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Sometimes the most wonderful people are the ones who never see just how valuable they are.

Life can be so hard sometimes and we can go through periods of time where it's just one thing after another, beating us into the ground.

It's easy in times like that to forget what's true and what's important because our eyes are always being drawn somewhere else.

You may have forgotten how special you are.

But let me remind you...



Ingrid D

One of my very favourites! A most excellent way to end my bday, G...thank you ❤


You are so very precious, dear one! Thank you.


I cannot wait to listen to this! Just got home from work. I'm one of those people that needs reassurance and reminding of how important my job is. This is gonna be great! Thx G 💖🤗🌹


Thank you G, for these revisits. I have not heard this one as of yet, thanks for bringing it to my attention. ❤️


Thanks for this Gael! This audio is one of my favourites 😍😍💞💞 I remember you had a YT video where you were talking to a potato lol.. I've been looking all over for it and can't find it.. Do you mind reupload this one again and if you've already done so, do you mind share the link cuz hoooonethtly I can't find it.. Thank you!


Aaaww, you dear sweet man. I hope and pray that you and your family are faring well in theses hard times. Too everyone, please be safe, don't go out if you don't have to and wash your hands. Love you all.😘


This is so lovely, just like you.😍🥰🤗😚❤❤


Thank you..... Not feeling good at all...... just what i needed....... your amazing.... 😁😘


Ok, now that I'm listening.... oh my good God! I'm almost in tears. I feel like this was written just for me. I know many can relate to this. Thank you! Thank you so very much! 😚

Kathy Mc

I feel like crap today, filled with worry and doubt and uncertainty. I needed this sooo badly!!! Gael, you are remarkable and rare! Thank you for keeping our spirits up and a smile in our hearts!🌸🌸💐🌹💗💞💞💕💗🌷🌷🍀🍀🍀🍀🌺🌺🌷🍃🍃


I’m going to go ahead and echo everyones sentiments. Thank you for spending so much time with us these last couple of weeks. I think we’re all collectively tired and stressed out and your audios are really helping us get through some rough patches.

The Witchy Woman

My gods I love this one. I've been more anxious than usual, and this was truly calming.


You just keep pulling out all the stops to make us feel loved and not so alone. Thank you!


Absolutely beautiful. I love this one so much. Thank you G, you beautiful human bean! 😍😊🧡


I just listened to this again and now I'm 😢... So meaningful.


This was beautiful thank you! Forgive my asking..but would you ever do a formal-ish podcast teaching us Irish? Like full on lessons...? I’m dying to learn


I wish this never end..


You're always making sure we're well taken care of, and I hope there is someone who does the same for you!

Khelisie Salvatore

The people in my life. My "friends" only talk to me when they need something. While I'm the fool that sends the Birthday & Christmas cards and reminds them of why they're special. I'm just out of sight out of mind to them, while i think about them everyday holding'em near & dear. They forget; that is until they need something or they're feeling down on themselves and they remember then i'm there to pick them up. Maybe someday I won't be there anymore maybe someone else that should have always been there will be there instead. The person I was always meant to be, the person that I will finally find my inner peace with and put me first for a change. When I can realize the first person I have to please is myself and if I happen to please and charm the others then so be it. You know what they say people with the kindest hearts usually suffer the most and they do all their suffering in silence and all alone. Gael, you're one of the kindest people on this earth I pray on all that is good and just and magikal that fairytales & sweet dreams are made of this doesn't happen to you. I maybe a wee bit crazy sometimes but I'm not a fool and suffering is something we all go through as human beings but I hope it is to the absolute minimum. For no man who brings as much joy as you ever deserves to have 1 tear shed from his eye and if that tear does one day fall that 1million hands reach out to catch it so you know your suffering is not unnoticed you are loved and if someone is true in those 4 letters L-O-V-E they will feel your pain the same as you do. Thank you Mr Mayor for noticing & appreciating with your kindness and affection, always.


This was lovely. I've been struggling with my anxiety since I started social distancing, but this relaxed me so much I ended up falling asleep halfway through and had to restart it to hear the whole thing 😅 Thank you ♥️♥️♥️


As a person who often struggles with depression, words can't describe how much I love and appreciate this audio. Thank you Gael for being the kind and compassionate soul you are ❤

Michelle Ross

Just woke up with horrible nightmare. I came straight for this one...


All I can say is thank you. For the kind words. For always being there to encourage us when life gets hard. To remind us of what’s important when we have forgotten. You are such a light G, thank you for sharing yourself with us and helping us to shine too. ⭐️💖

Angela Call

I really need this right now! I just want someone to hold me and make me feel safe and loved.