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Two days later, and I was still reeling from Emperor Augustus’s offer as I made my way to the daily meeting. The entire thing had kept me up at night, tossing and turning as I wrestled with the question, and the implications.

Fortunately, Auri was with Plato. She was so excited to learn! It was adorable. Hopefully personal tutoring wouldn’t wring the flashy phoenix’s desire to drink deep from the wellspring of knowledge.

Or… light the flames of learning? The analogies got weird when water was anathema.

Like. I’d fought monsters, humans, abominations. I’d only paused a moment when I saw a dragon, before boldly striding into her lair.

However, those had all been easy decisions in a sense. Eat, or be eaten. Kill, or be killed.

Slaughter the shimagu, or don’t.

Binary choices. Do, or do not.

Run away from home, or be trapped with Kerberos. I suppose that one had some nuance, but a benefit of having been a dumb teenager - I didn’t see all the other options.

Decision paralysis was my root problem. I had a blank check from the emperor, and I could write anything in it.

Just about.

A million rods would be practically impossible to spend in a single normal lifetime. Yet, I had the sense that it wasn’t even close to the start of what I could ask for. There were things that money couldn’t buy.

This was less true in Remus, where with enough money I could buy - my dad - a seat in the Senate, the governorship of a town, a get out of jail free card from the justice system, and more.

I could own a town.

I could own three towns.

I could make my own healing school, staffed with dozens of the brightest minds in the country. I could make Artemis’s school the place to be. I could own a dozen mango orchards.

I could own the mango industry. Flat-out buy a monopoly on mangos.

Sweetest of all - I could build the library. Convert an entire city block to the grandest library the world had ever seen. I wouldn’t have to work a day in my life, simply kick back in a chair, and just read. The world of my soul would become my reality. My every need would be tended to, a rounding error on my account employing dozens of people to make my life easy. I wouldn’t need to risk my life.

I -

I had too many options. I was completely overwhelmed, and that was just the cash offer. I didn’t have the slightest idea of what non-cash items I could negotiate for.

Like. Could I ask Remus to outlaw slavery?

I thought of myself as a principled person. I’d like to think that I was selfless, and self-sacrificing. I’d pushed myself constantly, going into plagues, warzones, the lair of a dragon, and more. All to help others, at great personal risk to myself.

But the sheer amount of money was making me pause. I could buy - assuming I didn’t utterly fuck the market doing so - 32 million loaves of bread. Had Remus even cooked that many in its entire history?!

That had serious pull. I didn’t think I could be bribed.

I still knew I was unbribable on my core principles. Heal others. Stick with my family - including the Sentinels. Follow my [Oath].

I disliked slavery. A large number of people in Remus - mostly slaves, if I was being honest - weren’t too thrilled with the institution either. Hence the frequent slave rebellions.

But obviously, I wasn’t entirely dead-set against it. I was no fanatic. I tolerated Kallisto and his family employing a few. Just about all of the Sentinels had several slaves on staff, and I was still friends with them. I didn’t break chains wherever I saw them. Hell, just three weeks ago or so I’d told a number of bandits to go turn themselves in, and sign themselves up for a few months of slavery!

All this to say - I had an idealist side, that hated slavery and wanted it to end, and a practical side, that recognized it was how Remus currently worked, and that by loudly declaiming it and freeing slaves everywhere, I’d shortly end up with my own head on a pike. I had to be smart about how I abolished slavery.

And I was being tempted. I’d get slavery ended, one way or another. It might be too big of an ask, and maybe I should go for something else. Wealth and power, which would jump-start my abolitionary dreams.

Needed to talk with someone about all this. Neptune, Ocean, and Night were my top picks. I’d wanted to see if I could do some thinking about this on my own first, before consulting them. Get a loose framework arranged.

There was also the matter of women’s rights, more practically, my rights. Augustus had offered to make me a citizen. Yaay. That still didn’t fix a dozen other issues that I had, which could be all solved with the stroke of a charcoal stick.

