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We hear so much scary news about everything that's going on.  

So I've some nice current event stories to share as well as some positive and lighthearted stories to warm your chroí ❤️  I hope ye are keepin well like

Penguin Parade 

Tiny (Irish) Dancer 

Puppy & The Pigeon




Aww, you're the Sweetest, G!! Thank you!


Thank you, from Italy💕


A rambleee!! 😍 Thank you so much, truly. 🧡🧡🧡


Ramble!!!! 🤩 Thanks G, your the best!! 🤗😘💋💖


Woohoooo rambles! Love me a ramble or two. Thank you kind sir! ❤


Thanks! I’m saving this for later tonight. I’m doing my very best to keep going 😌😘


I jumped in the couch like a child after seeing the ramble notification 😄😄😍😍😍😍.. The things you make us do Gael 😂


Those are my penguins! Shedd Aquarium in Chicago!


Man, I really appreciate you doing this!! Thank you so much ❤️ Hope you’re doing okay as well! 😊


Thank you Luv! 💞💞🍀🍀🍀Something to take my mind of tomorrow morning's wisdom teeth shenanigans.. And I promise I won't be bothering y'all with my teeth issues after tomorrow 😅😅, thank you for being so patient with me. 💞


Thank you so much, Gael! You don’t know how much this means to me! My first test came out negative, but since the symptoms are still on, I’m in isolation and got to repeat the test after waiting. Thought I’d go crazy, but am sure this’ll help ease some of the pain and anxiety.

Katarína Vraňáková

You are making All this quarantine far more enjoyable you know? 🖤😁


Thank you so much Gael for cheering me up Wish you do a weekly ramble


Just finished listening and now going to sleep with a smile. Thank you 😻


I needed this positivity and laugh today. It’s been a crazy work day and it’s not over yet. This is so dang fun! Thank you!


One of my favourite quotes - "Everytime you are able to find humour in a difficult situation, you win". Thank you G for a little light humour.


This was needed. Brightened my day and made me laugh & smile. Thank you! 😘🤗


Rambles are the best. Thanks for all the positivity in such an uncertain time. You are a gift!


So you’re indeed sharing the story of Lundy and Herman? I can’t wait to listen to you 😍 *edit They have an IG account if you like to visit 😍🐶🕊 https://instagram.com/lundyandherman?igshid=sxu0zuctd7sg


thank you. you can never be too positive. I always look for the positive, I have to, otherwise I just crawl into a ball under the covers. We need to respect and protect our older people, the history they have, the things they've seen, I plan on living to 100, just to see all that happens, I mean a lot has happened my first almost 50 years, well, the past 20 years has blown my mind. We will come thru the other side. take care of yourselves and stay home!

Jenn (Preemie Cuddler)

Oh, I so appreciate what you said about our seniors! I’ve seen this posted on social media-they were asked to go to war and we’re only being asked to sit on the couch. They paved the way and are full of wisdom and we should take better care of them and show more honor and respect to them! Wow, glad you survived your childhood, G! Thank you for all the cheerful, uplifting stories! I can’t believe anyone would criticize another for being too positive-we need more of your enerdree in the world!! Please take good care and know how grateful we are of all the support and encouragement you give us! I deeply appreciate it and send you all my love!😘❣️❣️❣️ I shared this before-I think it’s so cute and funny, creative-hope ya’ll enjoy! https://youtu.be/V_7OE-GR7RE


Aww, the penguins!😍 And the child dancing along, what joy!😄 And Herman and Lundy, omg, so cuuuute!😍❤ You and your lickle fwiends brightened my day.🥰 I have a serious question to ask the fates, though, and it is Dafuq? Leave G's precious neck alone, like!😤😅😂 Thank you for sharing some of the world's positivity that we might have missed. Much ❤ 2 U, G! Muah!😚😚🤗🤗❤❤


"they were asked to go to war and we’re only being asked to sit on the couch" No words... 👏👏👏


Oh i loved listening to this ramble. It just shows how great things can come from bad situation. I'm glad you were not seriously injured from your past Paddy Day celebration and that you are here with us and bring a ray of sun shine into our lives. 45 and the politicians🤡 here in the United States are saying that they'll be glad when we can get up and go back to work because of the economy and they really aren't looking out for our elderly population. 😢 One politician even said that the older generation should sacrifice their health for their children and their grandchildren so the economy won't take a big hit. 😡That the real fly in the ointment for me because who are they to put a value on someone else's life. 🤦But I digress. Also, I live about 20 minutes from Charles Barkley's hometown of Moody, Alabama. I didn't know he was selling all his medals to help build homes. That's awesome.👋 I'm sure you are aware of the big impact that you've had in my life these past 8 months. Thanks for all you do and being a steady reminder that there is good in this world.😘🍀

Ebony Beck

I’m so thankful for this, and I really appreciate the positivity.


