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In Severance 1x8, What's for Dinner?, ohhhh it's THAT kind of waffle party.




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Everyone hold onto your butts

Jacob Cannon

not here for the slander on Rickle's book, the best piece of literature since the bible, but hoo boy this is a fun one. "Elephant gives them a political orientation" made me giggle the hardest but you've got some fantastic lines in this one


I was always very confused about what the deal with the dancers was, until one of my friends pointed out that a "waffle party" probably just means sex, with its own lumen flair to it. Dylan dipped early (thank goodness), but the dancers were 100% the 4 tempers. there was a painting earlier in the show in the wellness wing that had Kier taming the 4 tempers that were all represented by the figures we saw, and he was also using the whip thing or whatever that was in the bed. I think it was the 9 core principles. Anyways, next episode is one of the most heart pounding season finales I've ever seen. If this show somehow actually ends up being a mystery box explosion and falls on its face later, I would still tell people to at least finish season 1 because holy shit (and probably season 2 as well. it's fantastic so far and might be even better with the last 4 episodes that need to air).


I never noticed all those different options before, I’m kinda scared now what if they use the clean slate option for one of them that sounds pretty irreversible 💀 What if the testing floor is where they test the limits of the technology on people thought to be dead? Probably how they were able to invent these different options


Goldfish supposedly have no long-term memory, while elephants never forget.

enes y

Im so confident that in a very twisted and weird way this is supposed to help people? Make their lives easier. Maybe his wife lost her brain / had irreversibel brain trauma / damage and using her as a Test was giving her another „chance“ to live? Like having a clean start


I don't think Casey has an "outie". Selvig said something like "Take her DOWN to the testing room". DOWN is the opposite of out. If there was an accident... could it be that Casey was braindead? And the chip allows her to somehow function with the undamaged part of her brain? It's a bit farfetched but there could be something like that going on. Maybe her outie is in coma?


The "exit." sign on the door next to the wellness session room leading into the same room is amazingly funny


The score for the waffle party will be stuck in my head for another week now

Jackson perez

This is indeed not the season finale, it has 9 episodes for some reason

J Valentine

I also had similar concerns about the show being a mystery box. But I've been enjoying the ride so far, Ben Stiller has had a pretty solid track record and the whole team seems to be firing on all cylinders. We're still waiting to get answers, but Ben has stated in interviews there is a direction and it is going somewhere so hopefully it will be satisfying. Though I will say even if the overall mystery isn't resolved in a satisfying way the interpersonal stories and performances have been well worth the priced of admission.