I could ask for the world, and -


I’d moved without thinking, and I was already at the Sentinel’s meeting room.

I shook my head, and refocused myself. I could ask Night for advice after the meeting.

I was in the middle of the pack. Senti-Null, Ocean, Night, and Hunting were already around. Slowly, Destruction, Bulwark, Nature, Mirage, and Maestrai shuffled in.

We waited quite some time, but Acquisition didn’t show.

“This is most unusual.” Night narrowed his eyes. “Acquisition’s attendance record is flawless, and he has not even sent a runner to inform us that he would be unable to attend. Does anyone have pressing business?”

We shook our heads.

“Hunting. Destruction. Dawn. MMmmmm. Brawling would be ideal. Barring that. Ocean. Bulwark.”

We paid rapt attention to Night.

“Investigate. Discreetly. Acquire the appropriate gems from the Quartermaster. Maestrai, inform Ranger Team 0 to stand by, and their assistance may be requested. Nature. Senti-Null. Mirage. The three of you are dismissed to your regular duties.”

He paused a moment.

“Sentinels. Move out.”

Welp, so much for the relaxing morning.

“I’ll take point.” Hunting announced, and the four of us followed him out the door, through the halls of Ranger HQ.

“Do we have time to armor up?” I asked Hunting. He was in his full gear - practically lived in it - but Destruction, Ocean, Bulwark, and myself were all in more casual clothes.

“We don’t know what’s going on. If you’re able to quickly.”

I grinned. It was always nice knowing something everyone else didn’t.

We rolled up to the Quartermaster's window.

“I need five sets of [Camouflage], [Muffle], and [Communication].” Hunting briskly ordered.

“And my set of armor.” I added from around his arm.

Quartermaster took one look at five serious-looking Sentinels, and moved. No snarky comments. No remarks. In a heartbeat, we each had three gems, and the rest of the Sentinels were helping me strap on my armor in speed-mode.

Not my favorite way of getting dressed. Real awkward on so many levels.

The Quartermaster was busy listing off all the gems I had.

[Gust], [Shocking Paralysis], [Brilliant Barrier], [Camouflage], [Muffle], [Cast Scream], [Hear Me Roar], [Tracks-Be-Gone], [Wall Buster], [Curse? What Curse?],...” He listed off all the gems I had, some old, some new. I didn’t quite have time for a full breakdown.

“Dawn. Destruction. Bulwark. Can you fly while [Camouflaged]?” Hunting asked. I shook my head.

“I haven’t tested it, but unlikely. My wings tend to passively kill illusions, and they’re not exactly subtle.”

“I’m able to.” Destruction replied. “Worse-case, I use a tiny slate in my sandals.”

“I’d rather be on the ground.” Bulwark answered. “Half of my skills relate to buildings.”

Hunting grunted.

“Shame. Destruction, you’re on overwatch. Right, activate the gems.”

We all activated the gems we’d been given, fading away into the walls. A minor, very expensive barrage occurred as we tossed the used gems back through the Quartermaster’s window, who roundly cursed us out.

“Likely nothing, but we’re Sentinels. No telling if something’s gone wrong, and if someone’s decided to take a swing at Acquisition.” Hunting’s words came directly to my ears, although I hadn’t heard a thing. “Everyone to the roof.”

I started moving that way, jostling into… someone. I didn’t know who, but I got practically bowled out of the way, slamming into the wall.

“Shit, Dawn, was that you?” Ocean asked.

“Yes. Thank you.” My voice was dripping with sarcasm as I picked myself back up, and headed towards the roof with everyone else.


“I love [Communication].” Destruction said.

“One of my crew has a similar skill when we’re building. Good stuff.” Bulwark added in.

“What’s the range?”

“Couple of city blocks. In a gem? Might be smaller.” Destruction said.

“What’s the plan?” Ocean asked.

