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The Legend of Korra 4x12 FULL LENGTH Reaction | Day of the Colossus




I will tell you I’m not an emotional person and one of the things that I love about your reactions is the emotion you bring. Never let the random comments turn off that emotional side.


I've got my ice cream and I've got my tissues. Time to buckle up for the end of this journey. It's been great to relive it through you and to see how much you came to love it.

scott osborne

her dad did die gave his life in a good way and not evil way he is the hero of this story


angela im pretty sure there were no people in those buildings anymore lol


yeah it sucks but in my mind im sure they were much more worried about taking that monster down than the destruction of a few flats

Chess Red Eagle

Hiroshi sacrificing himself to save his daughter and help the city always gets to me. Probably one of the best redemption arcs in the entire franchise after Zuko of course. He was so consumed by hate in book 1 and it totally blinded him. I'm glad the creators decided to have him finally see again.


The Hiroshi redemption arc hits me hard it reminds me of my dad and I, every time I see this episode it wrecks me.