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A few days after Auri ignited, I left Port Salona.

There wasn’t much of interest that happened, apart from Bossman and the rest of the Ranger team nearing the end of their investigation. Two squads of guards, with varying degrees of guilt, a single corrupt scribe, and a judge going senile seemed to be the score.

The scribe seemed to be the lynchpin of the operation. He was able to forge - well, forge was a bad word, since he was the one writing them out ‘for real’ anyways - documents that said a trial took place, and the verdict was whatever he decided it was. Generally harsh penalties for the loser.

The scheme was vaguely clever, in an evil way. The slaves were then often sold to a wealthy farmer, who needed extra farmhands or help around the house, keeping them away from the city and potential sources of justice. When the person being railroaded - always poor, and without connections or help to lean on - protested, the guards would cover each other.

If they made an appeal to the Rangers, and if the Rangers had enough time to investigate, they’d go to the courthouse. The paperwork - regardless of which scribe was looking things up - would always be in order. If, by some miracle, the Rangers went a step further and asked the judge about the case, the judge, not wanting to admit to the holes in his memory or declining faculties, would “remember” it happening.

At which point, why investigate further? Why hunt down the prosecutor in the case, who was harder to find than the judge at the jailhouse? Why look for any other collaborating evidence? Rangers were busy people, and multiple sources verifying that, yes, it was real?

It wasn’t like every single criminal ever claimed they were innocent, and appealed to the Rangers, hoping we’d screw up and let them go free. Our tolerance for looking into things depended on the team, how many complaints we got, and how busy we were.

Bossman and co’s problem at this point was unraveling just how long the scheme had been going on, trying to tease the fake trials from the real ones, and figure out how to “unwind” the dozens - hundreds? -  of cases. How to resettle all the people back into lives and careers, and what compensation, if any, they could be given.

Selling the guilty into slavery could only generate so much coin, not nearly enough to cover all the costs.

The scribe was scheduled for public execution last I heard, which would reduce the pot of coins to cover the costs.

Their motive was, naturally, profit. The slaves were being sold “off the books” so to speak - in spite of them being on the books - and the guards and scribe were splitting the rather significant funds. Kind of like how the pirates were looking for slaves to sell.

The flesh industry was lucrative.

The governor was happy with us, and Bossman had reluctantly concluded that he was in the clear. The guards were effectively stealing from his coffer, and the governor’s [Penny Pincher] was delighted. We’d found the hole in his accounts! Balance to the balance sheets! Or some other nonsense that had him throwing us a “feast”.

Leftovers from an extravaganza the governor had thrown the night before. Dude lived up to his class alright.

Honestly. Leftover fish.

I was glad to be out of the way of all that, and just as happy to be able to leave on my own timeline. Wolfy wasn’t happy that I was leaving before the investigation was completely finished - he was going to have to get back to it!

I had quickly stopped by the temple on my way out, thanking all the gods and goddesses for my safe return to Remus. I figured while I was there, I’d drop a whole wishlist of things I wanted, most of which were impossible. Eh. Might as well try, right?

Auri was a troublemaker and a half. I double-checked my gear one last time.

Oversized backpack filled with supplies - check.

Metal plating for said backpack - check. Fireproofing my stuff from Auri was a challenge!

Deception Ring - check. Set back to 200. It had given me trouble in the past, but so was displaying my true level. Heck, most levels came with a degree of trouble, and when push came to shove, I’d rather be under-estimated.

Three amphorae of clay corked fruit juice - check.

Mistweave - check. Auri would burn anything else, and think it was great fun.

Heavy-duty gloves intended for forge work - check. I could just grab Auri with my bare hands, but I didn’t like the smell of my own flesh cooking. Gave me horrible flashbacks.

“Ok Auri, we’re going to get going now. We’re going to my home! You’re going to meet my parents! And the other Sentinels! And Kallisto! And everyone else! It’s super exciting, right?”

“Brrrpt!” Auri agreed with me!

“If you let me carry you, we can be there SUPER FAST! Isn’t that cool?”

“Brrrrrpt.” Auri fluttered in front of me, wings beating so quickly they tried to blur, throwing multi-colored sparks everywhere. It was only due to my crazy vitality that I could see them at all, although she’d be a menace if she invested in speed.

“Ok, yes, flying is the best thing ever.”

“Brrrpt!” Auri zipped down to where I had a jug of mango juice at my waist, and tapped on it a few times.

“I just fed you!”


I held back a sigh, and refrained from rolling my eyes.

“Auri, if you do nothing but fly, of course you’ll be starving! That’s what I’m trying to say!”

BRrrrrrrpt” Auri trailed off sadly.

I narrowed my eyes at her.

“Fine.” I uncorked the jug that not five minutes ago Auri had gotten a drink from, and tipped the bottle over just enough for the juice to be at the lip.

Auri hovered right next to it, embers landing on my hand as she drank her fill. After a few seconds, she stopped and zipped around me.

“Brrrpt! Brrrpt! BRUPT!”

That last one sounded like more of a burp than a cheep of joy.

“Ok, you’ve had your drink, now come here! And we can get going!”

“Brrrpt!” Auri just kept zipping around me, excited to simply fly.

It did give me a chuckle. We were like two birds of a feather in that respect. I knew how much fun flying was, and I didn’t want to put a damper on her enthusiasm.

Instead, I took the moment to study her flight, hoping to improve [Scintillating Ascent]. I was torn if it was helping or not. On one hand, Auri was a low-level baby bird.

On the other, she was a phoenix. I couldn’t think of too many creatures that were better to study. I didn’t have a great grasp on how [Scintillating Ascent] evolved yet, but I couldn’t imagine constantly studying Auri was a bad idea.

We walked along for quite some time. I was going super slowly - compared to how quickly I could walk, let alone run, but I was letting Auri set the pace.


