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As it turns out, I get really tired after spending two days in a row (on my hands and knees) putting seven hours in on replacing someone's floor.  Sorry about this being a bit late.  I should have the next chapter out in a day or so.

Once again, your support means the world to me.  Thank you for your patience.


Industrious 31-40

Chapter 31: Satsuki watched as Yakumo and I prepared another series of canvases and metal frames for the tertiary testing of a new gate. While the project had been officially taken over by a group from ANBU's research and development division, the body language that the masked individuals had g...


Adam Daw

Great chapter! Also, Tenten's dream is really sweet. Adorable fluffy harem ftw. I hope we get similar cozy supportive scenarios with Yakumo and Satsuki

Pope Yoda I

I fully expect to see Satsuki abusing her office by keeping the MC chained under her desk for recreational use.

daniel koval

Interesting chapter, but the last two chapters should have been one whole chapter, not enough is happening to justify each girl getting their own vision chapter. If there were something happening other than, group goes into vision, has brief chat, moves to next vision I could see it. Unfortunately nothing of note happened, no new insights into the charecters happened, it’s just visualization of things we as readers and Kota as a character knows, he’ll the other girls know what it’s going to be or at least strongly suspect. I advise either moving things on or making the chapters have a lot more depth.

Slayer Anderson

To some degree I agree. Which is why I'm doing the next chapter in a different way. This chapter was largely filler, but had some important tidbits in it.