Omg, the way you told about your friend in the mountains 😂😂 I love you so much for doing this ramble!! 💞🍀🍀🤗🤗🤗 I had to actually bring down the ammount of news I see/read, because I take the stress&anxiety in me like mushrooms take the rain in them 😅😅 Then I stress in the behalf of others who are stressing 😰😰 That's why I'm guiet in Twitter with these virus-news too, because I just can't..I get this lumb in my chest.. My mom turned 70 last august, and in Finland every person who's 70+ are being told to stay inside, only necessary trips can be done. And my mom, she's like "Oooh feck it, I'm going nuts here, I'm so going for a walk!!" We live in the countryside, no chance of bumbing into other people too guickly. 😂 Our goverment has said that going out for walks is okay. I dunno how many of you know about the "finnish personal space"? Just look up a meme about us at a buss stop 😂 Like c'moon we're social distancing every day like! 🙈😂😂 Thanks again luv for bringing the sun into our day with this! 💞💞🍀🍀 Love you muchly! 🤗🤗


With the animals, the drop in pollution and just how quickly Earth is recovering is amazing, in such a short time too. I’m not sure if I said it here (and NO disrespect to anyone’s beliefs) but The Mother is giving The Father’s Children a much needed time out! I am completely sympathetic to how this is affecting the people across the globe but this is the first time in our history that we are being called to our couches, not to war like our a for fathers and mothers but this could - I hope! Lead to so much consistency in positive change across the globe. And for anyone reading, I’m high risk I’m in there with the elderly, and it’s interesting Gael you brought up the antibodies from recovered patients, I’m actually curious to see the reinfection and contagious affect from recovered individuals, my body is already promised to science because of the super rare (potentially new I’ve already claimed “Rhiannon’s Syndrome”as the name um I was going somewhere oh yeah) because for science I would go get infected, I realised that’s controversial but my Doctors know me and know full well I’ve already let them take parts of me and they have my DNA in storage for study (grrrreeeaaattt they can clone me in a few hundred years and I can do this jig again) but for the help it could be to others, the pain I’ve endured in the name of science hahaha I laugh 😂 but yeah Don’t get me wrong - I love my country but we are a baby compared to the combined trauma other countries have been through, Germany said this is the worst thing since WW2 and they rebuilt and they aren’t afraid they can and will do it again but then you have Australia over hear, absolutely baby on the grand scheme of the world, acting like children and it’s people *facepalm*. Penguins 🐧 haha priceless. *unsure of posting as I didn’t mean to run off on a tangent... shrug 🤷‍♀️* Take care of yourself people, check in with those who are struggling and the people who all across the globe identify with “we were born for this” don’t forget your extroverted friends who are climbing walls they weren’t. Yeah.. have a great day everyone!


I too am a fast talker and I can usually tell when I’m going too fast when whomever I’m speaking with cocks their head sideways like a dog, LOL!!!


This was great. I was smiling the whole time. You're such a good person, your positive outlook and your words nearly brought me to tears. Happy tears. We need more people like you in the world. 💖 Thank you!


He protecc. He attac. Most importantly, G’s got your bacc


What you said about hearing and tasting words is called "Synesthesia". It's when your senses mix. 😊 I see colors in my head when I hear numbers. I associate certain numbers to a specific color.


Thank you so much for this ramble, Gael! The bit about your friend in the mountains was hilarious 😆 And you're a real one for sticking up for that lady in the store👍 P.S. You can never be too positive! In this world, that's what we need, especially now!


Gael, you are seriously a beautiful person; such a sweetheart.


Dude ... I think my ears have caught up with your mouth. Wait ... that did not come out right. My typing is still catching up with my thoughts. 👋🏻🤯


First ramble of yours I’m listening to and wow your accent is thick! You northern?


Also to go off the good vibes and if you see this what’s your favorite hummin sound?


This! I see words and numbers (and even sometimes individual letters) as colours. I can't believe it's a thing and has a name 😊 I just thought i was...y'know...a bit odd. Every day's a schoolday!


ramble! my favourite! i woke up unknowingly at 4am and saw the notification. without a doubt, i plugged in my earphones and started listening to it. it was slighlty harder to keep up with a loopy mind, but it still put a big smile on my face. 🤭😁 thank you for all that you do G! hope all is well for you too! 💕


Considering how fast you speak in these rambles how do you calm yourself down enough to make such slow and soothing audios? It’s like night and day. I’m not complaining though because I love hearing about the way you view the world. 😊


Thanks so much for the positivity! You’re a gem ☺️


Those were lovely stories, G. Especially, the funny ones. I kept saying poor Gael, when you hit your head, but couldn't resist giggling. I find it interesting you mentioned balance in the beginning. I did a tarot reading for my YouTube channel and the cards were speaking of balance. I explained them just like you did, but this was before I listened to your ramble. Great minds think alike! <3 <3 <3


One more thing to add, that was very sweet of you to save that woman's place and tell that rude man off. Such a gentleman, Gael. Don't ever stop being you! <3


Hope you are doing well there, lovely. I’m praying for Italy ❤️


I love your stories your laugh and you always, know just what we need to hear"G". Thanks your the best!