After an hour I was starting to get impatient though. At this rate, it would literally take me a year to finish getting back home. I decided to try and get a proper move on.

“You don’t want to fly on my shoulder? I can go super fast and super high!” I tried to cajole Auri.

“BrPT!” Auri fiercely denied me.

I frowned at her.

“Ok, now listen here young miss. We need to get a move on, and your antics are slowing us down!”

I got out The Gloves.

“Sorry Auri, but we do need to get moving.” I first caught her in my [Mantle], then closed the heavy-duty gloves around her. She struggled against the heavy gloves, not liking being trapped. Just like me…

I then took off, my wings interacting awkwardly and badly with the backpack I had on. I couldn’t properly flap them, which limited my speed.

Derp, right. I could just take it off, flip it around to make a front-pack, and go from there.

It was still a heck of a lot faster than nearly every other method of transportation I had available.

“Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpttttt… brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpppppppppttttttttt….” Auri was crying pitifully from where I was holding onto her, and my heart wavered.

Three minutes of her crying her little heart out later, and I yielded. I wanted to get home fast, yes, but not at the cost of our potential bond and relationship. If we had to get home the slow way, the slow way it was.

“Well, let’s go then.”



Minor Interlude - Auri

6th day since Igniting.

Free! I was free! Freed from the crushing non-burning things. The things sick-mom put on her not-wings!

Nasty not-burning things. Mom had many many not-burning things.

Poor mom! Poor Elaine! She was SUPER SICK! All of her feathers were GONE! She had pretty wings of light-fire! I liked. They weren’t as pretty as me, but mom tried.


Free to fly around! Free to flit and weave, duck and dive! Free to explore the grand world around me! All the way from the ground that Elaine spent too much time walking on, all the way up to where trees started to have leaves!

Would you believe it, it looked like there was more above there? That trees grew endless leaves just for me to burn??

I zoomed around mom! Zoom! Zip! Pew! I let her know how happy I was!

“Thank you! Thank you! More juice?”

Mom bared her teeth. It meant she was happy! Yay happy mom! Yay happy! See, letting me fly was good! Everyone happy!

I flew to the edge of the world! The great shiny stone desert! Mom was walking across it. Go mom!

I helped! Lots of not-fire on the side of this “road” thing. Lots of leaves and sticks and - OOH!


Yummy flower!

I buzzed over to the beautiful yellow flower, and took a sip of the nectar inside.

Mmmmm. Tasty!

Poor flower though. So sad. So droopy.

I help!


It burned! Bright yellow, like the color of the flower! It was all ok now.

“Look at me! Look at me! Mom, I did it! I burned it! FIRE!”

“Auri, if you burn the flowers, how do you expect to get more nectar from them?” Mom made that big breathing noise. She did that a lot. More proof that she was sick.

Bug! Food! Tasty food! Whooof! Flames! Burn the bug! Cook it!

Zoof! Zap! Catch!

Yummy yummy in my tummy.

More things to burn! Whoosh! The flat green things burn! The long brown things are on fire.



Glorious fire!

“Auri, stop burning everything. Come on, let’s go!” Mom said.

Stop… burning everything?


No way mom was ok.

My stomach felt unhappy. I flew to mom’s bath in a bottle and pecked at it. Peck! Peck! Mom said to be polite. I was polite! Tap! Peck!


“Ok, but you should find your own. We don’t have unlimited amounts, not at the rate you drink at.” Elaine grabbed the bath, and opened it up.

My eyes went as wide as a berry. Mom’s portable cave was endless. An endless sea of delicious liquid! It tizzied! It tittered! It was the SECOND BEST THING EVER!

Mom was the best thing ever! She needed to get better! No sick!

First though. Delicious liquid was tasty-yummy! Made my mouth happy! Stomach happy!

Drink with the mouth! Made the mouth happy!


If I used my wings, would that make my wings happy? My feet? ALL OF ME!?

YES! It must!

I zipped into the cavern!

“No!” Mom cried out. I ignored her. Full-body happy time!

Strange that mom kept it dark, and didn’t keep some fire in here. Everywhere should have fire!


I dove right in! Splish splash! Straight into the-



Mom grabbed me, and immediately heated me back up. My flames flickered. My flames caught.

I lived.

“Th-th-thank you.” I shivered out.

Mom was safe. I was going to stay with mom for a bit.

Elaine put me on the Podium of Adoration. All could see my beautiful flames from here! The reds! The oranges and blues, the greens and the whites, and best of all the purples and ulfires and jale!

The Podium wasn’t burnable today.

“Boo! BOO!” I let my displeasure be known.

“I know, you like that spot don’t you?” Mom answered back.

Bah. Mom didn’t always get me.

Mom also didn’t have her head-feathers. I did her a great favor! I turned them into fire! Good Auri! Good work!

“Brrrpt!” I cheeped happily at the memory.

Then mom’s burning-hair-feathers went away. EXTINGUISHED! Mom was super-duper sick. Her head should always be burning. Everything should be burning!

Then there was A Voice. A mysterious voice, a powerful voice, the Voice of Everything.

“Congratulations! You’ve survived your early weeks, and the System is now fully unlocked for you!”

“Congratulations! You’ve unlocked a number of General Skills! [Phoenix’s Perfection], [Alarm Call], [Begging], [Brrretty], [Large Appetite], [Preening], [Cute], [Flame Body], [Flying], [Presentation], [Adoration], [Vanity], [Understanding Mom], [Tough Feathers], [Baby Bird], [Precocious], [Incandescence], [Far Seeing], [Hovering], [Cutie Power], [Pointy Beak], [Mimic Mom], [Ponder], [Promethean Insight], [Adorable], [Flower Fascination].

“Congratulations! You’ve earned your first class - [Feather of Flame] - Inferno!”

Feather of Flame - A starter class for a phoenix, hatched by humans and elves working together.”

