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Okay, that's done!  Whew, working close to the wire, but I should be able to get another Industrious chapter up either immediately before or after the new month starts, probably in tandem with the new monthly poll.

As it is for the Code Geass quest, things are wrapping up.  I should only have one or two more updates for the Chinese Federation Invasion plot line and then we'll close out the year with another two updates.

Once again, thanks to everyone who supports me and makes writing like this possible.  You're all awesome and I hope you have a great weekend!


Semper ad Meliora

Turn 10 (Phase II) The first indication you have that something has gone horribly wrong is when Li Xingke bursts into your office without an appointment, trailed closely by Kaguya Sumeragi. This is unusual for a number of reasons, but specifically because both are sticklers for protocol and etiq...


Luker number 5

I'm gonna take a guess and say there's a minuscule chance this vote will be so completely one sided you could close the vote within an hour.

Yichi Zhang

Seeing these opposed dice rolls reminds me... what was the High Eunuchs intrigue roll after part 4? Obviously they won, but was it Yet Another Nat 100?