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A HUGE thanks to my good friend Ravensdagger, who made and shipped me an ELAINE PLUSHIE!!

It's so cute! I'm sharing it all with you.

Also, shamelessly plugging Raven and all his stuff, because it's the least I can do after he hand-made this and sent it in the mail.





RavensDagger is male?


...I half expected it to be on fire...


aaaawawaawwa! This is so cute! I wish there was more chibi Elaine.

K Hilliard

No wonder he only manages to write half a dozen or so stories simultaneously, with crafting projects like that on the side. 😝


aww cute so is this the 4/4 bonus content that I've been wondering about since you went up to 3/4 bonus content then stopped

Shining Moon

Haha I wanted to note that it had too much hair. It’s adorable though!

Lowe K. Lyesmith

I bet he's writing with his feet and his right hand, while doing crafting arts with his left hand and mouth 😂


Ravensdagger refers to himself with 'his' in his own bio, so in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, I'd say yes.


It doesn’t look very accurate. Look at it 🙄 a full head of hair? honestly it’s just not true to the text.


Nope - this is pure bonus. I usually do the bonus when I’m taking my time off but the demand for auri art was too strong


ravensdagger prolly has a caffeine problem and/or a hyperactive thyroid; normal people *sleep*, yanno! instead of turning out 1,000,021 pages on 3,010 stories...and making plushies?? RD is an alien bot, you heard it here first!!! :)


she could start keeping wigs in inventory...prolly the smart thing to do, tbh! :)


ok, it's kinda adorable