“Your class - [Feather of Flame] - has advanced from level 1 to level 8!”

“What?” I asked the voice.

“You now have access to the System.” It repeated. “For reaching level 8, you now have the ability to class up!”

“Can you tell me another way?” I asked, confused. Strange mystery words coming out of the air? It was confusing.

Flames erupted in front of me! Fire burn!

Ooooh. Eternally burning! Burning nothing, burning forever, good flames!

The flames made sense. The flames spoke of power - my power. They told me how to get stronger. How to make my flames burn bigger, hotter. How to make more fire. How to build an inferno.

And - AND - I could make it different! I could add more flames! Little sparks! Colorful embers!


I only had 1, 2, 3… 4…counting was hard… 5… 6!


MORE THAN 6 SPACES! Wow! It was like I could get EVERYTHING!

“Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the General Skill [Counting Hard or Hardly Counting?]”

Wow! Even more!


I wanted THAT skill! And that skill! And those skills! YES!

Mom was the best! Flowers were the best!

I quickly filled in all the fires, making it the BIGGEST BESTEST FIRE EVER!

A glorious multi-colored flame was in the middle. I just knew what it did.

With some will, I went to the happy-fire-dreamland.


Flowers! Flowers everywhere! Glorious flowers stretching in front of me, almost all a blazing red color! The best color, the color of FIRE!

A few rare ones weren’t red. I buzzed over to them.

Zip! Zoop!

The after-burning color. Mom called it “grey”.  It had a small red spot of nectar in the middle.

Fwish! Fwoop!

Mom-wing color. “Yellow”? Orange nectar!

Swish! Swoop!

Dark burning color, with little spots of brown. Not-red nectar.


Two flowers near each other. One evil water color. “Blue”? Almost-red nectar in the middle. Boo! Bad blue! Zoom to the other flower!

The other was the same color as the HUGE birds in the sky! The birds were weird! Always the same color, didn’t flap their wings.

Vroop! Vrisht!

Last weird flower! Charcoal color! Good color, color of burning things. Orange fire nectar spot.

Then a huge bird of flames came! Big wings! Huge beak! Great talons! Every color of fire!

I wanted to be just like her.

“Auri!” She said. “Hi! I’m your guide!”

I instantly knew what a guide was, and what she was for. The flower petals were the type of flames I’d get. The nectar inside was how strong the flames would be.

But why was red the weakest? Red should be the strongest!



Thinking hurt.

I was every color of fire. Yup yup. That was good. All was right with the world.

The nectar was… also every color.

So… red wasn’t the best fire color. It was just a fire color, like the rest of them.

All fire colors were equally good! They all burned things!


“Yay! Guide! What do I do?”

Knowledge flooded into me, information communicated by some arcane means.

“Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa.” I looked at my guide in awe. “Cool! Do it again!”

She gave me an evil black-burning eye.

“Pick what you want.” She said. “I can help you.”

“BURN EVERYTHING! Oh, and have the BEST COLORS. Lots of fire. Make everyone look at me on the Podium of Adoration! Flames! Make mom better. She’s sick.” I got sad thinking about that.

I then perked up.

“Wait! Mom’s awesome! She’ll totally figure out how to get better! Give me an INFERNO!”

I learned all the burning words quickly. I was very happy with myself.

Guide swished her great beautiful wings, and the field of flowers flew under us. A beautiful red fire poppy awaited me, with a single drop of yellow nectar.

I hovered in front of the flower, my wings giving off wonderful sparks of flame. Spread the joy! Spread the fire! Look at how pretty I am!

The petals were telling me things.

Zippiness: FWISH! SWOOP!

Fancy Flying: All the twirls!

Kindling: Lots and LOTS!

New Juice: Two mango’s worth.

Flame Size: HUGE!

Fire Control: Smol.

Eh, that wasn’t needed.

“This one!”

“Excellent choice. Light the flower on fire, and make your choice.”

“NO!” I protested. “I want to burn ALL of them!”

“Just one.”

I wasn’t going to let the guide tell ME what to do! I burned the first one, then quick as thinking, went to burn ALL THE FLOWERS!

They wanted to be burned! They needed to turn into beautiful flames, like me! They would go away when I was done!


Bring me back!




I was flying fast. Auri was finally somewhat cooperative - and by that she wasn’t actively resisting me - and I was taking the chance to haul. I figured at this point I could fly at high speeds while Auri was sleeping, and walk slowly while she was awake. Suboptimal, but it shouldn’t add too much time to my trip.

The colorful phoenix had, after much excitement, suddenly gotten the distinct glowing halo of colors that indicated that she was classing up.

I was a bit jealous. Roughly a month after hatching, and not only had the System unlocked for her, but she’d gotten to level 8? Lyra, after a whole 8 years, had only managed to get level 7! Level 8 in a month, when all Auri did was eat, sleep, and burn things, was absurd!

I felt Auri stirring, and I dropped back down to the road, landing heavily among some travelers. I glanced down at her, [Identify]ing her to see what happened.

“Brrrpt! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpt!!” Auri flew out of my hands, circling around me, all excited.

My jaw dropped, and with my vitality, I was able to pick out small details in her eyes.

“You’re an Inferno [Mage] now!?”

This must be my comeuppance for when I took a Fire mage class with the Rangers. Karma was biting me in the ass for the prank I pulled on Julius and the rest way back when.

I looked at Auri, happily blowing off jets of Inferno around her, reveling in her new abilities.

I looked at the travelers on the road, giving Auri and I wary looks. At least was sword was being unsheathed, not that I could blame them. I’d be doing the same if a tiny monster landed in front of me and started throwing around Lightning or something.

I thought about Auri’s inclination to burn everything.

Oh boy. I was in for it now.

