Situation update - Everyone's OK! (Patreon)
Hey all!
I apologize if I'm over-communicating a bit here. I try not to spam your inboxes, but I figured I owed you all an update.
Everyone is back home and OK now. We had a follow up with the Dr's today, and things are looking great! We're treating Flora with extra-fragile kid gloves for now, but everyone is expected to make a full recovery. No long term complicates, problems, surgeries, or anything is expected - just a few weeks of being in slight pain. It's responding well to basic Tylenol and Ibproufen, so we're all good on that front. She's been cheerful, happy, and giggling when "normally happy" (AKA fed, napped, etc.), and it's such a relief.
As previously mentioned, my next regular chapter is going to be on Monday, as we continue to all spend time as a family and as I watch her like a hawk. Her grandmother's flown out to give us a hand, and she's been a huge help.
I'm spending the rest of the week doing some minor admin tasks here and there, and there will probably be an announcement later this week with a bunch of minor updates and releases as I work through some of the backlog tasks I have. Just little things to keep me busy when she's sleeping, I'm still trying to take it easy. I haven't forgotten that I got concussed Monday.
Related, I've commissioned a fairly large piece of artwork as a partial apology. It should be 4k wallpaper sized, and it's basically chapter 221 in a nutshell. I've had a bunch of people tell me I shouldn't bother, but hey, I feel bad about the whole thing. It should be out by the end of the month.
I want to say thank you everyone for your support and understanding. I can't tell you how much your support has meant as we've gone through this, knowing that you all have my back. Thank you again. All your kind messages have literally brought some tears to my eyes.