Industrious - Chapter 40 (Patreon)
Literally nothing I've ever worked on has fought me as hard as this chapter, but it's done. It's not perfect, and I think I might go back and revise some things, but it's done.
I'm gong to go take something for the headache finishing this off gave me, then I'll get started on my SAO quest update.
I know that a lot of people are bummed that Industrious will be going on hiatus starting tomorrow, but I think the difficulty I had with this shows the necessity of it. If I don't take a break from writing Industrious, I'm seriously going to burn out here.
I still have an idea or two for some sidestories you might see in the coming weeks to tide people over until July, but they'll be unscheduled bonus content.
Hope everyone is having a decent week, thank you all again for your support and patience.
Edit: Also, the poll for June will be up tomorrow.