[Name: Aoife Auri Stentor]

[Race: Phoenix]


[Mana: 720/720]

[Mana Regen: 667]


[Free Stats: 0]

[Pushing Power: 48]

[Fancy Flying: 32]

[Reactions and Reflexes: 41]

[Zippiness: 46]

[Kindling: 72]

[New Juice: 71]

[Flame Size: 76]

[Fire Control: 71]

[Class 1: [The Eternal Flame - Inferno : Lv 9]]

[Inferno Authority: 1]

[Phoenix Rebirth: 1]

[Inferno Manipulation: 1]

[Inferno Conjuration: 1]

[True Flames: 1]

[Burn Magic: 1]

[Domain of Fire: 1]

[Burning Quills: 1]

[Class 2: [Locked]]

[: ]

[: ]

[: ]

[: ]

[: ]

[: ]

[: ]

[: ]

[Class 3: [Locked]]

[: ]

[: ]

[: ]

[: ]

[: ]

[: ]

[: ]

[: ]

General Skills

[Phoenix's Perfection: 1]

[Incandescence: 1]

[Adorable: 1]

[Precocious: 1]

[Flower Fascination: 1]

[Flying: 1]

[Preening: 1]

[Brrretty: 1]



Early to bed?




To be clear, this is Monday's chapter a few hours early


Too bad she didnt take the understanding mom skill

Mike G.

Great chapter. I see Understanding Mom didn't make the general list, rut roh...

Avery Aderyn

This is lovely. Can't wait for next week.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


Alas. Another protagonist without social skills.


Wish I could enjoy it right now. But I'm too damn drunk. Why release of chapter? Just like I don't know 7 hours early?


ok....so Auri really is an arsonist!!! we need Elaine to hold the brakes on this girl, she looks like a child after stealing the sugar warehouse... and the lighter. If Elaine doesn't do this soon, it's going to cause a lot of headaches. The phoenix leveling rate is very high, much higher than a human, it will get strong very fast. AND AURI HAS THE AUTHORITY SKILL!!! or rather, all her skills seem excellent, what a envy.

Flying Goat

Typo: "At least was sword was being unsheathed, not that I could blame them." -> "At least one sword was being unsheathed, not that I could blame them." Thanks for the chapter! Hope we're going to get regular Auri-ludes.

David Brims

Heh. Karma! A God inflicted Elaine upon herself. That's what she gets for stealing that egg! 😆


Cute chapter! Thanks for posting!

AntiClimax she her

So, is Elaine gonna have to pick up a self immolation skill in order to bond with Auri? Or will she get one if they bond? Auri is quite concerned that her momma's not on fire. It's gonna be hard for her, growing up around humans instead of phoenixes. Otherwise, she seems about as hyperactive as Elaine on unlocking day, and that's absolutely precious.


L E T. T H E R E. B E. F I R E.


Interesting to note that the class is named the Eternal Flame

Alexey Gladkich

Welp, what's in common between the Joker and Auri? Clearly, they want to see the world burn!


Thank you for the early chapter.


I like how the system translated the stats so Auri can understand them


Thank you!


I just love that Auri’s stats are all in Aurisms. What is speed when you can have zippiness…


She's a mini-Elaine

Alexey Gladkich

She kinda needs both [Undestanding Mom] and [Mimic Mom]. Probably will get around lvl 64, after getting second class. If I understood correctly, [Understanding Mom] is a bonding skill, or at least initial phase of it. [Mimic Mom] is a speech skill. She'll be able to communicate with other humans.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Harry Hirsch

I read a Lot of commens that Elaine needs a fire class for the resistance, so her hair wont burn. But i believe when Auri gets older he will be able to adjust his heat so that not everything around him catches fire.


I love that she thinks Elaine is sick because she's not actively on fire. It's such a weird thing for her to just instinctively know. Gah I'm glad you're taking break days this year but why'd it have to be the week I start my new job!

Alexey Gladkich

"Auri-ludes" that does not sound right. I understand you are punning interludes. But it sounds like "Auri lewds"... she is a bit too young for that.


Auri really is a birdbrain, but a very cute one!

Jeppe Fiig

XD Auri didnt pick the blue class due to her experience with water, or the charcoal was that a nearly black(like lun'kat)

Alexey Gladkich

It does seem like her class gives her like 400 stats per level. That's like Purple class. Or how much she gets from her race?

Michael Otton

Strength: Pushing Power Dexterity: Fancy Flying Vitality: Reactions and Reflexes Speed: Zippiness Mana: Kindling Mana Regeneration: New Juice Magic Power: Flame Size Magic Control: Fire Control I love the translated stats although i had to check what Reactions and Reflexes was as it's not as obvious as the others.

Alexey Gladkich

They simply come in the same order. Vitality is responsible for Reaction and Reflexes... although it should be also toughness and perception.

Clarence Bassanini

Hold on. Basic lvl 8 class and she got freakin' authority right of the bat? Legendary creature sure have it easy. Auri is cute, Brrety some might say hur hur hur.


This reminds me of the "Cinnamon Burn" class evolution from Cinnamon Bun, and I love it.


Podium of Adoration. I like. I had forgotten how important being pretty and others knowing it was to birds.

Andrew Moreton

Missed Vital Skill Understand Mom, missed Comedy Skill Mimic Mom




I love the zippeness skill. Hahaha!

Evgeni Ivanov

I love the detail that Auri burned Elaine hair off . It seemed so funny to me . Elaine pretty skill will struggle a lot with her companion :-)

Alexey Gladkich

Actually, she wasn't offered a blue or black class... the petals were blue/black which indicate type of element. Black would be darkness, pyranox, or ash. It was described as charcoal - so Ash. And there was also Black-burning color which would be Pyronox. Blue I am not sure... no way she had water, maybe steam? The last color was of birds in the sky that don't flop wings... is she referring to clouds? So it is storm or steam. In the end she picked class with Yellow nectar, meaning yellow quality. Other classes that she was offered had lower quality, usually orange.


