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Hey all!

I've been wanting to change the posting time for a while now. I've been holding off because so many people have a routine with BTDEM, and I didn't want to interfere with it.

However, I really miss being part of the discussion. The current post time is 4AM my time. I completely miss the discussion. Europe completely misses when it goes live. Etc.

I want to be able to see what's going on, to talk, and to let more members of the community be involved.

Frankly though, I want to be able to talk about the release with everyone. I'm super missing the community aspect.

Posting time is now going to be 4PM my time. That's 10AM Eastern, 7AM Pacific. Basically as close to maximum awakeness as I can manage. Sorry Hawaii!

It will still be MWF... but for many of you, the posts were coming out STR. Now it'll be MWF for basically everyone.

Post for monday's already scheduled! Wednesday's post... past-me screwed me over and I need to write a large scene for it still.

Cheers all!




Sweet! Not at all biased with my own time zone of course...


Well still good only have to read in the break from work xD

Hauke Sattler

Damn. I have always been happy to read a BTDEM chapter first thing on Monday mornings. P.S. I live in europe.


4pm (western, continental) Europe, btw. I can live with that. (YAAAAYYYYY I'll be awake! ... And I guess that means you're alsob somewhere around Europe. Or some part of Africa, I suppose?)


Well yay for 4pm posts now in Europe but now my Monday read during break at work is gone xD


Selkie is in a place that begins with "N" and ends in "orway".

Bryn Thomas

I weep for the Australians


… Well that’s shit. It was nice having one of my series post during the day but I guess it’s after midnight again. I mean, fair enough not wanting to post at 4am but it was nice being awake for the chapter. 2am chapters are just nasty. Edit: for all I complain it’s fine, you do what you need to do and I’ll still be here reading. It was just a bit of a bummer to see you post and get this bad news instead of the chapter.


Thanks from France

Daniel B

Dang. Its not a chapter. that will be fine, and seems like a reasonable reason to change


I was trying to work out what that time would work out for us down here. Will be something to wake up to at least.


2am chapters for me here in Australia. I guess it's nice to have something to read between when I get up and when I leave for work.


So what's the new time in UTC?


Yay uk

C Gillan

Going to miss waking up in morning and having something good to read on train to work. But now have some good for train back home in evening so happy either way.

Hodge Wasson

As someone reading from Thailand, this works great for me as a beginning of the evening read.


Ahahaha, it’s fine, just kinda sad. Hopefully you enjoyed getting to see the comments come in as they were posted?