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Hey all!

I apologize if I'm over-communicating a bit here. I try not to spam your inboxes, but I figured I owed you all an update.

Everyone is back home and OK now. We had a follow up with the Dr's today, and things are looking great! We're treating Flora with extra-fragile kid gloves for now, but everyone is expected to make a full recovery. No long term complicates, problems, surgeries, or anything is expected - just a few weeks of being in slight pain. It's responding well to basic Tylenol and Ibproufen, so we're all good on that front. She's been cheerful, happy, and giggling when "normally happy" (AKA fed, napped, etc.), and it's such a relief.

As previously mentioned, my next regular chapter is going to be on Monday, as we continue to all spend time as a family and as I watch her like a hawk. Her grandmother's flown out to give us a hand, and she's been a huge help.

I'm spending the rest of the week doing some minor admin tasks here and there, and there will probably be an announcement later this week with a bunch of minor updates and releases as I work through some of the backlog tasks I have. Just little things to keep me busy when she's sleeping, I'm still trying to take it easy. I haven't forgotten that I got concussed Monday.

Related, I've commissioned a fairly large piece of artwork as a partial apology. It should be 4k wallpaper sized, and it's basically chapter 221 in a nutshell. I've had a bunch of people tell me I shouldn't bother, but hey, I feel bad about the whole thing. It should be out by the end of the month.

I want to say thank you everyone for your support and understanding. I can't tell you how much your support has meant as we've gone through this, knowing that you all have my back. Thank you again. All your kind messages have literally brought some tears to my eyes.


Rory O'Reilly

Hey get better we are all here for ya.

Clay Smith

Glad to hear everything is looking good

Jitay Renia

Super glad you're all alright

Robert Mullins

"I got concussed Monday" "Related, I commissioned a large piece of artwork" I hate to tell you this selkie but at worst the concussion only mildly increased your art obsession.


Hey, glad to hear the good news! Take it easy and be safe.


I'm very glad to hear that everyone is on the road to full recovery. It's hard to overstate the value of good health and well-being. Best wishes to you and yours.


Thank goodness you and the baby are okay.

S. Nutter

I am SO glad you are both okay, and it is nice to have family around to help in hard times. Just remember to take things slow and easy when you feel you have to.

William Price

Ahhh, this is a relief to hear.


Glad everything is ok, don’t feel bad about tripping, everyone Fall’s down now and then. but, and I’m sure you have already done this, secure all stairs with a door(you can find some doors on Amazon or you can fashion a door yourself if you have the tools) and pad all sharp angles in your home


I'm glad to hear that you're both alright! I was hoping that everything went well. *hugs*


Thats great. I was genuinely worried for you both.


....i would think that mango gloves would be the gentlest gloves.

Tiffany Lieber

So happy to hear everything is good and there won't be any long term issues. We were praying over you all. Glad g-ma can come help. Please take your time recovering. We will all be here when you feel you are ready


That's wonderful to hear! I was super worried for a bit!


tell her Hi for me and make her laugh. It really makes the world a better place for kids to laugh more.


Great to hear that everyone will make a full recovery. I can't speak for everyone, but take extra time if needed. You and your families health is what's most important.


Glad to hear you two doing well. Take care of yourself and see you monday. :)

Pierre Tadrus

Glad to hear the news and I hope you and the little one have a swift recovery.

Alex Galaitsis

I’m so glad it’s all good. And come on. In no scenario should you feel bad that the valid concern for your family’s safety delayed the release of a couple chapters of a fictional story about a magical person with butterfly wings. 😂

Nicholas F

Glad all is on track to being well. While I love your story your family of course has to come first. Anyone who says otherwise isn't worth listening to much less worrying about.

Vadim J.

Prioritise time to do propper recuperation. Like many others i do not have any problems waiting some more. Don't force repercussions due to poor handling or overestimation of everyones health, especially head-related injuries.

Cameron S. Moore

Hey! I like the fictional character with butterfly wings! But yeah, the author’s health and his family’s are more important. (Crosses fingers behind back.) 😉


I am glad that you and Flora are OK.

Scott, just Scott

Yay! I am glad to hear Flora and you are doing well. Take the time to make it work with your family.

Addicted_Reader (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-14 01:36:15 Take all the time you need to rest <3
2021-09-09 05:11:11 Take all the time you need to rest <3

Take all the time you need to rest <3

Raymond Mouton

Agreed, health and family first.


To quote a Diesel, nothing's more important than family. Elaine would agree as well I imagine that the patient comes first. So while I too appreciate you feeling bad for our sake, its all good so long as you and the babeh is good as far as I am concerned!

Torbjørn Nilsen

Thank god, and thanks for the update!

caloase .

Good to hear you're well and both recovering at home!

Mark Taylor

You are a donut. Don't worry about us. Look after yourself and family first. You have nothing at all to apologise for. Get well and come back strong. 😀


that's some amazing news! Flora being fine with NO complication is the best that we all hoped for! use the opportunity for some family time aye? situations like this always put life into perspective...

Bacon Macleod

I’m so glad to hear flora is okay. Otherwise, if you have a concussion, I would tentatively prepare to have a lower work output. Even with a mild one, brain fog is insidious. It can be obvious, making you more tired and making you expend twice the effort for half the result, or it can be subtle, making things flow less. Impeding your writing process. Just take it easy, if you find yourself struggling it’s more than acceptable to reduce your posting schedule while your brain rests up.

Avery Aderyn

I am relieved to know everything is looking well. Please take care of yourself as well, it is an easy thing to forget for someone with a work ethic like yours. Flora being hurt only makes remembering to take care of yourself harder, but concussions are no joke.


NICE!!! If it helps i totally forgive you for having an unplanned major medical emergency. Besides this break gives me a chance to listen to BTDEM volume 1 and 2 in prep for volume 3 on Tuesday!!!

joss sim

Take care!


I'm super happy to hear that you are both going to be fine. Please take your time and spent your time with your family so that you can recover from the shock and also understand on an emotional level that Flora will be okay.


Extra artwork is nifty, but don't apologize. Take all the time you need without guilt.


Good to hear you are both alright and while you didn’t need to do it, new artwork is always appreciated :D

Tommy Mullane

Good to hear you are both fine. I fell with one of our children on some unexpected ice years ago and still get shivers thinking about it. But babies are incredible and they bounce back from all kinds of things... Of course now you get to look forward to Flora using this against you in every argument when she becomes a teen :-)