Thats her Speed stat translated into Auri-speech.


Maybe blue could be lightning? Lightning is very capable of setting things on fire. From a huge distance too, which fire would struggle with. And the travel time would be near instantaneous. All the better for everything to BURN! But a phoenix having a non-fire related class would be odd.

Alexey Gladkich

@Cormac I don't think she'd be offered a non-fire advanced element. So lightning is unlikely. Also the color would be white with blue hints rather than blue. I am sure she can pick an element that isn't fire related, it's just that it will be weaker. It could be a magical metal... but I find it unlikely considering its rarity.


Eh, phoenixes are kinda broken. Really drives it home how inferior humans are on Pallos. Unlocking her system after a month and getting an advanced element for her child class, then going straight to level 8? Getting offered a yellow mage class right away? Okay, if our theory is correct and Auri is in fact the offspring of Ho-O, The Conflagration, then that plus being part of Lun'Kat's lair should give her some serious achievements. Or I might be wrong and all phoenixes get yellow classes with authority skills at level 8. And of course the little birdbrain didn't take [Understanding Mom]. Poor Elaine, she's stuck with an overpowered pyromaniac with ridiculous leveling speed. She might be relatively harmless right now, but once her Flame Size gets to around 1000? Say goodbye to civilization, Elaine, and also to hair, clothes that aren't Mistweave and mango juice. Hopefully the self-healing will push her to 512 before Auri bonds to her.

Alexey Gladkich

Compared to Phoenixes, even Elves are inferior race. Phoenixes to Elves is like Elves to humans. The Elves Elaine met only got like yellow class for their 256 class-up. Only Serondes managed to get light-green for third class. And here Auri getting Yellow class right off the bat with advanced element and authority skill.


I figured that the grey flower was Ash, the yellow flower Radiance, the dark red with brown spots Lava, the black one Pyronox, and the blue and cloudy ones are Steam and Storm. I believe the blue one is steam, because it contains Water and Auri automatically dislikes it. Storm is Fire and Wind, which should be less offensive to her. It also makes sense for the Storm flower to look like the clouds.

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante hmm... yeah I think you are right. Was wondering what that Dark-burning color was - haven't considered Lava. I agree that Blue was Steam... I just find it wrong that Steam is represented by Blue.


Sure, maybe phoenixes are closer to dragons than elvenoids. But the class qualities still seem absurd without any notable achievements. Being the daughter of a Guardian of Pallos would at least somewhat explain it.


Maybe it's the Water element in it. Auri seems to understand things in colors, so perhaps baby phoenixes have an instinctive understanding that water = blue = bad. Perhaps related to the color of the ocean. Yeah, just read that part again, she calls it "evil water color".

Alexey Gladkich

There was post about affinities, fairly certain that races with strong affinities can just pick stronger classes related to said affinity. Phoenixes have absurd natural fire affinity. Surely the lots of stats she got from her race were helpful too. Most ocean dwellers can surely pick Ocean right off the bat. Edit: honestly it would look silly if system gave Auri [Inferno Affinity] considering the fact that Auri is partially made from Inferno flames. It would be almost as bad as giving her [Inferno Resistance]

Alexey Gladkich

I wonder what kind of social skills can Auri get? Convincing people that everything should be set aflame?


Auri's Priorities. #1 Mom Elaine (shes sick, she 'sighs' a lot and isn't on fire) #2 Endless cave of Mango Juice. #3 BURN EVERYTHING THAT ISNT ON FIRE (ESPECIALLY MOM'S HAIR) Seriously reminds me of when Elaine got fireball unlocked and threw it around literally all the time. And when she had to 1v1 Aura, I think his name was, in the Arena, and she went 'batshit crazy'

David Brims

Almost drowning in the Endless cave of Mango Juice = Priceless!

AntiClimax she her

You know, I think Auri might have something with Elaine not being well/complete if not burning.


I wonder how Auri will mitigate her weakness to water. Will making her Flame Class powerful enough do the trick? Or will she need to take a second Class with something like Steam so she can get a water resistance skill?

Alexey Gladkich

I don't think that there is such thing as [Water Resistance] skill. Not all elements have resistance skills. Metal, Earth, and Wood are unlikely to have it either. There is [Water Breathing] skill. It totally saves from Water's Magic usual killing tactics of drowning. Maybe there is [Underwater Burning] skill? No idea how that would work though and I don't see Steam having it.


If fire doesn't solve your problems, then maybe you aren't using enough fire. Or in other words, just wait until she gets powerful enough to find out that Inferno can evaporate Water. She'll declare war on evil water everywhere. Wouldn't put it past her to pick Pyronox and get a skill that straight up disintegrates water and can't be extinguished. So far we've only seen Elaine's Pyronox class options, which were heavily influenced by her healer class. Cleansing flames and so on. A Pyronox class influenced by Auri's love for burning things and her Inferno class would be closer to Lun'Kat's version. Like Itachi Uchiha's Amaterasu.

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante having Greek Fire or Pyronox Fire capable of burning water, doesn't change the fact that Auri is made from Inferno flames. Those probably don't burn without oxygen. And we haven't quite seen Elaine's Pyranox option. It wasn't described as cleansing... it was described as fire with high control. I can see how high-control can translate into conjuring mini-dragons that spout flames for Lun'Kat.

Alexey Gladkich

Think a bit. Phoenixes are incarnations of fire, their natural fire affinity is top notch. Her body is partially made from inferno flames. Would giving her [Inferno Affinity] make any sense? A skill that improves said affinity? It's almost as bad as giving her something like [Inferno Resistance].

