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Okay, my weekend turned into a weird mess, but this is done now.  I've already started 16 and want to have that out in a day or two to make up for this being late.

After I've got another chapter of Industrious down, I'll be working on a chapter of Speedrun or something to keep my energy up.

Once again, thank you all for helping me get to the point where I can focus on my writing this much.  It's very fulfilling to see people liking what I have to offer this much.  I hope everyone is staying safe and having fun during the holiday season.


Industrious Chapter 11-20

Chapter 11: I clenched my fists so hard each knuckle popped in sequence as I stared at Obito, my eyes tracking him off to my right side and my face blank. The obvious answer to his thrown gauntlet was to refuse.


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