“Rooftop our way to Acquisition’s place. I’ll poke around, then yell at you all when I’ve found him. Then we wake him up, yell at him for an hour for drinking too much, then let Night give him a pompous lecture about responsibility.” Hunting’s tone was amused, but there was a tight undertone to it.

Nobody completely blew the meeting off. Ocean had even let a huge fish go to make it on time! Worse-case, we sent a runner.

And like. We were all crazy well paid. We almost all had extensive families, and barring that, we had servants - or slaves, as much as I hated to admit it - helping out.

“Bulwark? Directions?” Hunting asked.

“Depends on Dawn, and how far she can jump.”

“Don’t I have more speed and strength than you?” I asked.

“Yeah, but I can glide on rocks between buildings.”

I made it to the roof as Bulwark finished talking. I eyed the streets around us.

“I can probably make the jump across the three narrow roads around us, but not the main throughway.” I said. “Strength’s a little low for that, although I’ve got plenty of speed.”

“Right. I’m going to call out buildings. Let us know when you’ve landed.” Bulwark said. “First, the Pompeii Building.”

“I have no idea which one that is.” Destruction said. “They all look the same from up here.”

I was thankful Destruction had spoken up, because I had no idea either. Made me feel less bad.

Bulwark gave a long-suffering sigh.

“Brutes, the lot of you. No appreciation for the architecture that surrounds us. The one to the south, with the dome in the middle.”

I ran and jumped, a terrified thrill running through me as I spun through the air, letting the wind blow over my face.

[Beloved of the Wind] was all too correct. I loved it, and it loved me back.

As I soared through the air, the rest of the Sentinels reported in.

“In.” Hunting said.

“Landed.” Ocean said.

“In.” Bulwark said.

I landed, bending my knees.


“I’m overhead.” Destruction added in a half-heartbeat later.

“Right. Next roof is… the one with the statues.” I could practically hear Bulwark’s frustration at our lack of appreciation for the finer things in life.

I could say the same about him and food.

We hopped around, having a fun moment with one of the inner layers of the city walls. We had to land on it, then run from where we landed to a completely different spot, dodging guards the entire way.

A few sensed the breeze we made as we passed, and one started to raise an alarm.

The Sentinel symbol popped into being in the stone in front of him, black stone on white walls making it all-too obvious. The guard went white, and while I would’ve liked to laugh as I passed him, [Muffle] was hiding our sound.

I did poke him as I passed by though, finding an exposed hole in his armor. Poor dude yelped and practically hit the roof, getting funny looks from everyone else.

“Ok, whoever did that, that was funny. I know this is just a quick check, but let’s leave it at that. No need to rile up the poor guards just doing their job.” Destruction’s voice came to my ear.

“Guard with the white crest can see us.” Hunting reported. “I doubt he’ll do anything, just keep it in mind.”

Didn’t surprise me that some guards could see through the camouflage skill. It was exactly the sort of skill a burglar would have, and in almost every case, someone using the skill was up to no good.

Still. Getting an anti-camo skill was rare, and not something I expected to see outside of the guard.

A number of heavily-armed, high-level people working together?

The thought running through his head was probably along the lines of “don’t acknowledge the black ops, don’t acknowledge the black ops.”

If nothing else, this milk run to Acquisition was good practice. We didn’t get nearly enough chances to stretch out legs like this, probably why Night had gone completely overkill and assigned five of us to check on Acquisition, when just Maestrai would be enough.

We hopped off the wall, and kept going.

After what seemed like a short time, we made it to the roof before Acquisition’s house. It was surprisingly bland, with a few palm trees swaying in the breeze around a modest home.

“Hold here.” Hunting said.

There was something like a quick flicker of heat or something in the space between the home we were on, and Acquisition’s home.

“Anyone want to go fishing later on? Bulwark?” Ocean asked.

“Busy today. Finishing up some idiot’s apartment for his lover. He wanted plain pillars. Plain.” Bulwark’s pain was clear. “Tomorrow afternoon? After sparring?”

