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I fucked up my preorder.

Tl;dr: I uploaded the wrong manuscript, and Amazon's locked things such that I can only fix it AFTER it goes live. https://imgur.com/a/iafHKv8 . Correct epub is attached to this announcement (As well as having been posted earlier)


Long version: I miscalculated how many chapters were left in book 9, and I had the wrong date. I needed to pull the launch forward a week, which had me scrambling hard on... Friday the 13th... while publishing Chapter 404 - Not Found... to fix everything and get it all ready to go. After hours of blood, toil, tears, and sweat, I got it all ready, read, polished, and uploaded to Amazon. Great!

Except, somewhere along the line, I couldn't read, and I uploaded book 7's manuscript to Amazon as book 9's. This is 100% my fault. Completely and totally. Amazon then promptly locked my preorder for launch, which means I have no way of changing the manuscript until it finishes it launch. I contacted three different Amazon reps, hoping one of them would be like "Yes, actually, I know the deep magics that'll fix this for you"

The only deep magics they found is at 0 UTC I can change my manuscript back, and contact Amazon, hoping that they can speed-push the change through.

Anyway. All this to say, if you preordered book 9 and it gets delivered wrong, force an update in a few hours from this post, and the right copy should be delivered to you. If you can't wait, contact me and I'll get you a copy. Heck, if you jump on my discord, I've given carte blanche to all my patrons to share a copy of book 9 with you! (Patrons get copies of the book ahead of time, and I posted the wrong file to them as well initially. Friday the 13th had NO MERCY for me.)

Once again, this is completely my fault, and I'm very sorry for any inconvenience.


Wizard Tim

I know nothing of Amazon's magics, but it sounds like they need to fix a few incantations. Why would they need to lock the system and prevent you from making changes, but allow changes AFTER the launch?


Honestly, i have no idea what the last several posts have been about.


At least you didn't make a giant poop fountain. Saw someone connect to the wrong pipe. 30ft fountain of fresh sewage and completely filled the cab of the pump truck. The poop hitting the fan in the cab was an afterthought

Shane Fletcher

sounds like you've had a hectic few days lol.

Collin Straka

This has no impact on me whatsoever, but sounds like an early chapter is in order 😜

Nicholas Williams Chamarro

It's alright, we all make mistakes, we understand the feeling of "finally! Everything do.... Wait, which one did I publish?!"

Scott, just Scott

I hope you can resolve it without too much pain. Thank you for letting us know you are still mortal and fallible.


Looks like it's not an simultaneous release around the world. They also probably want to make sure that there systems get time to scan it properly. However this is an great example of why having humans on there side that can do overrides is an good idea.


Shit happens, nobody died. It's all okay. Don't let it get you down.

小贝 小贝

I'm a bit confused on the content of the book. It seems like it contains chapters that are ahead of the lowest tier of patreon? Was this intended?

Cameron S. Moore

Sounds extremely stressful. As well, nobody died, everyone will get what they want without too much of a delay (if any) and your qc checks caught it all before angry customers. I lead a crew of eight, your mess up is small enough in scale that it, while stressful, is actually planned into operations.


To err is human, yeah. It happens and its not like people wont be getting their books in the end, just a bit of a snaffu ^^;


Selkie somehow kept messing up the upload of the epub of book 9 to patreon and now it seems, also amazon

Lucien K.

Oh man, that sounds like a nightmare to sort out! Don't forget to step back and take a breath from time to time - it's easy to get caught in panic mode.


Meh. I'll just buy it when it releases like normal. Hehe