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante yeah, that much is clear, but I just don't agree representing Steam by a Water color. Similarly, why I didn't connect Dark-burning color with brown spots to lava. How did Auri even differentiate between Ash and Storm? Those are just different shades of gray. There should've been much better imagry to the elements given the fact that it is dreamland. Lava could be mostly petals of black color alternating with yellow-red bright colors. Ash could be grey with powder-like texture. Storm could be grey constantly swirling with cloudy texture. Steam could be transparent with constantly raising half-transparent grey spots. In the dreamland the colors of the flowers don't have to be realistic.


Nope, every description of her Pyronox options during class ups were some sort of healer hybrid, like Caecillius's Radiance class. She always describes the classes as cleansing or burning away disease and creating sterile zones. It has always bothered me since Pyronox is supposed to be destructive fire.


Keep in mind that Auri is describing the colors, not a reliable narrator. She also describes the colors how she knows them and occasionally adds the word Elaine uses for them afterwards. She describes the Ash flower as "The after-burning color" for example. The Storm flower looks like clouds to her. Steam contains an element that is anathema to a phoenix, therefore the flower has the "evil water color". The colors don't have to make sense to you, they have to make sense to Auri (while still being obvious enough that the reader can figure out the element). I feel like you are expecting too much from the little dumbass.

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante that's how Marcus' Pyronox works. Maybe you got confused with some healer upgrades? Her [Ranger-Mage] didn't get too much description. > [Pyronox] was a bit of an odd duck. Cleansing, removing flames – it was like a high-control version of Fire, with some twists and turns to it. I figure my control was high enough to make straight-up flames work, and [Fire] had better stats. It doesn't quite describe what exactly it cleanses though - could be anything as far as I understand. And since it was still present it still offered some Flight and Fireball versions. Edit: I think you confuse it with `[Purificatress – Pyronox]` lvl 32 upgrade that was shift towards Pyranox-Healer. Surely, got the option from witnessing Marcus' cleansing flames.

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante to me it looks more like Selkie messed up with the descriptions/representations. Especially Lava and Steam. Although, Auri seems to be seeing more colors than humans so Clouds and Ash could look to her very differently, rather than just gray.


I was rereading the early chapters, because I wanted to read Elaine first class-up and just couldn't stop. I reached chapter 58, and totally lost it. "After the lady left – I never caught her name – I went back to playing with fire, trying to make a careful circlet for myself without lighting my hair on fire. I had [Fire Resistance], but my hair wasn’t fireproof. Yet. One day…." We are waiting :D


@Alexey Gladkich ,but this is the description of Auri, who is only 1 month old, and who doesn't even know the names of the colors, she is a child, she doesn't have many words in her vocabulary to use. It's not like when Elaine was a kid, she already had 20 years of knowledge. Auri is simply not the best narrator, which is to be expected. So much so that for her, the color red would be stronger, because red=fire=third best thing in the world. Then she understands that there are several fires. But for her the color blue always represents a danger because it represents water. And the steam attribute is different from the others, as it is hot water. It does not cause fires like the other attributes. Same for storm, it's rough wind.

Alexey Gladkich

@Shoto you might be forgetting it, but water is actually colorless and transparent. So I have no clue why would Auri think of Blue as danger evil color. If anything Blue would be color of the Sky and some of her beautiful feathers. I simply disagree with steam being represented by Blue. I don't remember ever seeing Blue steam.


She probably associates water with the ocean. Keep in mind that she seems to have a lot of instinctive knowledge. Part of that could be that 'blue' is 'the evil water color'. It doesn't matter that the flower looks nothing like actual steam. To Auri it contains water, it's evil and it's blue. Because the ocean is blue and every phoenix knows that flying over the ocean can mean death. At least that's how I would explain it. Blue just represents water in her mind, regardless of it's actual color. I mean, mango juice is yellow and could still extinguish her fire. You're focusing too much on the flower colors being accurate representations of the elements.

Alexey Gladkich

@Cirvante and you missing the point that it was badly done. They didn't make enough sense to Auri for her to understand what it was. The colors weren't true to the elements. Mysteriously she managed to differentiate two nearly identical colors into completely different things - just a bit of illumination change should've swapped them. And at no point was the potential of dreamland properly utilised. It was just written thoughtlessly. You say Auri is a poor narrator, but there are ways to write a poor narrator's view without making it look poorly written.

AntiClimax she her

I think you've made it clear that you don't like it, Alexey. That you don't like it doesn't mean that it was poorly written or that anything was done wrong. Could it have been better? Possibly, it can be argued that anything can be done better -- however, this was written from a one month old bird's pov. Who had just received knowledge about all the fire related elements via some arcane means. To be believable we have to be convinced that a 1 month old birb is narrating. It's not surprising that she understood what it meant, whatever color it was represented by in her inner world of the soul. It was her inner world. You don't like the choice of blue. I get that, but it really just feels like petty quibbling to me, particularly your insistence that it was wrong. The way it is written makes more sense to me than your suggestion, because Auri doesn't have direct experience of most of those elements. She wouldn't recognize them if they were "true to the elements", whatever that means, not without system help, and simple color representation makes more sense than detailed -- particularly given that Auri didn't seem that into detail and how inexperienced she is given her age. Her giving or noticing that kind of detail would break the spell of believability. And remember how color is perceived on pallos. It's pretty relative. What we'd say is pink humans would say is red. If blue represents water, something that is half red/half blue to someone who always sees from red perspective, would look awfully watery. Just because you disagree or don't like something doesn't make it wrong.

Alexey Gladkich

@AntiClimax there is this common dumb excuse "it's looks bad, but that's intentional, so it's actually good". No, it remains bad writing. There are multiple techniques how to write such sequences without making them look thoughtlessly written, and I am pretty sure it was simply thoughtlessly written. You're just making excuses. For instance: (1) the petals could appear surrealistic with odd shapes and give feeling of movement, smell, and give extra impressions of touch feelings. That would obviously give Auri much better understanding what she was picking. It's objective truth that Petals showcased poor representation of elements both absolutely and for Auri's perspective. (2) there could've been given previous precident showcasing Auri misunderstand the word "color" to include such things as texture. Or show that she easily distinguishes in color ash and clouds. Or at least the guide could've mentioned it in some way, instead of just saying "color". But here we have ash and clouds easily distinguished by color alone with zero explanation or setup for it. Even color of clouds explicitly wasn't mentioned. It comes off as if Selkie simply didn't want us, readers, to think much about it rather than provide good thoughtful representation.

