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In Re: Zero 2x19, The Permafrost of Elior Forest, Betelgeuse makes the totally understandable mistake of getting confused between the 9824985724 silver-haired magical girl characters.




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So just a little funfact I forgot from last episode both the names of the archbishop are stars. Regulus (Greed) is the brightest star in the constellation for Leo. While Betelgeuse (Sloth) is a star in Orion and one of the biggest stars in general. I forget if we learned the name for Gluttony earlier in the Rem fight so I won't mention it incase. (I think he does give his name tho)


ALSO once again Otto shown to be best boy and the strongest threat to everyone Subaru or Clown man both should fear the power of Otto!


So Emilia finally beat her past. Has your opinion now changed since the beginning of season 2? If i recall you did want Subaru to do it for her. I think this section of the story does a great job of showing that you can count on the people around you for help but not to let them do everything for you. And ig that also ties in with season 1 as Subaru constantly wanted to stand up for Emilia instead of letting her do it herself. I think Emilia definetely lvled up in this episode and became a more likable charachter for me. I mean i always liked her but seeing her finally overcome an obstacle by herself was satisfying. There is one thing about the writing that idk how to feel about. It kinda felt a bit odd having chemistry between Emilia and Guese when in season 1 they didnt even meet... Granted Emilia wouldnt have remembered him and ig Guese has forgoten all about young Emilia but i wished they at least got to see each other (they kinda did in a failed loop but nothing really happened). I mean does Emilia even know that Guese was the bishop of sloth at this point or wat? Idk maybe its just me overthinking it, i jus think normally most shows create chemistry like this to have a big moment later. Like having Emilia try to snap Guese out of it but ig it wouldnt make much sense as we got their backstories after S1. (Not saying this backstory shouln't have happened tho) Great reaction, excited for the next couple of episodes.


A little bit of cut content here. You know the fairies that led Emilia to the seal? (Or more accurately, the “lesser spirits”) Well in the novels, Pandora outright admits to everyone that she was the one who sent them to help create her encounter with Emilia at the seal as they’ll eventually lead it to happen. These lesser spirits were basically her underlings. This adds a new perspective to things when you connect it to how Betelgeuse HATED Julius’s lesser spirits in Season 1 and called them treacherous creatures, almost like they invoked a bad memory… Speaking of Betelgeuse, also highly encourage you to go back to the cave episode in Season 1 where Betelgeuse had Subaru all chained up, twist the Rem that tried to come save him into a pretzel, and then started projecting himself on Subaru — accusing him of killing Rem with his slothfulness and trying to excuse it out of love. Crazy lines all around in retrospective, and also explains his obsessed devotion to the Witch!


Actually didnt know that. Makes sense tho because the spirits are leading her to the gate which is what Pandora wants. Did Pandoras spirits leave after Emilia froze the forest? Cuz didnt she make a contract with the spirits in the forest? IMAGINE if Pandora is still in charge of those and when they fight she'll go "Nope, dez are mine" I assume Emilia's spirits are normal ones tho, but they do have the same color as Pandora's, just saying.

Vali Sippola

Peak: Zero time. This ep is prolly one of my favorites of this season. The way it’s directed, the music, the VA performances, and Emilia’s acceptance, and willingness to move forward. Pandora is just so unsettling. While we don’t know the specifics of her power, the scenes where she appears as Emilia and when she makes Fortuna appear as herself are terrifying. It’s led to a lot of fan theories surrounding her presence in the story, and what events she’s really had a part in so far. And like you said, it’s hard to tell where she lies on the bridge between resolve and insanity. The Geuse stuff is just so heartbreaking. At least from what I’ve observed, he was a really wonderful guy who was super caring, and him and Fortuna had a really cute dynamic, but he was clearly a little unstable already. His best traits were also capable of becoming slightly manic. So of course, when the thing that grounds him is ripped away, and by his own hand no less (even if it was pandoras doing) he completely breaks down. And what makes it even worse is his dialogue. If you go back and read his dialogue from episodes like ep 15 from S1, a lot of his rants that seem to be directed at Subaru are actually directed at himself as well. “With my hands, with my fingers, you killed her.” Among many others. There’s also an instance in S1, in ep 23, Emilia kills Geuse before he possesses Subaru, but she begins to cry after she does, seemingly for no reason. Of course, she didn’t have her memories at that point, but now we know it was the depths of her subconscious making her respond that way. Super heartbreaking. I love Emilia and Echidnas back and forth, it’s a different dynamic from Subaru and Echidna, but it’s still really intriguing to see the clash of mindsets. And I agree, I think Emilia handled this the best she could’ve really. I honestly felt super proud of her my first time watching this, as I do with Subaru as well. And finally, a confrontation with Roswaal. The fact that Otto was left out of the “prophecy of the future” is really interesting. It either implies that this book is not as immutable as Roswaal thinks, or that something else is going on. I think it’s both personally. Great thoughts as always, Super excited for the next ones!