“Yeah, sounds-”

Silence.” Hunting half-barked, half-hissed, not wanting to strain [Muffle] too hard while he was sneaking around Acquisition’s place.

We hung around for a few more minutes. I was getting increasingly nervous - an all-clear would take a few seconds. The lack of anything from Hunting was disturbing.

I started to limber up, doing some stretches, and imagining [Kaleidoscope] flight paths and patterns.

“Right, issue. Someone - Acquisition mentioned who but I have no idea who these chucklefucks are - grabbed Acquisition’s kids, and are ransoming them. Yada yada, don’t go to the Sentinels or Rangers, yada yada, meet at… some place that’s all thieves' talk. Not that I’d trust that, I’d just track Acquisition directly. Stay on the roof, I’ll be right over.” Hunting said.

Aww fuck. And the day had started off so well.

“Dawn. North corner. Ocean. West corner. Hunting. East corner.” Destruction’s voice came into my ear. “Dropping a rock on each spot. Keep your hand on it, I’ll use it to give you all a boost if we need to cross a wide road.”

“Good call, but forget my rock.” Hunting grunted. “Dawn, do you mind giving up your Deception Ring for this? Acquisition took to the streets, and either people would run into me all day, or they’re going to get spooked when they see a level 514 Classer coming for them. They have to know they’re aiming for a Sentinel, they have to be prepared. Acquisition further knew we’d be coming after him, he left enough clues.”

“Sure. North corner, taking it off now.” I picked up the rock, about the size of my fist, and put my Deception Ring down after making it visible. I stepped back, and a moment later the ring vanished.

A minute later Hunting reappeared, looking like a level 160 [Warrior]. An off-duty guard, perhaps.

“Get rid of your beard.” Ocean was entirely serious. “Your blue beard is literally your name Bluebeard, and they’re watching for Sentinels.”

I didn’t know Hunting had such a verbose selection of curses, but his chin suddenly saw the light of day at long last.

“Follow me.” Hunting was pissed.

We followed Hunting, traveling through the city until we got to the slums.

Acquisition was one of the more interesting Sentinels. He was the only one who hadn’t been a Ranger. Either the “Deception”, “Thief”, “Rogue”, or some other Sentinel seat - I wasn’t sure which - was considered critical, and when no Rangers met the criteria, the Sentinels had recruited Acquisition from the more interesting parts of the population. Even when I had been a new Sentinel, I was a better combatant than Acquisition, but there was nothing he couldn’t get his hands on - and by extension, there was nothing the Sentinels couldn’t get if we really needed to. He was also our connection to the seedier side of Remus, a sort of [King of the Thieves] or something.

Exactly what he did I couldn’t say, but he probably couldn’t tell me how many bones were in an arm. Fair was fair.

Still meant he had significantly more contact with the criminals and gangs in Remus, and could apply pressure in the right places when someone stepped too far out of line. Like when they’d gotten into the game of “steal Sentinel badges”.

Well, part of that life had caught up with him.

“Fuck.” I cursed as I saw an issue.

“Problem?” Ocean said. I just knew we’d all stopped. Advantage to all being trained the same.

“Yeah. Dude with no legs down there.”

“Leave him.” Hunting said.

“I can’t. Oathbound. Heal him now, invisibly, and carry on, or hang back?”

“Your call.” Ocean said. “You’re Dawn.”

“Hunting, how close?”

“We can’t be that far, but I can’t break cover.” Hunting was admiring some beggar’s wares, artificially interested in some rusty armor. The ex-soldier shouldn’t have that, but we frankly didn’t care about some old army gear going wandering.

“Right. The rest of you go ahead. I’ll wait a moment, hit the heal, then sprint to catch up. Hopefully we’ll get there.”

“Do it.” Hunting ordered, and was off again.

I waited about ten seconds - long enough for the rest of the team to get some distance, but not so long that I’d get lost trying to catch up - then blasted a long-range heal, and I was off.

