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This time with the RIGHT epub file attached. Book 9, not book 7 >_>



I didn't even blink at it being the wrong book before downloading it


Silly billy

Andrew Puterbaugh

Don't worry I've had days, no weeks... Nay! Months like that

Nils Stellmacher

Its okay. Its not Like 3800 people are watching you.... lol


I notice that the upcoming Monday's chapter is in the epub also.

Michael Maor

I really enjoyed this book and looking forward to the next one, however I have to say I feel the end of book 8 implied a promise I feel you didn't fill. If I'd gotten this book from Amazon I'd be quite pissed off at how there was nothing in the book about Elaine vs. the ranger team or the consequences of the book 8 epilogue. As it is I'm just reading along and don't really care about where you put the break points for individual books, (although the story going so long after that chapter without having anything happen is slightly annoying) but if a book in a series ends with a massive cliff hanger hook, I expect the next book to have some chapters showing us what's going on with that and if it doesn't I'd feel cheated.


Sorry! I tried to show that the Rangers did come for Elaine and flat-out missed her. Problem with limited 1st POV - I can't show stuff Elaine is unaware of easily! At the same time, I didn't want to force the world to bend to it. Bit of a miss on my part honestly, you're right.

Michael Maor

I got that they missed her, it's just that given the promise of the end of book 8 I expected that to develop into something, not just a couple of lines and nothing ever happening from that.

Tiffany Miller

How do I read it I downloaded it on phone and says can't open

Melting Sky

I'm not really sure how a small blurb in an epilogue is any sort of promise when it comes to how significant the elements of future plot developments are going to be. I never got the impression the Ranger team being deployed was likely to be a huge plot turning point in and of itself simply because Elaine was in the middle of the school arc and there just isn't any credible way I can think of for a lone ranger team to successfully extract her from a flying self-contained magical fortress like the school. The original delivery of the information in the epilogue felt quite humorous in tone, so I assumed it was meant to be nothing more than a fun little teaser that Night might still be alive and kicking. The fact that it hinted at Night still being around was the big takeaway from that epilogue for me. I guess I can see how people were expecting a little more of a payoff from the setup when it came to the delivery of the punchline of the inevitable failure of the Ranger's misguided mission. The blink-and-you-will-miss-it treatment it received was a bit underwhelming but that also was part of what made it funny. I think some sort of short POV chapter from the ranger team's perspective might be fun, similar to the Angel's perspective when Elaine Stole that egg from the Dragon.

Ano Ano

Wow, they did show up? I didn't catch that, and I was waiting for it. I have to say that in general, set up and pay off was really weak this last book. There were a bunch of times that it felt like something flagged as important or exciting coming down the pike ended in anticlimax. A vampire bureaucrat carelessly aims at death squad at our hero, but oh actually it just doesn't matter at all. Pay really close attention and you can see a reference in the background. New spatial skills will be so cool when Elaine finally gets enough power or channel to use them. Nope, actually there will be a time skip past getting the skill usable and then Elaine will reflect on how it ended up being uncomfortable and she wants to get rid of it. Elaine's mentor doesn't believe she's the author of the manuscripts and needs convincing? Well, another time skip and guess what she was fully convinced off screen. Convenient! It's not that there are plot holes or anything. It's just that the writing loses a lot of its potential sense of satsification because set ups and pay offs are not coming through. It's really disappointing, especially compared to early on in the story. I reread recently, and there is so much set up and pay off that is done well. Long term Iona stuff and fairy circle stuff alongside shorter term stuff like becoming a sentinel.

Michael Maor

While I agree with you on the others, the "convincing the mentor" was, in my opinion, handled very well. We see fragments of it throughout but most of it was in an interlude from other characters because it's not something Elaine would, or could be aware of.


Yeah, they quite probably were the armed people that her roommate complained about when she returned from the tournament. I was surprised that the rangers didn't simply wait for her return or investigated further. I assumed some days would be neglectable compared to the time they must have travelled to reach the school. But as I am writing this, I just realized that maybe the school moving on limited the time they could stay.

Charles Simon

Great work Selkie, gauntlet was great but looking forward to Elaine finally levelling up one of her main classes next book!


Yeah, at least some indication that they'd investigated would've been nice. As is they just come across as incompetent/lazy. Their time wasn't that limited: the school wasn't going to move on before Elaine and the team got back. It's kinda disappointing to see the Rangers of the future come across looking so lame, y'know? And I'd expect the Roaming Team to be near the top of the class.

Michael Viggiano

Really enjoyed this book. I will say though, this now feels like two transition novels in a row. The situation with the hit squad felt like a bit of a let down. Looking forward to where it goes


it's a fair critism. The next book is going to be extra long, and there's going to be 2-3 starting arcs that I had PLANNED to go in this book, but my betas convinced me that ending the School was the correct point for this. Next book should be extremely satisfying