Her spirits in the present day are her own. But the spirits that played with her and led her out of the house as a kid has always been Pandora’s agents to set her up before she even invaded the forest.


My opinion has changed, yeah. At the time I thought that even believing in Emilia, there are the practical considerations and also the fact that her not doing this one particular trial doesn't mean she can't grow or face her past. But in hindsight that was shortsighted 😂


I THOUGHT they were suspicious... Doesn't that happen in either Sleeping Beauty or Snow White, where the witch lures whoever it is to the apple / loom? I got that feeling when they were like, hey, check out this crack in your house. About Betelgeuse I feel very clearly that this show demands a rewatch, since a lot of things are told in reverse


And when you get around to watch the Greed IF route ul see how the story turns out when Subaru does the trial in her place ;) Also if u do wanna see the route where Subaru ends up with Rem thats in the Sloth IF route which Echidnut has also made several videos of. Its much longer but if u did wanna know how that ended its also there ;) since u did also mention in episode 18 u were curious how a route would go if Subaru ended up with Rem.


As is often the case with this kind of thing, I wonder what it would have felt like seeing Betelgeuse' story in chronological order


Finally caught up to your videos in this series! All your Echidna approval made me realize something. You're kind of greedy, and I mean that in a positive way. But I've noticed in the way you consume media for these reactions, you take everything these shows present and make it about youself and figure out how to use these lessons to analyze life's real challenges. Which is why I find your immediate like to Echidna interesting to follow. Echidna watches Subaru's life for insight the same way you consume these shows lol


4:52 Only those who "qualify"... I was also really surprised by that subtitle because I had interpreted it totally differently when I first heard it. I haven't read the novels, so when I first heard that line, I could only go by the sound, and Pandora says "only those with the [shikaku] can obtain the key." Shikaku can be written 資格 (qualification), or as 視覚 (vision / sense of sight). They're pronounced the same way, so this whole time I totally thought they were going for the vision one until just now haha. Obviously though I have no insight into what the qualifications might be.

Vali Sippola

Totally. I think there’s also more to Betelgeuses life that we haven’t seen yet as well. While we got lots of answers, there’s still many questions. Also, as an aside, I forgot to mention this a number of episodes ago, when Roswaal reveals his intentions to Subaru and reveals that he has hired Elsa and Meili. All the way back in the first episodes of the show, it is very likely that Roswaal was the one who hired Elsa to get Emilia’s insignia. Not for any political purpose, but simply because his book told him when Subaru would be arriving, and to lay the groundwork for the beginning of his plans. He’s had his hand in this story from day 1.


I think there's absolutely something to that. I think I've even said repeatedly (about both shows and school) that I think my approach is to "take from it selfishly," or make it work for you (as opposed to a more passive approach of just experiencing). And in life and people I do place a high value on discovery and novelty, even if that requires reserving judgement, at least in the short term, about what I'm experiencing. I love to be surprised by people, and actually if I'm being honest this is to a degree I'm still not comfortable being totally open about. I guess an example of that would be like... Someone can say things that I completely agree with and think are great, but if it seems regurgitated or just going through the motions, it's not particularly compelling to me in the words themselves. Conversely, someone can say something vile and even if I don't agree, if there's something where I'm like, oh, this person is having a thought, I enjoy the experience even if I don't agree. I projected that unto Echidna here a bit too much it seems, because she actually just straight up was repulsed by Emilia. She probably has some other reasons for that, or maybe she thinks Emilia is being trite or dishonest 😂


There was also some precedence for this in the the show already for me I guess. I did say I would read the gospel haha


I just saw a dude with your pfp on Instagram it tripped me out 💀


And Subaru is the Japanese name of the constellation Pleidies, the Seven Sisters. I just found out that you can locate the Pleidies by following the line of Orion's belt past a bright star called Alderberon! I'm really looking forward to meeting Subaru's next companion, Starry McStarFace.

Plasma Lemon

I would recommend rewatching Betelgeuse's introduction scene back in s1, some of his dialogue/voice acting as he is murdering Rem becomes totally recontextualized after watching this ep. "Look. You must look." *points at Rem* "That is the result of your action. By doing nothing, you practiced sloth. And because of that, the girl is dead! You killed her! How awful! How awful! With my arm, with my fingers... You... You... You... You... You... killed her."