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So, yeah, Sufficient Velocity is doing this Lewd Contest Thing and I thought I'd throw my hat in the ring to test what their level of tolerance is on NSFW material in stories.

This was in the planning stages as an Interlude for Winning Peace, but I hadn't been planning to write it just yet.  With the contest still open I decided to adapt this as a potentially standalone story that works as an Interlude for Winning Peace.

So yeah, beware some lewd transhumanist shenanigans going on, but I hope everyone enjoys.


Winning Peace: Interlude

Interlude: Star-Crossed Lovers: "-and as we approach the thirtieth anniversary of World War Three, many voices among the former political elites of the still-extant nation-states are calling for a devolution of power from the Stellar Council. An official press release from the Council, however,...



Uhhh…huh, I wasn’t really prepared for the exact direction that would go in but I guess I can see it? It seems decadent and I dunno lavishly dubious as hell but it was an interesting read at the very least.


I kinda really hope this isn't Canon to this story actually. There's no way people would actually support slavery. And this is slavery. Of mentally deficient people. The SI should squash this immediately. The un-personing of clone people should also be stopped. No, 'They aren't actually people' arguments work for me. Use robots/androids that look and feel just like humans if you really want to do this. This is a week late but still.

Slayer Anderson

As a sincere question, you're advocating for the use of machines with similarly limited intelligence in these roles, but what is the actual difference between a flash-printed organic organism fitting those specification and your proposition? In other words, is there a difference between metal and meat here? Again, not being sarcastic and would like to hear your thoughts on the subject.