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In Assassination Classroom 1x13, Talent Time, I'm gonna punch you till you love me, student.




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I like the moment where the principal stands up for the students... almost... kinda... well... We at least found a line in his ideology


Lmao Tony beating the shit out of that buff driver they had


I remember one day our gym teacher gave all girls F's. Because we were all unmotivated in playing flag football for the whole quarter of the year. It reminded me of this episode, where the teacher decided no it's everyone else's fault I don't need to examin my methods


Just letting you know that the new MHA movie came out on streaming if you'd like to watch it.


Lol I love that Karma sniffed out his bullshit and just didn't go. He's quite good at reading people.


There was actually an important "reason" given for why violent teachers are third class in the manga that was left out of the anime. It's not that "violence against students is bad", but "the moment you are defeated by greater violence you lose your authority". That is, in the manga the principal basically said "violence is bad because the students can chose self defense and depose you with it" rather than "violence is bad because violence is bad". Which, I mean, it still implies that he thought class E standing up to Takaoka was perfectly reasonable, but still.


This episode actually removed a detail of relative importance from the manga. In the manga the principal states fear through violence is bad because if you are "defeated by a greater violence" (for example, being beaten by a student in a fight on your own terms) you lose all authority going forward. Thus Takaoka was actually fired for incompetence and not "unacceptable violent behavior".