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Hey all!

short version: no chapter Wednesday and Friday. please take my deepest apologies, and know that I don’t do this lightly.

long version: I was carrying Flora and tripped. I’m now concussed, and worse, she’s got a minor skull fracture. We’re in the hospital now, waiting for the pediatric neurosurgeo. so yeah, shit has hit the fan badly. I have the chapters - I run a backlog to be able to bulldoze these problems - but this one is just too large and I might not even be at my computer all week. That, and I sadly want to focus on flora and making sure she’s ok.

I’m really sorry. This isn’t the level of service or commitment that I want to offer you all, and I’ll try to find some way to make it up to all of you.

cheers, see you all Monday.


Michael Katz

Level of service? My dude! Your kid always comes first!!!

Matt R.

Bruh ur fucking baby fell we get it, it’s fine plz just make sure they’re ok.

Robert Mullins

Focus on you and the kid first. We'll still be around when you're ready.

Jump 'N Shoot Man

Best of luck and worry about more important things than us, please.


Take all the time you guys need! Hope you and Flora are ok!!

Lictor Magnus

Oh no 😱. Not baby Flora! I hope she recovers alright.

Matt R.

This sounded rly hostile and intense it was meant to be reassuring and mean we understand and u don’t need to apologize

Nicholas Kurtz

Please take care of you and yours. I love your stories but I'd rather have slower releases and everyone be ok.


Focus on the kid, the chapters can wait

Malir Blackspear

Holy shit please don't even think about us unless it's to cope. Family is far more important.


Don't worry about the chapters, take care of yourself and your kiddo. Hope everything turns out alright.


This is not even a discussion. You and your baby are the priority. We send you guys our hearts.


holy shit yeah what everyone else said: screw the patreon, your kid comes first. best wishes to y'all; take all the time you need.


Jesus I'm so sorry to hear that. Take care, I hope everything gets better soon.

william wallace

honestly. dont post. take care of your kid. take the time. focus on what matters.


Hang in there, and good luck. So many of us who are parents have either been there, or missed it purely by luck in the way we hit the ground - we get it.


Hurt kid allways comes first. And honestly, when was the last missed regular post? Months ago? Get healthy first.


Take as much time as you need. I'll be keeping you and Flora in my thoughts, I hope she gets better soon.


your circumstance is literally nightmare fuel. GL


Hope everyone is ok, rest and recuperation is important after head trauma.

Jon M

This may be your job, but you should still be able to take sick time. You have my support.

Ashywar Bhardwaj

Please take care of the baby first. We can miss some chapter no problem


Focus on your kid we can wait !


Oh shit! I hope you both recover swiftly and safely.


Take care of you and yours, we'll still be here.

Blayne Allsen

Take the time you need to make sure your daughter is healthy. I know I can probably speak for most of us readers, take the time you need. We are all here supporting you no matter what

ShotoGun (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-14 01:36:25 If you don’t have the vaccine take it while you are there. That’s where all the sick are gathered. Best of luck and a prayer for swift recovery!
2021-09-07 03:16:10 If you don’t have the vaccine take it while you are there. That’s where all the sick are gathered. Best of luck and a prayer for swift recovery!

If you don’t have the vaccine take it while you are there. That’s where all the sick are gathered. Best of luck and a prayer for swift recovery!


Sick leave exists for a reason! Take care of yourself and stay healthy!

a passing Fnord

Take care of yourself and family. Though it is really nice to know you have this level of passion for your writing that you feel bad about missing posts even for something as serious as having to worry about your injured child. We appreciate how much you care about us and your writing but take care of what's most important first.


Get better soon man. Praying for you guys

Jachin Nelson

Hope you recover well, and that Flora gets through without issue. No hard feelings


Best wishes!

Sean Kenny (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-14 01:36:25 "And I sadly want to focus on flora" No! Bad Selkie!! That's not sad, that's the proper thing to do! Don't put yourself down for focusing on Flora's health and well-being over providing chapters/content this week! <3
2021-09-07 03:31:29 "And I sadly want to focus on flora" No! Bad Selkie!! That's not sad, that's the proper thing to do! Don't put yourself down for focusing on Flora's health and well-being over providing chapters/content this week! <3

"And I sadly want to focus on flora" No! Bad Selkie!! That's not sad, that's the proper thing to do! Don't put yourself down for focusing on Flora's health and well-being over providing chapters/content this week! <3

Sean Kenny

Like yes, we love getting chapters, but just because extenuating circumstances come up and prevent that, doesn't mean you have to put yourself down. Feel bad for not providing the content we pay for? Sure, that's fine and normal. Put yourself down because of it? Bah, silly Selkie


If you don't post for a month I don't have an issue, take care of what you need to.


I hope that Flora is well. That's the important thing. The chapters can wait.


get better, head injuries are difficult. take the time you need.

Cryptic_Reality (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-14 01:36:25 Just focus on you and Flora getting better. The health of you and your child is more important. I'm sending all my well wishes to you both. &lt;3
2021-09-07 03:39:34 Just focus on you and Flora getting better. The health of you and your child is more important. I'm sending all my well wishes to you both. <3

Just focus on you and Flora getting better. The health of you and your child is more important. I'm sending all my well wishes to you both. <3

Alex Hoffmann

Take care and take things slowly selkie i wish you and flora a speedy and successfull recovery

Jacques Simpson

I'd rather a focus on your family and a break, than burn out. Take all the time you need, and I hope you all recover quickly


Take the time you need, your health and that of your family is more important.


Take care selkie for real, especially your family

mogust (Issy)

Take care. Wishing and praying for the best for you and Flora, and a speedy recovery.


dude f the book take care of flora. besides we just had a couple of extra chapters. take care and let us know when flora gets better

Melting Sky

Oh no. Best of luck to you and your daughter. May your recoveries be swift and complete. Head injuries are serious, but young children recover better from them than anyone else. May you both feel better soon.


