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As promised, an update to my SV Quest which is long-overdue, but will hopefully make my loyal followers happy to see that I haven't abandoned them.

Next Industrious update is in progress and will be released over the weekend because I got my stitches out!  Woo!  Typing so much easier now!

After that, I'm either going to do a New Ron chapter or dip into Speedrun and do some NSFW content.

I hope everyone is having a great holiday season and celebrating in a safe fashion, thanks again for your support!


Semper ad Meliora

Turn 10 (Phase II) The first indication you have that something has gone horribly wrong is when Li Xingke bursts into your office without an appointment, trailed closely by Kaguya Sumeragi. This is unusual for a number of reasons, but specifically because both are sticklers for protocol and etiq...


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