AntiClimax she her

You misunderstand me. Which I was expecting. I don't actually care whether the passage in question is "good" or "bad" writing. At least not in any objective sense. You don't like it. That's fine. I did. Other people did. Whose right? All of us. You not liking it. It not making sense to you personally does not make it objectively bad writing, though you are free to explain why you think it's bad, which you have. I haven't really except to say it made sense to me, I liked it, and didn't like your proposed alternative, at least not for this case. The problem with your argument style, imo, is that it looks like you attack those who disagree with you. I really kinda hate that, so even when I agree with you or think you are right I can't in good conscience support you. I'm not wrong for disagreeing with you on subjective matters. And neither is anyone else.

Alexey Gladkich

@AntiClimax oh god. Yeah, there are people that like McDonald's shitfood. It doesn't make it any good. In early development people tend to like whatever without thinking much. That's true too. If you don't want to think about subjects in-depth that's fine too. I like to think about things in-depth. And prefer to speak with people that like that too. That's because they can say interesting and insightful thing and I can also understand those things better. If you cannot or not into it, please do not annoy me.

Philip Pleiss

I hate to say it, but why do I get the feeling the newly crowned Caesar or one of his flunkies (or that niece of his that tried to take Elaine's spot at the restaurant) tries to blackmail Elaine into turning over the phoenix?

AntiClimax she her

And there you go insulting me again. I like to talk about things deeply as well, but not with someone who attacks those who disagree with them. Or who insists they are right and everyone who disagrees with them are wrong. Particularly on subjective matters. You do frequently have interesting things to say, but I frequently dislike the manner in which you say them. I disagree with you that the petals were a bad representation for a baby Phoenix, particularly a flower and color obsessed one. Would they have been bad for me or most humans? Absolutely. For a bird that can see shades of color that I can't and isn't going to objectively evaluate the options anyway? Seems appropriate to me. Was it lazy writing? Possibly. I can't say. I can't begin to imagine how a hummingbird (much less magic fire hummingbird) perceives flowers. I work in a field unrelated to writing. Did it still work for me. Yes. Would your proposed changes have worked for me? Not as they were presented.

Alexey Gladkich

@AntiClimax sorry, you started with the insults and annoyance. So don't fault me for making it up to you. Now you say that you like to speak in-depth but you just fail to deliver. I am sorry but I cannot speak about in-depth stuff with people that believe a puddle is deep while I try to discuss under water diving. It just doesn't work, all arguments are simply getting wasted.


I mean, writing Auri is also SUPER HARD. I did it entirely sober. Which was a mistake, but I didn't have anything to make myself not-sober.

AntiClimax she her

@Selkie I can see not being sober helping. I tried writing from the perspective of a 5 year old once, and it gave me a splitting headache. I do not envy you! Auri is precious, though.

Alexey Gladkich

@Selkie if you already here, have a couple of questions. Was it intended to make Auri have no sense of smell at all? Like hummingbirds are? What about Birds' common ability to perceive Ultraviolet as well as polarized light? The latter makes the world appear very... interesting and unusual. I always found it fun to wear polarising sunglasses.


Errr. IRL, I have almost no sense of smell. Honestly, I sometimes forget it exists. So.... sure? And why not?

Philip Pleiss

Yup. No clue why autocorrect picked that one. Elaine has already gotten voted into a secret club, so blackball wouldn't fit.

Alexey Gladkich

I guess arrogance and greed are powerful motives but forcing some intelligent creature to become a companion is straight up dumb and unreasonable. I don't think that the former warden of wall is dumb enough to expect it to succeed. Perhaps, others will try? There'll surely be an idiot with more money and power than reason. I find it much more likely that the emperor will want her immortality powers rather than Phoenix.

Alexey Gladkich

@Selkie to make Polarization and UV light perception come off as realistic and impressive one should go look around and see the world with said light perception. There are few videos on the topic on YouTube, but not much.


I agree. It would be one thing to intercept a phoenix egg or steal it, but Auri is already born, she already has some sort of bond with Elaine. It would be very stupid of the Emperor to have the bad side of a Sentinel. And the Emperor isn't an idiot, he knows exactly that the Sentinels and Rangers are very tight-knit and Night would never allow that and we know who's really boss Remus. But I don't doubt that an idiot will come along trying to do that. After all, "it would be a waste for such a wonderful beast to be together with Elaine, who is a woman and a healer." Of course, Elaine adjusting her level to 200 doesn't help much.


@Alexey Gladkich ,man, I'm going to send the truth of how I feel here from all this conversation and about you in general. This isn't the first time you've argued with someone in the comments over these things. The reasons are random, it's happened to me and I've seen it with other people. When you choose your point, no matter what we say, how we say it and how we try to convey OUR IDEA, OUR POINT OF VIEW, you always categorize it as wrong, and always consider your argument superior, and you simply distort it. our ideas or simply doesn't try to see it from other people's point of view. The author has to do a chapter every 3 days on average, he is portrait Auri, a month-old bird, which is in his soul world, which is represented with the things that Auri most desires. A field of fiery flowers with a guide being a mighty phoenix, for me is a good representation. Having the color red being "good fire", and the color blue being "evil water" was cool for me. Could be better?? Of course, there are always better things, but was it bad?? of course not. I loved the representation of Auri's world, other readers loved this chapter of Auri, but you're here saying that the author: "has spoiled your reading, and that it will only get worse if the author doesn't change his whole idea so that he fit to your liking." It never seems to cross your mind that you're not always right, and even if you were right, isn't that the way to do things??

