I goofed on stats. I goofed hard on stats. (Patreon)
Short version - Elaine's been getting stats from [Light of Hope] still, as I fucked up a formula. AKA she got stats from [Light of Hope] getting level 129, 130, 131... etc.
This is a moderate amount of extra stats. Over a LOT of chapters being wrong.
This is 100% my fault. No excuse.
One day I might go back and re-write them to properly have everything in and fixed.
However, I'm tempted to just rip the band-aid off, and starting from the chapter I noticed the problem, having the right stats. It'll cause a little hiccup for people looking closely at the stats, and a minor plot point gets a hair strange, but I think it's one of the better solutions.
Alternatives I've heard:
1) Retcon [Constellation of the Healer] to have more stats.
2) Other retcons.
I dislike retcons for a number of reasons. I'm tempted to just rip the bandaid off now, and get it fixed.
At the same time, if I didn't make the announcement, I doubt many people would've noticed - this error has been going on since chapter 51.
Anyways, unless someone has a brilliant idea, I'm just going to rip the bandaid off as of chapter 124.