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Ugh, this was hard to finish up, but I think I'm finally happy with it.  Thank you, my quest-fans, for being so patient.  I'm sorry I don't have more time to devote to this project, but it's very attention-intensive to work on.

I'll have a chapter of The New Ron out in a day or two.


Semper ad Meliora

Turn 10 (Phase II) The first indication you have that something has gone horribly wrong is when Li Xingke bursts into your office without an appointment, trailed closely by Kaguya Sumeragi. This is unusual for a number of reasons, but specifically because both are sticklers for protocol and etiq...


Yichi Zhang

so *that's* why we were supposed to keep Kaguya in Guangzhou...

Yichi Zhang

Re: Lelouch complaining that it doesn't make sense that it's Japan I think it makes less sense that they've shown up in Guangzhou; Qingdao or Shanghai would make a lot more sense if they were expected to do the fighting. So that means... they're here to propose the deal that we were advised to not accept?

Guilherme Bezerra

Snort. So that is what that post rant about the chinese civil war involving Suzaku was about. And Lelouch rolled so high that he ended up short circurting everything. Lol! Well I suppose we must choose between going with a military response or going diplomatic. My preference is for diplo since we kind of exausted our luck with military rolls at the moment.