Get well soon


this is what sick days are for, you shouldn't worry about work right now


For what it's worth, I'm wishing y'all all of the best.


When your kid's in the hospital with something as important as their skull cracked, me thinks we can forgive you for having no time for anything else. Seriously it's fine, best of luck to your baby making a full recovery!


Get well soon. Take all the time you need, family is on the first place.


Get well and take your time, head injuries are no joke.


Please please focus on flora, we can wait for new chapters while you go through this. Sending my support!!


Very sorry to hear, hope she gets better soon

caloase .

All the best for a speedy and safe recovery!


Get well soon. Fuck the chapters, I hope Flora is okay

Jordan joyce

look after the child its priority


Hope she gets better, best of wishes. Family is ALWAYS first, no shame in that, the exact opposite in fact.

Louise jordan

No worries at all! Don't even think about it

Aldous Russell

Hope you're both better soon! Don't worry about us.


Take care of your family

Dion Crump

Hey health and family come first, recover, get better, and keep and eye on Flora, we are good here theory crafting about eggs. Y’all just get better Btw I’m throwing my guess as Phoenix eggs


Like everyone else so far, your priority should be on your health and Flora’s. Chapters can wait a while


Anyone who gets mad about this is out of their mind! Ill just be hoping Flora gets better and has no complications


There is no need to apologize as accidents can happen and this is a serious one. Concentrate on your and Flora's health and take as much time as needed. I hope that you both will completely recover soon.


This its every parent’s worst nightmare. Get well, and my best wishes for both you and Flora.

Stefan Mensink

Hope you both get well soon.

Avery Aderyn

Oh no, take all the time you need.

George Dashner

Hope you're both better soon!

Kris Boxall

Take all the time you need hang in there!


Thanks for the explanation, get well soon~

Chotley Ferguson

I hope recovery for both of you goes quickly and smoothly. Best wishes to you and your daughter!

Alexey Gladkich

It's much more important that you and Flora get better. Wish you and your baby speedy recovery!

Joe Smith

We have a ten month old; I know how scary that must be. I hope that everything turns out fine.

Collin Straka

Selkie - we have a new baby as well (just about 9 months). She had a cold and I wasn't able to focus on anything for a week. Take ALL THE TIME YOU NEED! I hope everything is alright for both of you, you're in our thoughts.


I hope everything turns out all right. Wish you and Fiona the best.


Selkie, you are one of my favorite authors and I love you but if you even dared to focus on anything other than your daughter right now I would smack you seven days from Sunday as my Grandma always says. We clear.


Take care of your kid and of yourselfe. Hope both of you will be getting better soon. :)

joss sim

Wowzer that escalated quickly. Now that is a good reason for cliffhangers. Take care!

troy k stabenow

Dude. We appreciate the notice, but that is nothing to apologize for. Take care of your family. Don't worry about us. We'll be here.


Oh my god. I really hope you doing better now. Both of you. My deepest sympathies, and I will be praying for you and little Flora. I don't usually do that, but I really mean it that the well-being of you and your family is important to me. Your writing is the reason for it, but the absence of story will not take that away. Please get well soon, and take all the time you need. Again, my deepest sympathies.

Le Garlantézec

thank you for the notice, few writer i follow do them. Good luck on yours healing, take all the time you need we can wait.

Israel Gross

Family (and your health) First. No apologies needed for that. Hope you both get well soon, especially Flora!! (Have 2 little girls myself, so that punched me right in the feels)


I legit think this is the first time I've unexpectedly missed a post. Every other "miss" was a break announced in advance

Max R



Regardless of the emergency situation: timely communication and consistent quality product is why you get my money. I allways want more mangos and less cliffs right this second, but reality and murphy allways have a say. Take time, get better, majority of us trust ya and want you writing.


Jeez screw the chapters I hope you and Flora are alright! I would take a t least 2 weeks to a month off.


I hope everything works out


I wish you and your daughter a swift recovery.


There are far worse excuses for missing an update than "dealing with my infant daughter's skull fracture and complications." I don't think any reasonably sane person would fault you for taking all the time you need to manage that crisis. I wish you both a speedy recovery.


Thanks for the notice and don’t worry about missing a week. As much as we are all looking forward to reading more of the story, it’s completely fine and normal to take a break after an accident like that. Hope you are both okay and feel better soon.


I doubt any of us are going to grab pitchforks with your daughter in such a state. Get better soon! Bus l best wishes to the little one.


Hope you and your family get well soon!

Mats Eriksson

Please take care of your daughter and yourself! Fingers crossed!


Take care of yourself and your family. I hope you and your daughter both heal fully and completely.

Billy Wolf (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-14 01:36:18 Take care of yourself and your daughter &lt;3 That's way more important than this chapter.
2021-09-08 12:50:38 Take care of yourself and your daughter <3 That's way more important than this chapter.

Take care of yourself and your daughter <3 That's way more important than this chapter.

Rory O'Reilly

Get yourself and your family healthy first we can wait.


Oh no! I'm so sorry! What's far more important is to take care of yourself and of Flora. Get yourselves healthy, we'll wait.

Charles Simon

Never joined Patreon before but have been following your story for a while and wanted to join just to say I really hope you and your family are well. Take your time and concentrate on what’s important - your fans will wait!

Chad L.

Best wishes, we will be here when you get back. No worries.

Necroma Crowley

Take all the time you need tbh, your health and that of your daughter is much more important and we can wait patiently. Best wishes and hope everything will turn out well.

Mark Taylor

Thanks for letting us all know, but take care of Flora and yourself first.