I was two rooftops away when a disbelieving shout of joy reached my ears, and I smiled.

“This is the building. Dawn?” Hunting said.

“Almost there.”

“Right. Destruction, far side. Ocean. Right side. Bulwark. Left side. Destruction. From the top. Dawn, second floor, front side. Everyone drop [Camouflage] the moment you get in, I don’t want friendly fire. On my mark.”

Hunting was approaching another multi-storied building, the landlords in this part of town built tall to cram more people in the same plot of land. This building, however, was likely the safehouse of some criminal gang or another. They usually didn’t land on our radar, being a problem for the guard, or rarely, Ranger Team 0.

There was a pair of mean-looking [Thugs] openly guarding the door with clubs in their hand, giving Hunting a glare as he walked along the street. They weren’t worried about him though - just showing off how tough they were.

Everyone else on the street also got mean looks, but most gave the building a wide berth.

“Go.” Hunting ordered, and the world exploded in motion.

I snapped my wings open as I launched myself across the street, aiming for an open window on the second floor. Hunting’s fists blurred as he punched both of the [Thugs], large voids appearing in their body as his fists connected, and his skills annihilated part of their bodies. They dropped dead, as a stone spear and sword came screaming from the sky. Hunting grabbed them out of the air, Destruction helpfully arming his fellow Sentinel.

Then I was through, blasting bright Radiance all around me as I exploded through the window, aiming to disorient and confuse.

Four [Gangsters] were in the room, roaring with pain. Three of them were reaching for weapons.

I killed the three with a burst of Radiance lancing through their heads as Destruction’s voice came into my ears.

“Roof clear, six down.”

“Down.” I ordered the last one, cursing my [Oath]. He was sitting there stunned, and wasn’t a threat. I couldn’t harm him.

I didn’t wait to see what he’d do, instead going through the door into the hall.

“Second floor, one room, not cleared. Three dead, one terrified.” I reported, as the rest of the Sentinels reported various successes.

A few criminals were storming through the hallway, weapons in hand. The leader paled as he saw me.

Full Sentinel gear?

Level 512?

He met his maker a heartbeat after he realized just how badly he’d fucked up, along with the rest of them.

We exploded through the building. Eight seconds after Hunting gave the go-ahead, Ocean spoke.

“Acquisition and his kids secured. Dawn, third floor, first door after the stairs.”

I came to a screeching halt, pivoting on my heels and sprinted back towards a staircase I’d just passed. I could think of exactly two things that’d get Ocean calling for me over anyone else.

“Everyone else, keep clearing.” Hunting ordered.

As I flashed up the stairs, I briefly got to see Destruction at work further down on the floor. He had a storm of stones whirling around him at high speeds, creating a blender that anyone would need to go through to reach him. He was firing shotgun blasts of sharp stone at anyone he saw, the barrage of rocks shredding through all opposition.

I shuddered.

He was Destruction. His signature move was an earthquake, but his stats were heavily regeneration focused. While he didn’t have as much power as a pure mage his level did - I might have more, thinking about it - he could endlessly fire off those shots. A strong build, worthy of the ridiculous title he had.

I blew through the open door, immediately seeing the problem. They’d stabbed Acquisition’s kid - well, one of the two - at the last moment, when they realized it’d all gone to shit.

But not very effectively. They slit her throat, and it took time to bleed out. Time enough for me to fly up, over Acquisition who was shielding his kid, hands futility around her throat. Blood was welling up between his fingers, crimson life fluid gushing out from her neck, denying Acquisition’s attempt at stopping the bleeding. A wicked serrated knife was next to him, but I was fast. I had time. Time to reach past him and touch her, time to seal her throat.

Black Crow would not be carrying off this small life today.

Acquisition looked up, grateful tears pouring down his face.

“Building clear.” Hunting announced.

Eleven seconds after the go order.


M van Dongen

Oi, you done effed up.