Alexey Gladkich

@Shoto first, here you violate an important rule: "mind your business". I'll try to be nice but this is an awful attitude. Second, to you the arguments might appear random. But they have reasons behind them. It is a kinda big problem that you fail to perceive it. Third, I didn't say the chapter was bad. I said the inner-world was ill-conceived. It was thoughtless. And Selkie pretty much admitted to it as well as to it a few other nuances in the chapter that he didn't think about properly. Also betas had like 2 month to notice that and inform him. I don't understand why it remained this way. So I have no clue why you argue against objective valid points that I raise. Furthermore, these nuances are important to Auri which is gonna be a primary character. Do you want her character to not make any sense? Get random retcon? Or tell Selkie that something is off straight off the bat?


@Alexey Gladkich , *sigh* Let's start at the beginning. If you haven't noticed, I participated in this discussion, so theoretically I do, and even if I didn't, what's wrong with me putting my opinion in a comment section where someone else started it and it's public? you put your point of view, the other readers and I put ours. And in the same way that your arguments may seem random but have a reason behind it, I can say that my argument and the others are the same, they have a reason. But you usually distort our opinion and totally disregard it, and I say this because you've done it to me, and more than once and I've seen it done to others. and as you yourself said, "It's a kinda big problem that you fail to perceive it.", because in the same way you're feeling offended and angry right now, that's what I, and maybe other people, were left with when they debated with you. here in the comments. and about the inner world being poorly constructed, I disagree, sorry if I'm not an expert in the field, but I prefer the version that Selkie wrote, than the one you want Selkie to write. I find Selkie's much more realistic, and it fits the situation and characters better, you want to treat Auri like an adult with knowledge of the world, not a 1 month old baby. As for the Selkie admitting he "ruined Auri's world-building" (her words), all I see is an author being polite and accepting criticism politely. Again, could it have been better?? Of course you can, you can always have better details, more refined writing, a better idea. But, was it bad enough to spoil something?? no I do not think. And here's where I disagree with you, but you don't accept it. And as for Auri's character it doesn't make any sense, I would find it strange that a 1 month old bird would have its soul world organized like Elaine's library. I'm extrapolating here, but the idea remains. What would the ideal world be for Auri? there is no right answer. What about me having a different opinion, and arguing against your "objective valid points that you raise", Know that I've read them, rate them, and I don't think so valid. You know, people can have different opinions, and you can't always be right. can i be wrong here?? Of course, I'm not an expert in writing, I'm in the exact area. But it doesn't change the fact that that's my opinion at this point, and I always feel like you don't appreciate it, which is exactly what you're accusing me of here. And finally, I won't get into this discussion anymore, because you will probably answer this message, and if I wind it up, it will never end. So bye and have a good afternoon.

Alexey Gladkich

@Shoto yeah, that's actually the point that you don't understand much about creative writing or rather storytelling in general. And you fail to perceive obvious errors. At least you admit to that - that's some progress.


Hi @alexey and @Shoto! Moderating Patreon comments is super hard. Patreon has SHIT tools for it. So I'm resorting to asking nicely I'ma ask the two of you to agree to disagree, that you don't see eye to eye, and please just drop it. I read every message, and I'm getting conniptions following this argument. Cheers! Selkie


Well, that escalated quickly. Is it possible to hide certain people's posts?


But who the hell will actually KNOW its a Pheonix without Elaine telling them. Sure, Night could know. More than likely someone will want it cause its rare and exotic and gorgeous without knowing its a Pheonix


Damn, she did somehow managed to get her sentinel badge back...although her lucky charm necklace was destroyed. Yeah without the badge i could see high ranked officials trying to order her to give the beast and not allowing her to enter the city without an inspection.or course the beast would be lost while she waits fornthe inspection while someone goes to sell ot to a rich politician... Time did pass.she looks different.she got older.her voice is different.she doesn't have hair. Nobody would believe Her with the deception ring. More situations like the corruption we had in the city with the rangers.which i did enjoy.


Literally the least literally thing to happen in that way, she would make shit burn with Radiance if they tried, besides she can literally just fly past or just fly to ranger academy and get any of the instructors or just go down the tunnel into the Sentinel's base. And theres also team 1 in the capital which has Kallisto on it.

Lowe K. Lyesmith

I don't care whatever else author writes. THIS IS TOO ADORABLE ❤️ Definitely need moaR of this 😍


@Squirtle ,but they don't need to know it's a phoenix and they don't need to know what a phoenix is. The fact is that Auri is a level 9 bird, which when identified appears "MAGE", and looking at the eyes of the see that is the attribute hell, a superior attribute usually acquired at high levels. In the same way Elaine did to discover Auri's ability, others can do it and they would see that Auri is a very powerful bird. I'm sure a lot of people will be jealous of Elaine.

Philip Pleiss

Minor question, quite a few days late on this: I have really enjoyed the parallels in this story between ancient Rome and the Empire of Remus. I wonder if there is a historical grave somewhere that holds the body of the founder's dead brother, Romulus. I also wonder if, around the middle of the spring months, the new dictator perpetuo gets reaaaaal nervous. Is there a reference chapter or AMA where you explain your inspiration or thought process on the setting?

Alex Rahr

There's a discord where you can ask the author directly.

Philip Pleiss

I'll keep it in mind, although I have tried to avoid commenting in author discords lately. Asking questions tends to be akin to trying to ask a celebrity a question during a convention appearance. You either have to pay enough for a private audience, or hope you can yell loud enough to be heard over the gatekeepers, TrueFans, Guardians of the Headcanon, and straight up wierdos. May the deity of your choice have mercy if that screeching mob is also into political/social trends and leans heavily one direction or the other.