After listening to this I went to the shops. Waiting in line a man pushed in front of me and another lady to get in first to an opening checkout 🙄 I thought “guess you’re not getting what Gael has” 😍 and then I just felt sorry for him 😂💃


I’ve been sorely in need of good laughs! Thank you for this and for posting funnies and revisits on your Twitter. I lost my zen a couple weeks ago in a road rage incident, and I ended up muttering about sending a plate of locusts to this guy after flipping him off - that helped to defuse my temper 🤣🤣 I’ll be using “shut up, you moppet,” too. I don’t cry easily, but last week the tears came. Then I listened to your Gael Interrupted BTS audio and I loved how everything went to shit because that’s exactly how I felt - and I got a REALLY good laugh out of that. Anyhoo, I appreciate you G, and that you’re thinking of us and being there to offer support. We’re here for you too! 🥰


This was so so so much fun Gaelie 🥰 Thank you !


🥰 This made think of when you did Gaelforce FM 💕

Betsy ♍

A ramble... Y e s! 😁 speak at what ever speed you like, I'm here for all of it.


This was a fun distraction, Gael! 💗Thanks! I love crows! 🥰🥰🥰 I helped my father rehab one when I was 12 or 13. Idk if any of you are superstitious or read into “signs” or anything... but for the past year, even in different states of the US, I will periodically see a large, lone crow. And the crow seems to be staring at me (like we make eye contact) and we almost have this telepathic exchange of spiritual acknowledgment or something. I just find them beautiful and majestic... Sometimes, I pretend it’s my guardian angel. 🤷🏻‍♀️🥰 But anyway, yay crows! 😂


Speaking of news stories, is there a youtube video out there called something along the lines of “Man from Cork ‘drops’ into St. Paddy’s Day parade: suffers head injury and near-strangulation by jacket.”


You want Good news stories, Mayor? 🤗 Here are a couple for ya! My corner of the world goes into lockdown tomorrow night for 21 days. The National Defence Force will be assisting police to block the roads and make sure people stay home (besides going to get food or medicine). So: 1. A company that supplies luxury trailers for movie sets has donated the trailers to be used by staff at the SPCA so they can stay on site and look after the abandoned and critically ill animals in the shelter 2. Hundreds of locals have volunteered at the Rhino orphanage (since the usual international volunteers can't enter the country)..baby rhinos needs loads of attention! "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." ~ Fred Rogers


Good news and best quote ever LJ👏 I don’t have good news, but some corny jokes for all of us: Enjoy 😂 1. What do you call a pig that does karate? A pork chop 2. Why did the bike fall over? It was two tired 3. What did the policeman say to his belly button? You’re under a vest 4. Why do seagulls fly over the sea? If they flew over the bay, they would be bagels 🤣🤣 5. How do you tell if a vampire is sick? See if he is coffin I mean Rona is that you?🙄 6. Why does Snoop Dogg use an umbrella? For drizzle 7. Why are the Irish so wealthy? Because their capital is Dublin (Seanie so you’re indeed rich luv) 8. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They crack up too easily 9. Why are frogs are so happy? They eat whatever bugs them 10. What did the cake say to the fork? You want a piece of me?


This is the SO NICE! I had actually started looking for good news about what's going on because the bad/regular news started spiking my anxiety and depression to the point where I wasn't sleeping and just panicking all the time. I REALLY appreciate this post. THANK YOU!!!


Oh wow it was super difficult to understand Seanie yesterday evening. Seanie was in a nightclub with his Girlfriend, then comes a guy with dark long hair trying to flirt with Seanie's girl and that guy is Colin Farrell? And then Seanie tells him how dare he tries to steal his girl and tells him to go right away? 🤔 oh no maybe they're 2 different stories.. I guess I understood nothing probably.. 🧞‍♀️ But it was very very funny to hear!! :D


And I’ll never ever say Colin Farrel again. It’s Colin F***in Farrell for me 😂


I know right. That’s all that was going around my head driving to work. Had a Seanie ear worm all day 🐛😆

Angela R.

Aaaaah G! It was a joy to hear this positivity ramble from ye! Your positive nature is like pure sunshine beaming on your face warming you when you really need it. I share your hope in mankind’s nature through this experience. I do hope that this will do more to unite us as a planet and show us what the power of positivity can do. Bless your heart, lad.


It’s nice to switch off from all the news that’s being broadcast and just snuggle in and listen to something positive for once. Something to help us forget, just for a little while. This has also helped immensely with my battle with my mental health and allowed me to “quieten” my thoughts. After I’ve finished listening I’ll know all the stories by heart. Thanks G and hello too, since I’ve been away a while. Nice to have you in my ear again 🙈 ~ L 💜

Betsy ♍

Let's have another listen😊 Honestly, I'm so waiting for you to accidentally say your real name during one of the stories, but you're too good for that😂💚


A local Celtic Shop near me that makes kilts, are making masks to sell to hospital and medical workers at cost. No price gouging and a win for the small business industry!