Aww Acquisition's kids got hurt. It MurderDeath of Kill Mountain Time!

Michael McLeod

now that the crisis is averted someone is about to get a very very bad end

Michael McLeod

also thanks for the chapter

Alex Wheeler

lmfaooo those morons got annihilated


Breach and clear!

Matthew Lester

Someone will be having a Night on the town.

Alex Galaitsis

Woo, fun chapter. Went from petting baby birds to seal team 6 pretty quickly this week.

David Johnson

I'm surprised Hunting is still using void magic within city limits. I'd have expected the sentinels to take Elaine's warning more seriously, given the potential consequences, even if the odds of a voidsplosion are low.

Corwin Amber (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-10 23:05:25 'hands futility around' futility -> futilely
2022-03-09 16:23:45 'hands futility around' futility -> futilely

'hands futility around' futility -> futilely


I have absolutely no pity for anyone who would kidnap and hurt kids. Plus, whoever planned this operation against Acquisition, a known Sentinel, must not be too smart. Did they think the other Sentinels wouldn’t care? Maybe they were hoping that the other Sentinels wouldn’t notice until they got what they wanted from Acquisition. If so, they have super bad luck. They picked the day of the Sentinel meeting, and Acquisition being a super punctual person who never missed made them all suspicious. Although Night sending Elaine with them was a really smart move.




The efficiency but the banter reminds me exactly of a well trained but friendly specops team haha. this was great.


Man, I don't think the elf trio could have pulled off anything like that. Really shows firepower=/=competence


I have a feeling there’s going to be a mastermind who still needs to be caught though.

Mike G.

Great chapter, thanks! The Sentinel SWAT team, when it really has to get done FAST. I hope she doesn't forget to get her barter advice though!

Noah Pencherek

One advice for would be thief and other, don't fuck with the range and seriously not with the sentinels they are a lot worse. Never annoy a dragon, they are a bit world ending.


Thank you!


The elves wouldn't have been able to heal the kid, but otherwise? Awarthril had around 100k speed, she could have cleared the house by herself in five seconds and probably intercepted the knife before it could break skin. Aegion could have wallhacked them from halfway across the city. Serondes could have glassed them. They may be adventurers rather than spec ops, but this would be a piece of cake for them. Kiyaya and the noodle could handle tracking.


That reminds me, has Dawn refilled all the Sentinels' moonstones and sunstones? She's got some great skills now.


@Cirvante ,I think you've limited too much to "invade and neutralize threats". And that wasn't all the work the Sentinels did in this chapter. In a matter of seconds they organized and left, investigated the situation, tracked down the Acquisition, made a plan of attack, launched the attack, nullified the enemies, and recovered Acquisition and his children alive. They did this without harming any innocent people, and all this, with only one person who noticed this entire operation in the entire capital was a single guard with a class focused on seeing through illusions. If it were the idiot elves, Cordomo can't track like Bluebeard, Serontes would be flying over a lava rock warning everyone. The idiot Awarthil would be invisible running at a speed where she can kill people with low vitality just with the wind of her steps. Each Aegion's arrow would destroy the building killing everyone inside. Kiyaya could track it, but a giant wolf running around is a big sign of trouble. Not to mention their teamwork is bad at best. How much trouble would the elves have created?? and would they be able to save acquisition and their children??

Lowe K. Lyesmith

This little black ops moment was awesome 😁

Planet Earth resident

I think explosions happen with people who just got a void class or evolved their element into void. Since he's allready experienced with it he could probably write a book "How to use void correctly" and spread it around the world.


My bet is that it's the emperor testing them through intermediaries. A dictator doesn't want anyone that could arbitrarily decide to end him around or at least not thoroughly in his control.

