑)<br><br><b>Dominant eye!</b> I’m a leftie! 👁<br><br><b>Badass talents that I wish I had!</b> Alas, I don’t know how to play guitar. But for what it’s worth (which is probably nothing), I was always pretty good at Guitar Hero and Rock Band 🤟😎🎸<br><br><b>Raw or baked?</b> Baked cookies for me, <i>bitte!</i> 🍪 (Doctimus: 1, salmonella: 0)<br><br><b>Spelling like a Canadian!</b> I spell it as “grey”. I also use the beloved “u” in “honour”, “colour”, and “humour”, and the “-re” ending in “metre”, “centre”, “theatre” and such 🧐


You should do one where a girl is having her first time (virgin)


Guten Morgen Sirens. A pleasant Sonntag to everyone. Hope you have a work free day? Yesterday I was Schlittschuhlaufen - ice skating with my little niece. She´ s quite good at it...much better than I am. :) Here are the daily Fragen, as always for science! Do you believe that you can be in love with 2 people at the same time? Do you have a favourite movie that you have seen multiple times and never tired of watching? When you are sleeping, do you curl up in a ball or spread out like a Seestern - starfish? Do you own a pair of cowboy/cowgirl Stiefel - boots? Did/would you ever order a callboy? ;) Danke for your Antworten my dears... bis dann. XD


Moin moin Claudia😁 Danke für die Questions!!! 1.If I can be in love with 2 ppl at the same time? Nope!!!Never!!!How's that possible? I hope I didn't get this question wrong?! 2. My fave movie I watched 100 times over and over again is "Gone with the wind" 3.How do I sleep? I mostly curl up in a ball but sometimes I spread out like a starfish too. 4.If I own boots?😁Yessss! 5.Did I ever order a callboy?Nope! But my friends thinking of it for our Uni prom night this summer. Viel Spaß und Gute Nacht ihr Lieben!