David Johnson

They don't actually know what causes the explosions though - even the elves don't. All they know is that whatever it is, it hasn't happened to Hunting YET. Maybe it happens right after getting a new class or skill, or maybe it really it really is just "random." They're gambling with unknown odds here, and if they lose the capitol gets glassed. Even as readers, we know from meta-information that the explosions are caused by antimatter conjuration, but we don't know if that's a particular skill or just a matter of using void conjuration with the wrong (or right, I guess, depending on your perspective) image.


I think it was hinted at when discussing the no xp zone. That it takes twice as much xp and or practice to level skills. I think it's that extra practice and precision that keeps void mages from the dead zone from exploding. Someone on the outside gets the class and levels up like crazy without truly mastering their skills first and that's what causes them to make mistakes and explode.

Lictor Magnus

Rainbow Six Remus 😂


I was just thinking that Night and Acquisition would both be perfect to get that advice from. Night for obvious reasons, and Acquisition because, as the king of thieves, he should be well versed in high-stakes negotiations.

Will C

Night has mentioned when Elaine brought the subject up that he knows of 4 cities that mysteriously exploded in remuses history.

Will C

First we get Rainbow Six next time we get Night to go all Taken on them.


As far as I know the skill should be void manipulation or conjuration. We know it's only happening to void mages and melee classes (with skills that are probably like the one Hunting demonstrated in this chapter) are okay to use as seen by the Valkyrie that taught Iona. It should be completely random as not all of where the void 'dimension' is, is filled with antimatter so whenever void is conjured you roll the dice that the place you get it from has antimatter in it. That also means it has nothing to do with extra practice from the dead zone as evidenced by the fact Night could name 3 cities of Remus history that were destroyed in similar ways. We also know lvl 1 void mages can explode so the dead zone with extra practice slower leveling and higher skills/class quality has nothing to do with it. So I don't know if Elaine knows only void mages not melee classers with void element can expolde. Depending on that Hunting is either acting irresponsibly like you said or knowingly limits his skills use to only specific ones.


Yeah they probably thought the sentinels would only figure it out when they were long gone, which is why they told Acquisition to not tell the sentinels/rangers/guards. Sending Dawn was intelligent but using her like they did was a little dumb imo. Although considering Sentinels very rarely work together so maybe they're not used to Elaine being limited like she was. But knowing she just left someone there even if he was terrified could have backfired hard on someone else. On the other hand we know for a fact that both Bulwark and Destruction worked with her before (city that was destroyed by a vulcano and a slave rebellion I believe from the reports) so they should really know better. Anyhow it worked out so I guess it's alright.

David Johnson

I'm pretty sure Hunting is specifically a void mage, and his warrior class is another element (I recall something about his eyes changing when his mage class outleveled his warrior one). He might have a melee-oriented mage class or something, but his "annihilate things with a touch" trick is definitely void magic, not a void element warrior ability.


I feel like Elaine needs to get some skills to restrain enemies in her third class. She's often limited to not killing or maiming, and radiance is pretty useless for anything else (except dispelling illusions and blinding).


I'm pretty sure that the reason it only happens to Void MAGES is that it only happens when using "Void conjuration" or whatever the void equivalent is. Selkie at some point mentioned that the voidplosions happen due to antimatter stuff happening, and while a void conjuration has the "freedom" in its aplication that would make such an accident possible, other skills with a narrower application (like basically any non-conjuration-type skill) have not the wriggleroom for the necessary mistake to sneak into the equation to cause the big fuck-up. What I mean to say is, Hunting isn't just voiding holes into their bodies, but punching them to do so, hinting that it is the application of a "simpler" Skill.

Torbjørn Nilsen

Would be stupid as if Night finds out he will simply kill him. Controlling Night? That means the emperor needs to be smarter and think of something new the thousands that have tried that before haven't.

AntiClimax she her

I agree, the emperor would gain very little from "testing" the sentinels, while risking the wrath of the most powerful classers in Remus. I kinda wonder if narratively this serves to show us what would happen if someone tried this on Dawn's family to get access to her immortality skill.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Melting Sky

Actually, now that I think about it, Dawn and Destruction must have very similar stat distributions. Both are regeneration-focused pure casters that rely on other specialized skills to boost their power and control through the stratosphere. Destruction uses channeling for charging up large destructive spells and Dawn uses Oath for massive boosts to healing. Neither are the best when it comes to fast burst damage, although given what she said it sounds like Dawn's build is the more balanced of the two in that regard. I imagine Dawn's speed is on a whole other level compared to Destruction's given that he has never been described as fast although he must have a bullet time type skill or at least a fair amount of stats dumped in speed to allow him to respond as quickly as he does to incoming threats with his magic. I wonder what his vitality is like. It seems most mage classes include some solid vitality stats, but that could also just be a ranger thing since they live such physically demanding lives. I imagine some purely scholarly mage wouldn't have the serious vitality stats that Dawn does.


His vitality and dexterity must be good. Vitality is intertwined with perception, and he is a combination of the speed of a machine gun and the power of a missile. He needs to analyze the situation and aim quickly. Dexterity helps with that. And he should have more regeneration than Elaine, but not mana, he doesn't need as big a stock of mana as Elaine. For example, if someone is fatally wounded, Elaine needs to have mana to heal. Regenerating her body when she was decapitated cost 70K mana. Destruction has no such need.


Very nice chapter, thank you

Tarkkail Mejn

For the book, just to represent how much Dawn has evolved past individual practical human conception, and her desire to help when called, instead of going up the stairs at the end, I would recommend to silkie that Dawn literally go through the floor separating the second and third floors, like the dawn sun rising to her purpose and further defining her name.


Hunting is a spellspear with a Void Mage class. Unlike Void Warriors, who get godlike penetration for their physical attacks, he's straight up deleting parts of his opponents. Like when he dropped through the Royal Guard's head. That requires Void Conjuration. A Void Warrior could have penetrated it's armor, but it would have been like trying to kill a human with a small splinter.


If the elves wanted to save a hostage, they could. We've only seen them cause collateral damage so far, because they considered all shimagu as hostiles. Aegion did not collapse the house when he wallhacked the aerial bombardment classer. Awarthril could have used her Mirage class to hide herself, Kiyaya (tracker) and Cordamo (spotter). Serondes would have levitated himself and Aegion about a mile away. Kiyaya tracks the hostage, Awarthril rushes in to secure it, Cordamo identifies (and devours) targets and Aegion snipes them with pinpoint accuracy. What the elves lack in experience and professionalism they make up for with being the most perfect elvenoid race.


Dexterity is for physical coordination. Elaine fires her radiance beams with pinpoint accuracy despite her low Dexterity. Aiming magic skills requires Magic Control instead.


Elaine is only able to do this due to her having [time bullet]. If she didn't have that skill, I don't think she could work very well. The stats are intertwined, and I think a little Dexterity would help fast-firing mages. I'm not saying it's something he focuses on.


@Cirvante ,Maybe yes, maybe not. We don't know what kind of skills he has. Elaine's healer class has a shield skill for example. He may have a skill of the same functionality as the one Iona's teacher has. A simple penetration skill. The difference is that he used it on punches, Iona's teacher uses it on thin swords.


Yes, everything you said is absolutely doable... But the question is, would they do that?? would they think about it?? Did they act this way?? they look like a bunch of amateurs who don't know the basics. All you said are things they could do if they used their heads. In the same way that Awarthil went looking for a Hydra lair causing sonic explosions and smelling of flowers. In the same way she does a sneak attack falling like a rocket to the ground with a super hero landing. In the same way that Serontes makes friendly fire by creating a poisoned sandstorm. Could the elves do better?? Of course, they are hundreds of years old, many levels above the Sentinels, but being able to do better doesn't mean they will do better.


Theoretical capacity to do it was never in question, its the ability to plan it out and then execute. To have absolute trust in each other's abilities. They just don't have the experience and cohesion to pull an operation like this.